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Everything posted by Notorious97200

  1. Notorious97200

    subwoofer recomandtions

    The Xcons are fantastic !!! Can't compare to a 1000 w rms driver. I had one 15" and loved it. I run a btl 12" now because of restricted space, but it sounds good and I can give him much more power !
  2. Notorious97200

    subwoofer recomandtions

    From Europe ? save some more money. $400 will not be enough with the shipping costs. The Xcon will fit your needs, but a btl too, even a Fi bl will. The box(tuning and net volume) is the most important part to make the sub hits the lowest notes. Not much recommendations for TC sounds!! I don't know nothing about them !
  3. Notorious97200

    Happy Birthday Aaron !

    Joyeux Anniversaire Aaron !
  4. Notorious97200

    Shipping time

    Just wait ! One more week (or 2 if you are outside the USA!) and you will be another happy btl owner !!!
  5. Notorious97200

    My System :(

    Did you upgrade your grounds ? Big3 done ? Probably, you're getting used to it. But you should check everything, coil, wiring, voltage,...
  6. Notorious97200

    4 SA-15/SAZ3500d Walled GMC Sierra

    Nice man ! Congratulations for your work, so far. I'd love to re build my doors with fg like that ! But I can't do it myself, I'm too afraid to fail !!! I'm good with a pen or a keyboard, but not so good with my hands !!!
  7. My saz 3000 pushes my btl now ! *a little disappointed at the beginning, but now I can't hear the mids, I found some new noise/rattles in the car !!!The electrical seems to handle it niiiice !!!! Really happy finally ! thanks db-r !

    1. edouble101
    2. Notorious97200


      I don't understand how my electrical can accept this amp like a champ ! Only 2 batts and stock alternator.

  8. Notorious97200

    going from 601 watts to 844 watts per sub

    I went from a Sundown saz 1500 to an saz 3000 this week end. I can hear the difference, my car feels the more pressure, but I can't say it's a revolution !!! First I thought : it was even less powerful !!! But now, I know/feel there is much more pressure inside the car. So double power ok, but your little upgrade : I say it's not worth spending that extra money ! Listen to Tirefryr and Impious !!!
  9. Notorious97200

    going from 601 watts to 844 watts per sub

    Not enough watts to hear a change ! But if you're going from a Pyle amp to a Rockford amp (for example), it may be another story !
  10. Notorious97200

    db-r Customer Service

    I received my saz 3000 yesterday !!! What a big amp !!! The packaging was not as good as I thought. :-( I hope everything will work fine ! I will put in on my btl 12 fully loaded this afternoon. We have a local comp saturday; I will try to go there and have an spl test to see what numbers I can do.
  11. Notorious97200

    Anyone Ever seen this sub??

    Totally agree with Tirefryr. Marketing is very important when you're on a competitive market. You need something to make you ...visible. You need people to talk about your brand, your products. A super big woofer can be a good idea, even if you don't sell one ! BTW I have a friend who recently bought the super big Audiobahn sub with a super big (but not so powerful !!!) matching Audiobahn amp !!! He never installed them yet !!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure he doesn't know how to do it !!!
  12. Notorious97200

    Zed Audio Minotaur

    Get the RF ! for the xcon ! You NEED that power to make your Xcon shine in its sealed box. Even in a ported one !!! Same budget as the Zed? The RF is a very good amp, just get an external ssf (at parts-express for example), if you worry about it. The Zed looks cool, but you don't really need all those eq knoob, and all those options. You just need some good power and that's it ! :morepower1:
  13. Notorious97200

    Hello SSA! New to this forum but not to this game.

    Nice equipments ! Got to be loud Can you show us some pics of your system ?
  14. What did you do for the car ? With that much weight it should drive on the 2 rear wheels !!! You change springs,... ? Tell us more. I know those cars are so small, I can't beleive what I see !!!
  15. Notorious97200

    Increasing voltage from Alternator

    My alt only "gives" me 13.6 - 13.8, I'd love to reach 14.4 v. The max I can see is 14.13 v on the morning when it's not too hot outside. But it doesn't stay at this level for long. After some kilometers, it goes lower, until it reches 13.6 - 13.8 v, no matter if my sound system plays at full tilt or is off !!! I'm afraid to buy an MLA or something like that for my Toyota (with a Diesel engine).
  16. My saz 3000 D is at the post office ! No tax for me this time (I have a new contact inside!!!). Soooo happyyyy !!!!!

    1. sefugi
    2. Notorious97200


      I have the amp now !!! The box is huge. I don'tknow where to place this monster in the trunk !!!

      I saved 150 € (about $ 200) !!!!

  17. Notorious97200

    I'm new..Can I get a HUG??

  18. Notorious97200

    Walled 08 Tahoe

    Wow. Must be loud as f... Congratulations !
  19. Notorious97200

    going active again!!! new questions

    It's not about reputation points ! It's about opinions. You can say what you want, if it's serious. The OP will follow what he feels is good for him. Always interesting to have several opinions. then you choose what you want. I did not know ///M5 was a king ! lol. He seems to know what he says, but you too ! OP, sorry. I quit !
  20. Notorious97200

    SSA Andriod Phone Back Grounds

    I'll try them, but...on my Blackberry ! They look niiiiice !
  21. Notorious97200

    Somewhat creative bracing with BTL 18's.

    I saw it on Facebook ! Nice video Ryan ! But you never post any finished box, with pictures, carpet,... You only do the designs, not the boxes themselves ?
  22. Notorious97200

    brand new amp missing parts???

    That's why I want to stay with Sundown for my amps ! Maybe some other brand would have react fast like that, but I don't know them yet !!! Sundown FTW !!!
  23. Notorious97200

    I want to buy a SA 15

    Hi SSA, I sent you an e mail yesterday about a 15" SA. Are they still available ? It's for a friend of mine, and he already gave me the cash. So, I'm ready to buy.
  24. Notorious97200

    Daily Driver Lumina

    Did you look at the Crescendo 1000c4 ($195 shipped) Some are prone to a turn on pop. But that is fixed by replacing an internal capacitor. I can pm you info if you are interested. It's scarry for a brand new product ! I did not know that. Don't make me want to buy one ! They could have take care of that problem, ?
  25. Notorious97200

    I want to buy a SA 15

    I received the sub from Fedex a few minutes ago ! Nice packaging ! Thanks. I hope it will like the power . I did not thought it was "only" a 600 watts rms sub ! the owner will have it this afternoon, or tomorrow !