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Everything posted by Notorious97200

  1. Notorious97200

    4th order band-pass for two SA-10's

    Looks really nice !
  2. Notorious97200

    An affordable enclosure with a Genisis 15 (well almost)

    I like it. Satisfied with the rsullts in this box ? BTW what are the specs on that box ?
  3. Notorious97200

    Sub suggestions....

    Get a SSA Xcon 12" ported ! An Icon if your budget is too tight. Or a Fi BL or BTL for the loud side ! Your amp will be powerful enough for all those subs. BTW you have a really nice car. Must be fast too ! Congrats !
  4. Notorious97200

    Grindin the crack

    nice ! Thanks for the flight !
  5. Notorious97200

    Fi BTL N3 vs. AA SMD

    OP, Let's do it that way : the N3 is an all out spl sub (even if some use it for daily music), and the SMD is mainly for music (but can get really loud). What do you want us to tell you ? Compare apples with oranges ? Hard to do !!! What are your goals for your system ? It seems that you already have DD subs, do you like them, or do you want something more ...musical ? Good luck
  6. Notorious97200

    PDX M12 - 1200w RMS for ICON or XCON

    If you have the budget, go Xcon FTW. On the same power you can easily hear the difference between the Icon and the Xcon : you will not want the Icon. But the Icon is a fantastic sub : yes, I said that, Fan tas tic ! I've just bought back my 15" Xcon ! Can't wait to put it back in my car.
  7. I bought back my Xcon 15" yesterday !!! The box is in another car with a SS XXX 15" in it. Waiting for it now !

    1. Notorious97200


      I might sell my btl 12" and the saz 3000. My saz 1500 is waiting for the Xcon !

    2. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      You must like it a lot to buy the same speaker twice. :)

    3. Notorious97200


      Ooh yes, I love it !! And the seller, who tested it again, was sad to sell it. He said that it sounds much better than his SS XXX.

      The price was soooo good too, can't pass it !

      Think I will sell the btl.

  8. The Rubicon 2500 can be found for cheap too. Even in my small island, so in the USA... !!! I've heared the KX are good amp, but I think some had a problem with the gain knoob which did not want to stay where it has been set. I can be wrong, so check it ! Good luck
  9. Notorious97200

    2 12" dd 1500's vs 1 12" xcon in khaotic enclosure

    Save for the second Xcon if you have the room. More cone area than a single 15" for example. And cheaper than a Zcon. You won't have to sell your current xcon, only the badass box !
  10. Notorious97200

    Somme SSA scores in Martinique

    Hello guys, just to let you know some scores with SSA subs this week end. A friend of mine did 145.2 dbs at 44 Hz IIRC, with 2 Xcon 15" on 4 saz1000 amps. It was his first time metering on a Termlab. Sensor on the windshield, on the right side. He was very pleased with that score, for a non spl setup. His box is 4 ft3 per sub, tuned to 30 Hz. Another one did 140.1 with an SSA Icon 15" in a 3.5 ft3 box tuned to 32 Hz.. The amp was a Digital Design M1 (I think so). The spl record for the week end is 150.something. But with a "pure" spl setup : wall, no mids&highs ! I don't know what subs and what amps were playing. I'll try to meter my car soon. I know a guy with a Termlab, and he's ok to meter anyone when he can ! Have a good week !
  11. Notorious97200

    Somme SSA scores in Martinique

    I don't think I can reach such scores ! But I'll let you know what I do ! I'll try to meter my Xcon 15" too (I'll get it this week).
  12. Notorious97200

    Found the stolen Xcon

    I sold my 15" Xcon to a friend, in november IIRC. They stole it soon after in front of his house. He did not have any car alarm or dog ! Last week we found it for sale on a local website. But one of his "friend" bought it from the thief and told him so !! My friend did not want to be too hard, so he made a deal : they sell the sub and amp and they do 50/50 on the money. Instead of calling the Police or taking sub and amp for free in his hands ! (The actual owner has bought a Soundstream XXX 15" since, so he doesn't need the Xcon.) So, I am about to buy back my sub for a very very good price !!!!!! It is still in good shape. I will try it again in my car to make a serious comparison with the BTL 12" on my saz 3000. It helps to have equipments only a few people have. I would have bought Audiopipe amp and sub, like everyone in Martinique, I would have never found them back ! Soo happy !!! BTW : I will swap my Pioneer prs88 for some money and a more recent Pioneer 7000 ub : I need usb, an ipod/iphone control now. And the 88 is going in a system with multiple speakers. It works fine now, no more unwanted shutt offs.
  13. Notorious97200

    Found the stolen Xcon

    I will get it next week. I already have a box. :-)
  14. Notorious97200

    Found the stolen Xcon

    The"friend" who bought it from the thief did not realize what he was doing ! :-( When they tried to call the thief back, no answers. But it was a bad guy from a very bad neighborhood. Had to be careful. The island is small, they will find him someday. I don't care. I am getting it for way less what I sold and bought it !!!
  15. Notorious97200

    cone area vs power

    You may need only one 3500 amp for those Dcons. The second one will not help you be much louder. Think about the upgrades you need for that second monster amp. Is it worth it ? The Dcons are the best choice, maybe ! But I'd rather see / hear Icons, Xcons. Maybe less drivers, but... Good luck !
  16. Notorious97200


    I want to thanks the SSA forum and all the members for helping me improve my English (and my car audio knowledge too) !!! It's way better and more effective than English classes ! I had several tests yesterday for a new job, and the english one was very hard. I got the results and I did a very very good score ! They all were scaring me with that test : it's very hard, you won't have enough time,...etc. So I rushed and made some mistakes, I could have reach a better score though. I don't know if I get the job, but I know what the ssa forum did (and does) for me !!! BIG THANKS TO SSA !
  17. Notorious97200


    I already knew some bad words ! :-) No slang was allowed ! Only good grammar, vocabulary, and a few questions about 2 difficult sentences. Merci beaucoup à vous tous !
  18. Notorious97200


  19. Notorious97200


    Ohjay ! I really need to make some more money !!!
  20. Notorious97200


    There were some earthquakes recently in the Caribbeans. It's always scary. In the last weeks we had 2 "big" ones in Martinique and in the past week St Martin had another serious one. everybody felt them, even those who were sleeping in their beds; the first was at 00:00 and the 2nd one, some days later happened at 4:00 AM.
  21. Notorious97200

    Subsonic filter

    Everything, everybody safe up there in SXM ? After earthquake, rain, hurricanes ?
  22. Notorious97200

    Subsonic filter

    2 btl can't handle 4000 w rms ? There is a problem somewhere in your install. I don't think it's coming from the ssf, but I'm not an expert ! In SXM I saw you can find all the Audiocontrol equipments for cheap, maybe you could go this way ? Make another thread about it. It seems they did not see what you were asking about it.
  23. Notorious97200

    Sub options for 3500.1

    It would be nice to run 2 Xcons 10" on that amp., or a single Zcon 12" or 15". A btl fully loaded would like your amp too, but be smart with the gain !
  24. Notorious97200

    2 kicker solo x's and amp. need helppppp

    Get the 2 zx 1500 amps. 700 for both is not a bad deal. It will be easier to sell one amp AND one sub later. Build an optimal box for them, 2 separate enclosures would be Nice too. You would have 2 systems to sell later ! I love this forum because of their mods and their "adult" members. You can go to Sm something, but it's hard overthere to get good Help !
  25. Notorious97200

    SSA Xcon or FI Q

    I'd rather get an Xcon ! Never heared a Q, only the SSA Icon : it was really nice, but the Xcon is more powerful.