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Everything posted by Notorious97200

  1. Notorious97200

    will my amp be underpowered?

    It's gonna be good. Your car is on 12v, but runs at 14.4 or a little less. You need only a 12 v battery. Don't need 14 or 16 v ones. Some amps are rated at 13.8 v. It's not so important, so don't worry about that. Did not see the previous answers. How do you say that ? Ninja'd ?!!!
  2. Notorious97200

    2003 Dodge Dakota crew with 2 15" Icons

    nice equipments you have ! The 2nd battery in the back would be a good move. And you're so lucky to find an HO alt for your car ! Thanks for sharing those pics. I'm not a fan of rear speakers, but I'd like to try some Hertz comps, one day. I do love my Focal set, so I will wait until they break to change...they are in their 2nd car, and are 7 or 8 years old !!!
  3. Notorious97200

    Need Some Advice, ZCON 15 or 2 ICON 12's

    2 Icons will be great for sure. But Take a look at the Xcons too ! They're like "Icons on steroïds" (who said that ? Mark or Aaron ?!!!) : I had both subs, and it's a good way to decribe the Xcons !!!
  4. Notorious97200

    Alpine SPX-17PRO tweeter replacement.

    Sorry for you I'm curious to see what they will tell you to try as far as mids & highs.
  5. Notorious97200

    92 Volvo 240, SSA zcon 18!

    How can you compare the btl with the Zcon ? I run a btl n2 in 12"but I may get a Zcon 15" in the near future finally. I love the btl, I did not think it could be so accurate on music(!!!), but I've never heared any Zcon, only Icons and Xcons. You have a huge box in that wagon. It seems to be near the roof, no problem with that ? You seem to enjoy it, so it's good !
  6. Notorious97200

    Which route should i go.

    If you can afford 4 12" Xcon, why not 2 15" Zcons ? It would be my choice. Good luck OP !
  7. Notorious97200

    14th buisiness day

    Orders coming from the USA are super fast ! I am not lucky with Fi, from the Caribbeans I would have made more orders if it was faster. That is just business.
  8. Notorious97200

    Questions about upgrading todays cars...

    You'd better find an Audi Q5 for that price !!! Get a car without any upgraded sound system, and put whtever you want in. It may be easier and much cheaper. Good luck !
  9. Notorious97200

    Broken terminal holder

    The SAME issue. Sorry I'm on mobile with my big fingers ))
  10. Notorious97200

    Broken terminal holder

    I found I had quite the sale issue on my btl n2. I put some glue on the plastic piece and that's it! I dont Know why it happened as I think I did nothing wrong I put glue on both terminals. You never know !
  11. Notorious97200

    What hapened to Sean from FI

    Hope you will be OK Shawn. Did not knew about that. Take care of you, Man ! And send them subs to us plz !!!
  12. Notorious97200

    Now selling MurderMat

    What is it ?!
  13. Don't focus on CEA ratings. You've just received 2 good advices !!! JL orAlpine ? It's up to you. It would be way cheaper toget one of those amps used. I think you can find great deals on some JL. Easily. Good luck. Without any info about your budget, hard to tell you more.
  14. Notorious97200

    question for dealers

    I'm waiting for 2 subs paid on 06/15/2012 They must be busy as hell ! But US customers gets theirs in a month ! I'm really upset. Severl emails since 3 weeks with no answers. Good luck.
  15. Notorious97200

    need a box design for 3 skar audio vvx 8s

    Let Quentin design it for you. He knows his business ! Play your music, enjoy your subs, and maybe sells them later if you have some more money to upgrade.
  16. Somebody's working @ Fi ? I need my subs, WTF ?! Shawn Flemming, help me plz !

  17. Notorious97200

    Opinion's on new subs ????

    Get 2 Xcons and that's it !!! Loud and clean bass !
  18. Notorious97200

    need a box design for 3 skar audio vvx 8s

    The only one ? You must have a problem !!!!! If you want to make your car boom, why did you buy 8"subs ?
  19. Notorious97200

    which box for SPL?

    Ask ryan at RAM-DESIGNS. He is a member here and have a web site. Google it to find it ! There are other box designers too. He is not the only one. But I like his work. It's cheap, he gives you a cutlist and you can talk to him to see what you can do. Unless you want to learn how to desgn a box.
  20. Notorious97200

    The SSA Yukonvict XL edition

    I loved my Icon 15 ! Good choice IMO Why did you make that choice ? And not X or Zcon ?!!! I'm curious, I know.
  21. Notorious97200

    The SSA Yukonvict XL edition

    I think he's going to do 4 6.5s in a 6th order on 100 watts. going to hit 170s!!! kidding, ask ramrod and see what he says this question was for him. Obviously not for you !!!
  22. Notorious97200

    The SSA Yukonvict XL edition

    Tuned in ! What is the plan ?
  23. WTF is happening with my order @ Fi ? Shawn : do something quick, plz. +3 months is veeeery long :(

    1. Notorious97200


      Will I have to wait 3 months more ?

      And I need another btl for a friend (he already has one).

      Hopefully I only order Fi subs for good friends.

      I can't recommand them anymore : all my orders took 3 months , with only 1 week of shipping :(

      It is bad CS in my opinion.

  24. Notorious97200

    6 SSA DCON 15's Walled/92 Chevy

    Is it a cap on the floor ? To do what ? Nice fully loaded wall !
  25. Notorious97200

    new system, need advice

    "As for the box I would go a little bigger if your giving it more power... but the bigger the box the lower the tone you'll hit BUT you'll lose the power at mid range tones. does that make sense? i'm really tired and hoping it sound right." I have to disagree : I've always eared that you should have smaller box if you use more power. But a small box can be peaky, when a big box will play more flat and may sound better than the small one. I hope some other members will tell you more OP !