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Everything posted by Notorious97200

  1. Notorious97200

    lets see the king cab builds ,

    There is a Buils logs Section. Take a look, it's easy !
  2. Photobucket is blocked on my office computer :( I hate that !

    1. djjdnap


      lol, ppl dont use that as often as they should. Even on this forum ur reading along and them boom. ass all over the screen lmao

    2. Notorious97200


      the problem is that I can't see the pics posted from photobucket :(

    3. Notorious97200


      the problem is that I can't see the pics posted from photobucket :(

    4. Show next comments  123 more
  3. Notorious97200

    What are some really good deep hitting 12s?

    You can have 2 12"s GCONs on a 1500 w amp and be veeeerrrryyyyy happy. Don't need to get a Zcon to save money !
  4. Happy new year to you, all SSA members !

    1. Notorious97200


      back to work this morning :(

  5. Notorious97200

    Alt problem on a VW Golf tdi

    No need to fix case again. He did it as Mechman would. It was a case failure that was covered by the warranty. Mechman had a problem with some alt at this time, as they told us. But for any mods, I know there would be a bill to pay. Slavery is finished, every work need to be paid, Nothing is free in this world !!!
  6. Notorious97200

    Icon For Bass Music?

    Good choice : the Icon plays music very well:) I had one, and I loved it.
  7. Notorious97200

    Alt problem on a VW Golf tdi

    I saw my friend this week end, and he told me he tried to disconnect a wire on the alt plug, and now it "seems" to work. But he doesn't feel safe at all ! Another friend of us bought a Mechman alt, when he saw they could deliver here (!!!), he is happy with it for now. I think Mechman sold at least 2 alts for some locals since I bought this one for the VW golf!!!
  8. Notorious97200

    Alt problem on a VW Golf tdi

    Thank you very much !
  9. Notorious97200

    Enough port area for BL 15"?

    Why 0.5 Ohm ? For more power ? Your box is big enough to use less power. I don't know, just a guess !
  10. Notorious97200

    Alt problem on a VW Golf tdi

    Bump Because no help !
  11. Notorious97200

    Re xtx5000.1

    LOL ! He is just asking for info about an amp he is willing to buy. Unless I've read it wrong. Ooh, you got it pmureika !
  12. got robbed thursday :( They destroyed the frame & put the door on a side of the wall. Out of the elevator I could see all my appatment :(

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      OH man, very sorry to hear. :(

    2. ricksi30


      I'm sorry man, at least it is only possessions and you are okay.

    3. Notorious97200


      Thanks guys ! I'm ok. Next time they come, it will be much harder for them ;-)

      I still wonder if I can buy another big flat screen. But I can't stand the little one I have now !!!

    4. Show next comments  123 more
  13. Notorious97200

    Need box plans for 2 Fi BL 15's

    I love this car ! No problem with the subs & port so close to the trunk lid ? Good luck OP ! I listened recently to an install with 2 bl 12" on 3000 watts : it slams !!! even on the first minutes of play with the brand new subs. It will be better after some playing time.
  14. Notorious97200

    Amp for Zcon 15?

    The bigger box will make you happier than a new amp. I had my btl 12" on a 1500 w amp. I tried a 3000 w amp with the same box. I was not satisfied with the output. I couldn't even notice the change. So I put back my 1500 w amp. And then build a new box : bigger, tuned a little higher, changed port direction, with a "kerfed effect". I love it. Sounds gooood and way louder. I went from 135.xx to 139.xx db.
  15. Notorious97200

    4th order hummer h2 8 nightshade 15's

    How do you say that in English ? Badass !!! What do you have for mids and highs ? I don't see a lot of speakers, but I can hear them
  16. Mainstream brands or not, all subs are made to be played in in their right enclosure. The brands you find here give you more info about how to run their subs, but the mainstream subs are the same. It would be nice if you could find more room for the enclosure. But if you can go with an SSA Gcon : go for it. You'll love it. I had an Icon and it was monderful !!!
  17. Notorious97200

    4th order through rear deck...System Planning

    Welcome to SSA. Read the rules. You may have to post elsewhere before. There are some good box designers here : DC creation (Pro Rabbit) or Ryan (RAM Designs). Good luck !
  18. Notorious97200


    800, 1000, 1300 watts rms : your ears won't feel any difference. So, don't focus on power. Unless you double the power, it's useless to have the more powerful amp for your speakers. Focus on a good custom box, as it plays a huge factor in how the sub will sound.
  19. Notorious97200

    Component recomendation needed.

    They won't sound like your Dahlquist. good point on supporting your local dealer. I try to when I can, but the choice is very limited. Hopefully, we have Focal and Davis speakers to listen to. I bought my focal set after a demo on a board. They were sounding so good, I bought them with confidence !!!My old set was on the display too, so I could easily make a comparison. I always wonder why the local b & m shops don't work on boards to do demo. They can make you sell more products, and more expensive ones easier. This forum has a very good store too.
  20. Notorious97200

    subwoofer decisions !!!!!!

    I've never used Skar products, but I hate the name ! even if I don't speak english fluently !!! It's a bit scary !!!
  21. Notorious97200

    Planning/parts gathering for my Ram Mega Cab build.

    Do you know who is Aaron ? I don't remember what he's running in his car, but I'm sure he has SSA sub(s) !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Notorious97200

    BHE 2 12s Kerf Metallic blue port for SA 12s

    Looks real nice ! I love it !! Needs more blue on the box, instead of all that black carpet.
  23. Notorious97200

    Laurie's Build Log

    Clean box ! What amp will you buy ?
  24. Notorious97200

    Happy Birthday Bigjon!

    Happy birthday Bon anniversaire !!! And again, your car is fantastic !!!