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Everything posted by Notorious97200

  1. Notorious97200

    PWX 10 box

  2. I've just registered on the Bongo system : easy !!! I'm ready to make some orders now !!! Zcon or Mayhem ? Still thinking about it.

    1. Notorious97200


      Damned ! I need a zcon, so ?!!

    2. pmureika


      I have a used 12" zcon!

    3. khinds94


      Tough tough choice, I've used a mayhem personally but I would go with whichever one u could get cheaper

    4. Show next comments  99 more
  3. I hope I will never blow aything in my system ! My bass amp is never really hot, and the sub neither (a BTL N2 on a 1500 w amp). A friend of mine is running a Sundown NS-1 (@ 2 Ohms) on a fi btl N2 : after a loud listening session, the sub and amp are not even hot !!! You can say, by touch, that they were playing, but you can never guess they were playing so loud and for so long. People are, first, impressed with the output and the sound quality, and then, when they touch the equipment, most do not understand how it can be so cold !!! I live in the Caribbeans : hot weather all year-long, and lots of rain too ! We both have no DD-1, no O'scope, only our ears. When it sound weird, turn it down or back the gain down, and that's it. Good luck.
  4. Notorious97200

    4 15in zcons. In A 1st Gen Dodge Durango

    Wow ! I like the box/wall ! I need to see that on another computer , to see the vids.
  5. Notorious97200

    01 'Zuk vs 18" xcon

    Are you sure you need an HO alt for your system ? If you want to cut the costs down, you can try to use 2 good batteries (AGM), one under the hood and eventually one in the rear. do the big 3 and check your voltage. It may be good enough. Just a thought because I don't know how isd the electrical system in this car. Good luck with the build, and keep posting pics ! We love that.
  6. Problems with this forum on my Mac :(

    1. crackinhedz


      Been having issues on my iPad...wonder if its an apple issue?

  7. Notorious97200

    Building new system

    Get a strong 15" and have fun
  8. Notorious97200

    Sundown saz bass remote help

    I put a piece of black duct tape on mine because it's too bright, and I don't want any light in the cabin except from the dash and the h u If you lived closer I would have sent you the one I have from my sax 50.4 that I've never used !
  9. Notorious97200

    SSA photoshoot with Cristina Mirra

    serious or sarcasm? This is classic scene from Dazed and Confused http://www.criterion.com/films/314-dazed-and-confused Sorry I don't live in the USA, and I don't know this movie Never saw it on french tv or movie theatre. (I'm a French man, in a French island) Thanks for the info !!!
  10. Notorious97200

    SSA photoshoot with Cristina Mirra

    She looks like a teen ! But she's really nice ! No need for 50 year old woman, just not teen ! Who are those fag... Crakinhedz ? And why post this pic ? I don't get it ! (I can't see the video, I will take a look later. )
  11. Notorious97200

    Building new system

    What amplifier, car, system goal, space available, ...? If you have 4 SA8 now, why the 4th option ? Without any info I would say one SSA Zcon 18 !
  12. Notorious97200

    SSA photoshoot with Cristina Mirra

    "cute" but too young !
  13. Notorious97200

    Which Driver For My Application

    You can go ported with 10" drivers too. Or run a single driver : it would be cheaper. SSA products perform very well in sealed application .
  14. Notorious97200

    DIY Soundgroup Zephyr build

    Nice ! I'm waiting for ...la suite tuned in for more Round edges gives a much better touch. Well done, sir.
  15. Notorious97200

    Bass head noob, subs advice

    Maybe you can try some different settings : higher LPF (try 100 Hz), higher SSF, reset the gain with the new sub,... and tell us what you think. Good luck OP
  16. Notorious97200

    15" SSA Xcon or 15" Fi Bl

    Both good subs. I've listened to them in very good enclosures, but not the same sizes. 15" xcons, and 12" bl. So I can't compare them. Get the 12"s if you can, because of the cone area advantage. I had an xcon in the recent years, and loved it. you can't be disappointed with them. Flip a coin, or get the SSA subs !!!
  17. Notorious97200

    Which subs should I go with

    It's just personal choice, but I'd get an ICON or an ssd. The Icon is an amazing sub ! Hey, if you want to get a used sub, you can even find bigger ones like Xcons or Bls. There are so much good deals on the classified section....Take a look first.
  18. Notorious97200

    brought home some wood - the plans...

    Good question ! I'm waiting for the answer I wanted an Xtrail some years ago, and I finally bought a Toyota auris (like a bigger corolla hatchback). But this SUV is a nice car. Keep on posting pics Thanks.
  19. Can't see videos for now. I will take a look when I get my laptop, home
  20. Notorious97200

    Reggae music again?!

    In 1986 Steel Pulse was huge in my country ! I had all their LP. True Democracy is one of my favorite album ever. But nowadays, they still work, but they are not on top...,their leader live here with a local woman ! Now we listen to that : or that :
  21. Notorious97200

    06 Charger - Fi, AQ, SHCA.....more to come!

    Nice ! Did you feel a change between the RF 1500 and the AQ 2200 ?
  22. Notorious97200

    Box specs

    Very good choice. Those subs will love the 1200 amp. And it is a really good price for a beast amp like that. I Hope you have D1 subs to run at 1 Ohm.
  23. Notorious97200

    Other Front Stage OptionsJ

    I'd love to try a setup with an 8" midbass and a small full range speaker in my own car ! Maybe one day... But I'm still satisfied with what I have now No need to change.
  24. New home stereo system ! Bye bye Bose :)

  25. Notorious97200

    '00 camaro SS

    Nice choice of rims.