Hi guys, I recently bought a NS-1 for my installer. The amp made a world trip before coming to my country (thanks USPS) but we got it right. From the beginning there was a noise like something was loose in the amp. We thought it was due to the fact that the amp is very long and there were not enough screws to hold the panel. One day he smelled something burning, but could not define where it was coming from : from the amp, from the car next to him that was like a smoke machine in the traffic jam,...? Amp never shut off to these days. Today he installed his 2nd btl , re-installed the amp, and had to open it because he realized the fan in the amp was running as soon as he hooked up the grounds. Voltage was not staying as usual when the car was off. He thought it could be the old Beeper alarm that was defective. He saw some places burnt in the amp, and a little screw (or piece of something) in it ! He called me, telling me after the first grounds, the fan was not running ! Let's hope everything will be OK ! I am sorry for him. He told me to ask you what could be the metallic noise he was hearing since he received the amp, and I always forgot to ask. (I don't know if it makes sense, hope you'll get it !) I'll let you know how it works. He's so disappointed. Did the amp got damaged during shipping (the box was good looking) or what else could happenend ? He had good voltage, even on his "weak" electrical : never under 13 v on peak, and usually 14.ish v. He never plays for long.