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Everything posted by Notorious97200

  1. The Zcon is at my office ! So happy, but I need a screwdriver to take the beast out. :) What an heavy and solid box.

    1. Notorious97200


      I took it out : what a beast !!! Can't wait to ear it tonight !

  2. Notorious97200

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Hi bro ! I feel like it's the best way to run so much subs, when you can't find room to fit all of them in front of the windshield. I'd like to have a week in SXM soon. I'll let you know, Alain !
  3. If you're after resale value, get some well known brand, or buy good used products
  4. Notorious97200

    Rear speaker problem, no separation.

    Sell them fast, before he changes his mind ! I always run my EQ flat on my head unit. I have a single set of comps, and their install is not perfect at all, but I love the sound. You're in the right way now ! Sell that EQ and use the money for sds or secondskin products. :-) :-)
  5. Notorious97200

    Wanting to buy a new 15"

    Don't be afraid of the wait : it's not bery long ! 1 month is nothing finall :-) :-) And you'll love the Icon, if you get one. You won't regret your JBL gti with this ssa icon !!!
  6. Notorious97200

    Happy birthday Aaron!

    Hope it was happy enough !
  7. Notorious97200

    Don't know what amp to buy for fully loaded fi bl 15

    If it works, you should keep it ! What Coil config do you have ?
  8. Notorious97200

    nadcicle's 97 Suburban rebuild

    Nice ! I want to see more now !!!
  9. Waiting for 2 HDC315 for a friend : 1st SQ order...

  10. Zcon on its way ! Will be home in about a week hopefully !

  11. Notorious97200

    SSA order wait time?

    It's coming !
  12. Notorious97200

    SSA order wait time?

    #9136 ........ maybe before July ? I hope so !
  13. Notorious97200

    Might Finally Install A Stereo...

    Thanks for all those informations ! Tuned in...
  14. Back from a week in France, no Zcon home :):)

    1. jcarter1885


      France must have been nice, I want to go there one day.

    2. Notorious97200


      Yeah, I went to Toulouse for work, and Paris for a good shopping session ! I loved it !!!

  15. Notorious97200

    95 Suburban, 2 X18's etc

    Sounds promising. I'm...waiting for pictures.
  16. Notorious97200

    incriminator audio scion xb build, 2 18" judges on an NS1

    I like what I see Nice equipments in a European sized car ! I love it ! Tuned in for sure !!!
  17. Notorious97200

    Taramp's HD8000

    Thanks for the review. We have some of those Taramps and Brazilian amps nowadays in my country. People don't know how to judge them, and are a little bit afraid of such big power in those small cases !
  18. Notorious97200

    how much space do i need

    Find somebody to do it for free, or ask and pay for it : I usually use Ram-designs. It's "cheap" and efficient. Good luck !
  19. How will you run a second rubicon 2500 to the same sub to have more power? Will you run each amp at 0.5 Ohm ?
  20. Notorious97200

    SSA order wait time?

    I ordered a Zcon 15" recently, and I don't want to count each day. It's VERY VERY long, but the product is very good and the price was greeeaaat ! I need at least a week more for shipping, from Florida to my little Martinique island !
  21. Notorious97200

    Alma Gates memorial truck. DSS inside

    I saw it on Facebook ! tuned in for more
  22. Notorious97200

    walwalka's 2010 civic build!

    Nice ! I like the amps display
  23. Notorious97200

    order#s 8315, 8634, 8794

    I'm in the Zcon waiting line too, for a single 15". Chronologically I'm so far ! I need to forget it for some more weeks, or months
  24. I'd like to have your feelings after the recone. I've ran and eared xcons 15"s: those subs are very accurate on music. My LPF is set at 80 or 100 with no problem at all. I don't understand how you don't like them on notes higher than 40-500 Hz. I ran one in a 3ft^3 sealed box, on 1500 watts and it was niiiice ! I'm more a ported box guy though ! In a 4ft^3 box tuned at 32 Hz it will shine !
  25. Notorious97200

    CT Sounds

    I've bought a few (8 or 9) Sundown amps for the last years. I had one single problem recently with a NS-1 v1 : it was covered by the warranty, I sent the amp back and now I received the v2. Two friends of mine bought Crescendo amps : one 5500 is fried, and a 3500 had problems too (on 3 amps). Maybe it was some users errors, maybe it was bad luck ! They bought those for the price ! I won't judge the quality of those amps with my little experience, but it doesn't make me want to try CT products !