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Everything posted by Notorious97200

  1. Notorious97200

    Stereo projectS over time

    Wow ! I love your trunk !!! The amp rack looks really good. That is a beautiful work! Would you mind working on my car for me ? No, no, you're way too far from here : plane tickets would be too expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dam...
  2. Notorious97200

    Real SQ tracks, do they exist anymore?? Non mp3 files.

    mp3, mp4,... The problem is in the original recordings as most of you said. I listen to a lot of dowloaded mp3 songs, and I usually can hear the differences between formats. But not always !!! Usually I like song in vbr or in 256 minimum. But even some original cds have very weak recording quality. Maybe you can look for the recording studios on the albums and decide regarding what studio has been used. Dunno !
  3. Notorious97200

    About to upgrade front stage

    I'm curiuous, why did you changed your BTL for. 2 SA 12 ?
  4. Notorious97200

    sae 1200

    Hey! What did you think we would tell you here?! Sundown FTW. i am really satisfied with them.
  5. Notorious97200

    ssa dcon question

    "A little setup" : 3 10" subs on 1000 watts ! That should hit pretty hard in your gf's car. I hope she has a good front stage.
  6. Notorious97200

    Speaker arrangement advice

    I would power a component set upfront with a 2 ch amp. And forget the rear speakers, that you could sell to have a better budget for your sub. Just my 2cts!
  7. Notorious97200

    Shipping question

    You are in good hands! Shipping to USA or Canada should not be a problem for ssa. I get my amps in 5 days from them, to Martinique (I'm sure you don't even know where it is !!!!!). It's "far" in the Caribbeans.
  8. Notorious97200

    dustcap question?

    There are lots of subs like that in the market : w7, Kicker L7,...don't you think ? Or I didn't understand it right
  9. Notorious97200

    Pair of Xcon 18's review, by Thewes

    The white ssa sticker is the only thing I can see when I look through the rear tinted window. I did not take it off, although it looks like it could be off easily, as it was kind of "peeling" (is it the good word?!!). I love my 15" xcon !
  10. Notorious97200


    so if im running 2 icon 12 inch woofers on a saz2000 is it worth installing one for this small setup? This is not a small setup !!! You haven't heared it yet, or what ?!! You don't need an Epicenter is you have a modern instal, and listen to modern songs ! The only people I know using Epic 160 are the ones with old and really simple head units, with no or few rca. It gives you the low bass notes people like, but I don't know if it's really accurate. You won't miss anything with 2 Icons on a saz 2000.
  11. Notorious97200

    port vs no port..

    Maybe you should post in the spl/sq section, or try to ask Fishercustoms.
  12. Notorious97200

    saz 50.4

    This amp is really powerful when it's bridged. My Focal comp set seems to love it ! I hope they will last with so much on them (2 x 160 watts rms IIRC). The Sundown boss told us it gives about 4 x 60 watts, so enough for your speakers.
  13. Notorious97200

    crunch 1500.1 any good

    So what is your logic, that because Crunch puts 30 hz as the lower limit on their amps they can't reproduce any notes below that? I'd like to see what you say about that, KU40. I thought that the amp would not make the woofer plays below the lower limit of the amp. Even if I know the box plays a big role in the sub response.
  14. Notorious97200

    spl daily driver

    Remember to leave enough room in your trunk for ampS, batteries,... 2 12's in a good box will sound much better than 2 15's in a box too small for them. You will not loose by going with 12's. But be sure to make a box as big as it should. I was not aware of that when I bought my 15" Icon, so when I changed for an Xcon (I wanted to keep my box), I stayed with a 15" woofer. And I still have no room for anything more in my trunk !!! Are you sure you need so much ? 3500 watts ? Don't forget the deadening of your car with such an insane bass. You need a new HO alternator, some batteries, big size wires,... Is it your first system ? If it is the first one, it's really big !
  15. You can run a sub with less watts it can afford, but with 240 watts rms you will not reach all the potential of an xcon ! It will play very well, but will not be so loud. What we must say, is that an xcon does not need 1750 watts to play. Mine plays very well with 1000 watts, although I'm sure it will be louder with 1500 watts (I'll try that someday, when money comes). I prefer my xcon rather than my icon on 1000 watts : no loss at all on quality, but big advantage in perceived power (hope you see what I mean, it's heavier bass !!).
  16. Notorious97200

    Best box choices !!!

    It's a simple box ! Don't make it too big for your trunk. I think you should not have the ports too close of the trunk lid like this one. When this guy close the trunk, he has quite a sealed box !!! That is why I choose to make the sub and the port UP in my trunk. But talk to some gurus here, 'cause I am not a box designer/expert !
  17. Notorious97200

    Team Decent Moneyman build

    I was wondering how you could fit a 15.8 cu ft box in a Golf !!! You just build it IN the car, without rear seats ! Dam... Do you plan to upgrade the car suspensions, as the weight will go up with all that wood, all these huge woofers...? Looks good, keep the pics coming. That's some hard work.
  18. Notorious97200

    Are these amps really that good??

    You will not be disappointed, get one ! Great customer service. When I order an amp, I get it in 5 days, and I live in the Caribbeans ! I have ordered 2 amps for me (saz1000 & sax 50.4) and 2 saz 1000 for a friend (dvc1) Xcon ! We love them bad !!!!!!! All my questions are answered, by mail or in the forum, by the Man himself (he has just post before me !!!).
  19. Get the Xcon, you will love it. It's more weight than the Icon, and need a solid box(double baffle, bracing,...). The Xcon will give you more bass than you should need!!! Unless you're a basshead like me!!! It's a much more powerful Icon. still very very accurate bass!
  20. Notorious97200

    10s 12s or 15

    Maybe you can try 2 10's in a sealed box with this amp. But with $200 ........impossible to find 2 good subs! Your best bet is to get the best 12" you can afford that fits in a 2 ft3 sealed box. Or, even better, save some cash, the amp is already a good point !!!
  21. Notorious97200

    just receive a 15" Xcon : what to do?

    Yes, there is a noticable difference ! The bass is really heavier. The lows are starting to play. I know how this sub sounds in this same box with 2 saz 1000 strapped together : it's insane ! I only have one saz1000 on it, I will upgrade to a saz 1500 when the money comes. I will wait some more for the review, because I don't have time to play long. I will wait for the breakin time!
  22. I have a new sub in a 3.5 ft3 box at 32 hz (Fishercustom designed) The amp is a Sundown saz 1000. My question is : do I have to play some special songs with the sub? What volume ? Low, high? Can I listen to anything without worrying, and the sub will be good in a few days ? After 2 hours it is still so hard!!! And it does play really low.
  23. Notorious97200

    My SSA xcon, Random info, and talks...

    It's hard to wait, I know! UPS let my 15" xcon at the build house a few days, since 12/21. Once they got it, it tooks 5 days. Now I have it since friday in my box (3,.5 ft3 at 32Hz) and I love it. The Icon was sounding really gooooood, but that is another level : like the Icon BIG brother. (Still on 1000 watts).
  24. Notorious97200

    Phone Support

    Very very good! I hope this will increase your business numbers. BTW, Only English spoken on this phone? Good luck. Personally, I have no problem with orders, at all !!! And I am far away in a little island in the Caribbean. Gotta love the internet!
  25. Notorious97200

    Powering 2 BL 10's

    Try to see if you could sell your entire setup to one of your friends. "Establish" (don't know how to say it!) a budget. You need a custom box, a sub, and maybe a new amplifier. Better be a good seller !