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Everything posted by Notorious97200

  1. Notorious97200


  2. Notorious97200


  3. Notorious97200

    Team Decent Pathfinder build

    I love the port ! What's next ? paint or carpet ?
  4. Notorious97200

    Big Will's Build, 4 XCON 18s!

    OMG ! What a monster box ! Show us more about the equipments, and the car, please !!!
  5. Notorious97200

    Enclosure Build for Mark @ SSA!! (Installed, P.7)

    waiting ......................
  6. Notorious97200

    need bl 12

    From LV to Malaysia : only $300 for shipping. It's not a bad deal for an heavy sub this far!
  7. Notorious97200

    Help choosing new subs

    I don't know about your current sub, the RD, so it's difficult for me to know what you really need/want. the BTL will love your amp, as an Xcon. But they are 2 different subs. Like the Icons and the BL's. 2 12"s bl can be stupid loud, louder than 2 Icons maybe. Tell us more. what kind of music you listen to ?
  8. Notorious97200

    From ported to sealed

    Don't be afraid to do it ! It's cheap, and easy to do a sealed box, but make it big enough ! I'm so happy with the new box. It seems like the bass is hitting harder, with more punch. Maybe my ported box had a leak somewhere, or were tired !!! I need to buy some carpet today, then I will take some pics !
  9. Notorious97200

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Nice install ! Keep working and posting pics. We love that ! I did not understand what you put in the beautiful center console, all that knoobs to do what ? BTW : 1) what car is it ? 2) You should run some extra wire to your front doors, just in case you want to run the front speakers active some day. like someone already told you ! Good luck
  10. Notorious97200

    AA Havoc VS DC lvl 4 or lvl 4 xl

    AA Havoc and DC Level 4 don't have the same goal. HAvoc seems like a cousin of the Fi Q and the DC seem more spl oriented. I may be wrong. You'd better check this for yourself, or wait for other answers. 3000 watts for 3 subs : you will pound, for sure ! 3 12's ssa Icon would do good too !!!
  11. Notorious97200

    From: Whats up everyone!!

    like everyone else ? He's not like me !!!!!!!!!!! And I'm not regular ! I don't know if he's a regular dude, but the Tahoe is really not regular (with so much thousands watts in it).
  12. Notorious97200

    No more Punisher Geo for a while.

    This poor little Geo has been PUNISHED by 4 Icons !!! Good luck with the repair !
  13. Notorious97200

    Sundown MAY Sale!

    ETA is still end of month to early June. I hope mine is on this shipment : I'm not in a hurry but the sub is being built now. So...
  14. Notorious97200

    From ported to sealed

    Thanks for the info on the ssf. It's not easy to adjust with precision, but I'll try to have it around 25 HZ.
  15. Notorious97200

    Local Cruise In

    What is it ? Looks like a 12" Xcon.
  16. Notorious97200

    What should I upgrade first?

    for $300, you can have a good custom ported box, and a (used ?)sub. Find a good deal on a sub in the For Sale subforum here for example. Keep your amp for now.
  17. Hi everyone, I know I've read something about it but I don't remember where, and I can't find it ! One of my friend is running a 15" D1 xcon sub with 2 Sundown saz 1000 d strapped at 2 Ohms. He uses the gain remote. Now he's planning a new build with 2 subs and 4 saz 1000. 2 amps per sub. He will have to use 2 remote, and only wants one. What can he do , what to buy to have only one remote to control the gain on the 2 (2)amplifiers ? Thanks for your help
  18. Notorious97200

    2 gain remotes, and I just want to use ONE !

    I will not buy any line driver or whatever maxxlink... The splitter will cost only a few euros and it will do exactly what I want. I don't need more. I don't need chrome, or nice looking equipment, as it will be hidden. The gain "knob" will be mounted in a safe place under the dash, but still reachable ! Thanks for all the infos.
  19. Notorious97200

    To All Members

    I thought you could choose to write what you want for status ! only for the text under your pic. For your status, you must post to see it changing !
  20. Notorious97200

    Box for Z-12's

    That's a nice box bro ! I did not know that there were z subs in 12" ! We learn something new everyday on the ssa forums !!!
  21. Notorious97200

    black fi-day btl recone

    Congrats ! Nice to know you were with your kids, all happy !
  22. Notorious97200

    4 12's vs 2 15's spl wise

    Why do you want such a high tuning for your box ? oooh, sorry : you're on the spl side !!! Do you have budget for 4 Sundown sa12 ? That would be really cool.
  23. Notorious97200

    replacing stock speakers all around

    OP : you received some good advices here. You must believe them ! If you can listen to some speakers in shops, do it ! If there is too much noise, you can still compare different sets : you will have the same noise in the background for all of them. You're going into the caraudio world : be careful, you will never be totally satisfied with your first setups ! Good luck
  24. Notorious97200

    2 gain remotes, and I just want to use ONE !

    I put the 2 wires in the splitter, and then I hook only one remote? It seems simple ! Thanks (the 4th saz 1000 is ordered, the 2nd xcon too)
  25. Notorious97200

    New product announcement.

    Good. I like it !