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Everything posted by Notorious97200

  1. Hello guys, I wish you all a really happy new year ! So, I bought a mini dsp for Xmas, and now I want to use it. I will study the pluggin seriously to find and set the X-over points and the different slopes. I'll take care of T/A too. I will play later with the eq available . I see they're talking about caps to protect the tweeters. How many micro Farads do I need ? How to choose what to buy ? My current amplifier is an Incriminator 3.4. I want to keep it bridged to the Seas mids. 2 x 225 w rms @ 4 Ohms, so my 8 Ohms speakers will have enough power. I need a small amplifier for the tweeters, something on the cheap. Do you have ideas ? What amp would you get ? I may run 6 or 8 Ohms tweeters in the future. I'm currently using the Focal tweeters I had on my 165 KP set. Thank you for your help.
  2. Notorious97200

    Going active this time : how to protect the tweeters ?

    It's incredible. I don't understand how I can feel the change like this ! I feel like the stage is right in front of me. It's obviuos when I close my eyes Some instruments have more presence, sound clearer. I don't know how to express that. Why do I feel like the sub sounds differently : maybe it's psycho acoustics lower, smoother, better ! That mini dsp purchase was a good upgrade for my system ! BTW those Seas ER18 are wonderful. Thanks again SSA, thanks again M5.
  3. First time using T/A : it's INCREDIBLE !


    1. SpeakerBoy


      It's the niftiest little tool, isn't it?

    2. Notorious97200
  4. Notorious97200

    Another 6th order blowthrough, plexiglass, leds, all that shiz.

    +1 Niiice. I bet this customer was happy with it. Do you have pics of all the system ? Tuned in.
  5. Notorious97200

    Going active this time : how to protect the tweeters ?

    It was my first step with Time Alignement. I like the first result. I'll work on it. I hope I won't blow those tweeters !
  6. Notorious97200

    I'm unbearably excited for an Xcon

    Get one ported, and go work on your car !
  7. Notorious97200

    Going active this time : how to protect the tweeters ?

    Nothing special : I'm just trying some tweeters now. they are easy to swap. Last night I turned the gain a little higher, I'm too conservative. Now it seems that it shines ! I did not have enough time to test and listen, but I think it's much better. I played with time alignement : first try in my life. I like the first results. I feel like I'm listening right in the middle of the scene ! I'll keep on testing.
  8. Notorious97200

    Going active this time : how to protect the tweeters ?

    I have work to do. I like the idea of frequency swaps : it should help me find my problems. I'll look for frequency test tones on the internet.
  9. Notorious97200

    Going active this time : how to protect the tweeters ?

    It's easy to swap the tweeters, I may try to put the Focal back in, just to check what I like or not about them. But I want to play with those Davis first : they sound good. Maybe eq down some frequencies ? I'll try to play with the parametric eq of the mini dsp.
  10. Notorious97200

    Going active this time : how to protect the tweeters ?

    Gain was reset. No eq yet. I always run everything flat, but I know I must use the eq someday. I'm not an eq guy !
  11. Notorious97200

    Going active this time : how to protect the tweeters ?

    It's difficult for me to think it's a placement problem. Maybe I like brighter tweeters. I wanted more clarity, detailed response. Hard to express in english, sorry. I don't know the impedance of the Focal tweeters, at 4 Ohms they receive much more power from the amplifier than the Davis.
  12. Notorious97200

    Going active this time : how to protect the tweeters ?

    I had the Focal tweeters at the same spot, on the dash, and I had no output problem. I always had them up in the doors, and they never were so loud. The change was amazing. I wanted to try something else. The Davis seems more quiet on the same spot, like it's missing something. http://www.audiophonics.fr/fr/davis-acoustics-tweeter-davis-acoustics/tweeter-davis-acoustics-twx-p-4088.html
  13. Notorious97200

    Going active this time : how to protect the tweeters ?

    I don't want to use absolutely the SEAS, but my French online store carries them. They don't sell Vifa, as I saw a lot of people seem to like one of their tweeters (the XT 25 IIRC).
  14. Notorious97200

    Going active this time : how to protect the tweeters ?

    Yes that format should fit 104 mm. It's the exact size of the baffle around my current Davis tweeters.
  15. Notorious97200

    Going active this time : how to protect the tweeters ?

    Sorry for the lack of information. The tweeters will be mounted on the dash, facing the windshield. I use the stock 'plate" provided for the stock tweeters. They won't move at all. I have a Pioneer AVH-X 5600 double din head unit. amplifier : Incriminator Audio 3.4 : 4 x 65 w @ 4 Ohms. a mini dsp 2x4 : I run the mids from 75 (with a 12 or 24 dB slope) to 3300 Hz, and the tweeters from 3300 Hz to ...wide open ! I think I use a 6 dB slope. I am not so sure about the slopes. One pair of mids : one Seas Prestige ER 18 in each door, using a solid wood baffle. With no deadening so far. I was using a set of my Focal tweeters , from the 165KP set. I guess it's a TN52. I recently tried a pair of Davis TWX DF tweeters : they are very detailed, smooth, but not loud enough for my system, and I feel like they lack something. I like to listen to the tweets, I don't want to guess if I have them or not. I'd like a pair of Seas ones, but I can try something else, if needed I hope that is enough to help me. BTW the mids are loud on such low power ! I don't need a more powerful amp like I thought.
  16. Notorious97200

    Going active this time : how to protect the tweeters ?

    I have just found a French online store for speakers : OMG, they're way cheaper than madisound, and the shipping costs are low as f... I want a pair of Seas tweeters now. It's too cheap ! http://www.toutlehautparleur.com/marque-tlhp/seas-haut-parleurs.html There are so much models, I don't know which one to get. Which one would you choose ?
  17. Notorious97200

    05 sable 2 zcon 18s on 10k in b-pillar walll

    I totally agree : I like my tweeters high, in the A pillars or on the dash !
  18. I would be afraid to have such powerful subs in sealed enclosures for a 4th order bandpass box. I'm tuned in ...for more !
  19. Notorious97200

    STI hatchback IB3/Lithium build

    I totally agree ! Do it like that and have fun ! I like those Subarus, nice choice, but don't kill it with a wall, please.
  20. Notorious97200

    How can I check a 7500 ?

    Hello, I have a S3400 under the hood, and a Vision 105 Group31 batt in the rear, under my enclosure. I want to get rid of this Vision, anf get an XS battery instead. One of my friend is selling all his SPL equipments. He had a wall wit 2 18" subs, on 2 huge amps, with lots of batts. (No mids & high speakers in that car). I think he reached 160 dB : island record for sure. I would like to know how can I be sure that the XS 7500 I want to buy from him is good. His batteries did not played a lot, they were in his SPL car, going out only for a few comps. I'm running a 2400 w amp on my sub, and a small IA 3.4 at 8 Ohms on my mids & highs. So I guess it should be enough batts power. I wanted an XP 3000 or a D3100 but I could not find any locally. He's asking some money for them, that's why I want to know if I should make the deal. What do I have to check on the battery before pulling the trigger ?
  21. Notorious97200

    2 DC Audio Level 4 15s, 6th order blowthrough

    Nice work once again ! tuned in. I have never saw a pickup with a box in the bed, locally. I think people would be afraid to do it, and loose value on the truck. Car audio guys aren't too much into pickups here.
  22. Hi guys, I have recently been saved by a cheap voltmeter plugged into the cig-lighter 12v input. It showed me I was loosing voltage badly. I found something was burning under the hood. The plastic on the wire coming from the positive post on the battery to the alt was bad, and the cooper was touching a metal part. I took it off, and now everything is ok. The alternator works as usual. But now I want a better voltmeter. This one is 8 years old ! I want something small enough to fit anywhere. I won't cut anything in the dash to have it mounted, so I liked the cig lighter plug a lot. Which model do you run ? And second question : if it's not something to plug like a cig lighter, what are the best locations to use for an accurate reading ? Near the amp ? On the front battery ? Rear battery ? Thanks in advance for your help.
  23. Notorious97200

    How can I check a 7500 ?

    They don't have the 2150. Only 2 smaller models.
  24. Notorious97200

    How can I check a 7500 ?
