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Everything posted by Notorious97200

  1. Notorious97200

    sefugi schools grasshoper

    Good news! pics, pics and more pics : you know that's what we like here !!!!!
  2. Notorious97200

    Newbie needing system opinions

    You may need some deadening material for your doors, and maybe the trunk floor and sides. Use the bigger wire you can from your battery to your amplifier in the back. Do the big 3 (search for that in the forum, or Google big 3) Looks good ! I'm waiting for pics, now ! :popcorn:
  3. Notorious97200

    I have a dilemma.

    Don't be afraid to play with the gain on the amp. even after half way !
  4. Notorious97200

    Is it worth building a new box?

    I can't see the pic because of restriction at work !! (it says "pornography" !!!). Get a design on the ssa technical section, or on the ssa store. I think they have box designed with 32 Hz tuning : you'll love them. If you have some more money, you can contact Argent Audio, they make really good looking boxes !
  5. Notorious97200

    6000w, two 12"s, 151.3db

    Welcome on The right forum !!! nice build. These DC subs look so small in your box ! I thought they were 10" subs, but no, you said 12". Looks like they slam hard !
  6. Notorious97200

    need some 6x9

    I had some good speakers in my rear doors. The only time I could hear them was with the doors open ! While driving I could turn them down, I wouldn't see the difference. I finally decide to take them off, and to bridge my amp on the front speakers. If you like to play your system with doors open, get the same speakers as your front ones. That would be the best move. You can just turn the gain down on the rear ones if you want.
  7. Notorious97200

    X-cons at the finest

    :fing34: More powa !
  8. Notorious97200

    15" Xcon in a ported box

    We're trying to find a good camera, and a cameraman ! We're working on it!!
  9. Notorious97200

    Precision Power subs

    Good luck with your new sub !!! :suicide-santa: It looks like a toy !!! Tell us how you like it. It may sound nice and loud, we never know!
  10. Why don't you let the bass level at 0 on the h u ? It may be safer. You won't have to play too much with the eq.
  11. Notorious97200

    Which amp for my subs

    Sundown saz 3500, or 2 saz 1500 strapped. The MTX 4000 looks cool too ! I don't know what it's worth, but one of my friend has one and loves it. Mark and his brother (ssa) use them too !!! I posted in the build log section,an install with 4 saz 1000 on 2 xcons 15". It's insane! Bass bass bass!!!
  12. Notorious97200

    quick question about the big 3

    Thank you for these answers.
  13. Notorious97200

    quick question about the big 3

    We don't want to disconnect anything ! Just asking if we should ADD the wire on the same spots? Ok we should only add one wire from alt to batt only, not on the starter. Got it. We'll try to fuse it too. But where to place the fuse(s)? Near the alt or near the batt ? It's'for a 4600 watts system! With a weak electrical(on paper). We have 14.4 strongly, but only when driving, on the freeway, for example!
  14. Notorious97200

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    This Yukon will be Wicked !!! Waiting for more...!
  15. Hommage in French means Tribute to ! But we say impédance for...ohmage!!!
  16. Notorious97200

    SA Line Mostly Sold Out Temporarily.

    Booming!!!! LMAO Good one 98GMC.
  17. Notorious97200

    JL Audio 300/2v2

    With a 2 ch amp, you'll need a component set with its passive filter. The JL seems cheap : it's a good amp, for $175 ? Dam ! Go for it before it's gone ! Get the cheapest one, as long as it is powerful enough. 2 x 100 watts rms is good for a front component set IMO. If you want to mismatch mids and highs, you'll need a 4 ch amp : you will run each speaker with its own channel. It's harder to do, and to fine tune ! But it can be much better if you know what to chose and how to set it up.
  18. Notorious97200

    I am being silly

    I had the 06 and 08 model of the S15L7. Yes Shizzon, Kicker tells you from 2 to 6 cu ft sealed !!! 2 is really too small, I tried one box around 2 - 3 ft3 and I never liked it. One of my friend had it in a huge sealed box (maybe 5ft3) on 1200 watts rms, and it was really loud and digging the lows. It was a little "muddy" in the low notes, but still loud. We never had a well designed enough ported box to compare.
  19. Notorious97200

    15" Xcon in a ported box

    Thanks to you all ! I still have little room, but what I like the most is that the box is not too tight in the trunk and the amps can breathe easier now ! you can't see that, but we rounded all the edges of the box, except for the ones on the down panel (hope it is understand-able ?!).
  20. Notorious97200

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Congratulations ! Don't go too hard on such a nice car ! Waiting for more pics !!! :popcorn: :drink40:
  21. Notorious97200

    15" Xcon in a ported box

    I think I will keep this box. I had to re-install the remote for my sub amp because I need to turn down the bass sometimes, now ! It is so much louder !!! Never been so loud and powerful ! I think the tuning is around 33 hz. I think I have absolutely no port noise ! but I discovered new rattles, all the car is shaking and the bass is still going so low. I can shake cars prked on my side, it's insane !!! I turn up the ssf, I hope it is around 30hz, and had to re-adjust the gain too. Tell me what you think !
  22. Notorious97200

    15" Xcon in a ported box

    Final result : Amps behind the box : for my sub for my speakers
  23. When you're on the settings menu, go to the LPF and then you just push up the knob. So you can have the settings to level up or down the db on the bass : maybe this is set to - 25. You can go up to + 5 The main (on the right when you look at the h u) knob can be pushed up, down, left and right ! It can rotate too ! Good luck. This is a great h u. The only options I miss on mine are usb reading and maybe the fact that I can't use no more the factory "remote" on the...steering wheel. Must add/buy some more connector and gear.
  24. Notorious97200

    2 15" BTL or 2 15" SMD

    Smd :3500 rms at about $1000 for one. Btl : 2000 rms, look at Fi website, should be under $500. With a 3500 watts rms amp you can run 2 btl's with a strong electrical system. You'll need another amp for the 2 smd's, and a much bigger electrical system. The AA Mayhem looks nice too. I read somewhere it can play lower than the btl. I'd love to try a 12" Mayhem one day !!
  25. Notorious97200

    Mark LaFountain's SPL Build *Vid3 p.15*

    OMG ! :popcorn: Your car will hate you !