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Everything posted by AirFramerMack

  1. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    screw that noise. i like em ported
  2. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    if i did that it would bring the box down to like 5.5 cubic foot after port displaceent
  3. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    well I guess i have no choice but to go with a slot port. My box port will be 16.75" tall,how wide should i make it?
  4. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    after looking at my box i couldnt use an 8" port anyways, i dont know what the hell i was thinking.
  5. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    well a Slot port i can do is 16.75"x4"x12.5" that will take up .57^ft3 a round port will take up .27^ft3
  6. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    i cant really think of a different way to port the box other then a 8" PVC port, anyone else?
  7. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    a local shop makes them, just flared PVC but he has the mold you need.im going to attempt it myself
  8. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    yea i wanted to use an 8"aeroport but thats an extra 60 bucks,so im going to flare the end of the PVC with a heat gun and then router the other end a little
  9. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    so here is what ive come up with. im going to invert the subs. the halfway point up and blow the PVC port im going to use an all thread bolt front to back, and then way long ways across the enclosures. with a 1/16th" piece of sheet metal(brushed) on the front of the enclosure, with the allthread bolts and about 250 small screws going around the sheet metal and one line up them in the center. and carpet the rest, I am in aiframer in the Navy so im going for a industrial look here. let me know what you think
  10. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    going with two 187 15s with the above enclosure
  11. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    Ok the enclosure will be 38"wideX18.25"highX20"deep with a single 8"x10.15" PVC port
  12. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    Well awesome,I will start a build log of the enclosure in a couple of weeks once I get the subs in and get started.Thanks alot
  13. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    well i do have the space, and i think 800rms is enough. will 6.0 after port displacement be enough? and i should use two 6" and not one 8"
  14. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    well if i use a single 8" port that makes my internal volume only 3.88^3ft. what tuning do you recomend? well i worked some numbers and found some stuff i can cut out of the trunk so i can get 6.50^3ft before displacement. So i think i could squeeze in a pair of 187 15s/
  15. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    3 4" ports take up less air space would that work the 187s really need 2.0 each
  16. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    well i was just asking about them sense everyone seems to like the 25 dollar hifi subs. I have 4.40 before port displacement and 800rms the 8" port will take up .52^ft3 what about three 4" ports
  17. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    Anyone? im trying to buy the subs tomorrow.