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Everything posted by AirFramerMack

  1. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    Ok so here are the two options ive come up with, I can make the enclosure 39.5"wideX18.25HighX20"deep. I can get a 8" port in there,but that would cause me to put the subs ALL the way to the edge of the enclosure. or I can stick with the two 6" port idea. what do you guys think would be better i know going with the single 8" is more port area and will take up less air space
  2. I was wondering how good his amp would be http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_13492_...SC+1000.1.html# Ive never really used the MB quart amps, I see it is made by MaxxSonics though
  3. AirFramerMack

    MB quart amps?

    im not going to cancel my order over 1 or even 1o bad posts as ive seen higher end amps have issues. but i will agree on thier customer service, when i called about one of thier subs i was given very vague details and could barely understand the guy, but i have read an overwelming about of good responses to thier products and was advised not to strap them. I really do appreciate the help, it was kind of funny though, you sent me the wrong link which is what made me order the amp lol
  4. AirFramerMack

    MB quart amps?

    Ok so you sent me a link with everyone saying its a great amp. I am confused but I already placed my order for an amp.thanks for the help
  5. AirFramerMack

    MB quart amps?

    I searched and couldnt find any threads stating AQ problems with customer service or product
  6. AirFramerMack

    MB quart amps?

    what about the audioque 1200d
  7. AirFramerMack

    From: Used, B-Stock, Refurbished Amps, and MISC

    please PM me if it tested out OK ASAP i am looking to order my amp today
  8. AirFramerMack

    MB quart amps?

    well if i could get the sundown SAZ1000d refurb i would buy it,but they are out of stock
  9. AirFramerMack

    MB quart amps?

    what about this amp http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_11556_...furbished.html#
  10. AirFramerMack

    MB quart amps?

    I have a kicker 350.4 in my car now that ive had a ton of problems with, from RCAs going bad to fans going bad and this is a 3month old amp. So im staying away from kicker amps
  11. AirFramerMack

    Running amp below stability?

    ok i actually found somone today to buy my amp, so i have 250shipped for an amp. the sundown SAZ1000d is 250 but not sure if thats shipped, and there are 0 available
  12. I have an alpine mrv850d. 2ohm stable, but i just ordered a pair of d4 subs. so i can run them at 1 or 4. what will happen if i run at 1ohm? i know i ran my hifonics goliath and ED 9.1 below 1ohm with no problems. randomly my 9.1 would go into protect but if i shut it off for a second it was fine. but ive never owned a Mainstream amp like alpine
  13. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    can anyone tell me if that is true or not?
  14. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    ok so if i make the port 15" long that will be 4.25" from the port to the back of the enclosure
  15. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    Ok,well my enclosure is 20" front to back, I was going to use two 6"x14" ports, someone told em that the port being that close to the back of my enclosure would give me an actual tuning of 34-35hz. is this correct? the enclosure is 38x20x18.25 subs inverted and all thread for bracing
  16. AirFramerMack

    Running amp below stability?

    lol, yes i understand that doesnt make sense, but ive ran a 9.1 at .5ohm daily for a long time with no problems, thats an extremely solid amp
  17. AirFramerMack

    Running amp below stability?

    The 9.1 is an awesome amp, and yes i will say that thier cusomer service has not been the best. i bought 4 190v.2s from them, a nine.4 and components frm them a 190v.2 was DOA and they said i smoked it lol
  18. AirFramerMack

    Running amp below stability?

    375 dollars was the price for a 1kwrms amp in one of those links. that is expensive in my eyes. thats barely less then i paid for my hifi goliath. I was leaning more towards an ED 9.1 or avionixx 800.2
  19. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    will tuning that high damage the subs at all? i was just doing that to make up for lack of power
  20. AirFramerMack

    Running amp below stability?

    I found an amp that does the power that i need just trying to talk the guy down on price. im still going to try and run this at 1ohm to see if it can handle it
  21. AirFramerMack

    Running amp below stability?

    I didn;t know they had a trade in program,how do i find out what my amp is worth to them?
  22. AirFramerMack

    Running amp below stability?

    dayumm that is not my understanding of affordable lol
  23. AirFramerMack

    Running amp below stability?

    well im going to run the subs at 4ohm, thats only 500rms to the pair and ill see how it works out and then ill try 1ohm. if that doesnt work out, what is an affordable 800rms@1ohm or 4ohm amp
  24. AirFramerMack

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

    OK i ordered the 187 15s. only problem is i my amp is only 2ohm stable. so ill have to run them at 4ohm with only 500rms. I think im going to tune to about 40hz to make up for the lack of power and try to get a little more upper end bass. i am however going to try and run the amp at 1ohm to see if it can handle it
  25. AirFramerMack

    IB help

    I have a single SE 12 in a large ported enclosure off 800rms.its not near loud enough. im trying to surpass that. I already sealed off my rear deck, i left my factory speakers in there. so all i need to do is take out the back seat and great stuff foam the rest I don't mind doing this. but if this setup is not loud enough or i just dislike it in general,can the sub be put into an enclosure or can i use the SSD 18 for IB and an enclosure if i chose to