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Everything posted by AirFramerMack

  1. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    they are wired to a 1ohm load, i finally got them to get nasty loud today but the clipping indicator on my bass knob was solid red and the subs smelled after about 30 seconds
  2. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    so far no one in this area knows anymore then myself lol. but i am moving to Philly in 3 weeks so maybe someone up there
  3. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    the song Kiss Me Through The Phone hits the hardest but only gets really loud clipping or so the little indicator on my bass knob
  4. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    Well i am located in pensacola FL for a couple more weeks, I am moving to the Willow Grove PA area in 2-3 weeks
  5. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    no, its turned almost all the way up, around 80
  6. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    Voltage drop at the amp with minimal clipping
  7. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    Ok so I put on a 50hz test tone, left all my amp settings normal and turned the gain on my remote all the way up. and this is the reading i got from the center channel. the channels are connected inside so it should have been putting all power to that single channgel. here where my results
  8. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    Well here are some pics of how everything is setup. Extra 4ga ground bass boost is all the way down, gain almost all the way SSF that is the first turn, i think around 30 I have the LPF on my HU to 78hz , the one on the amp i think is around there aswell grounded to my rear seat bolt
  9. AirFramerMack

    AQ 1200D and L7's

    I have been reading a few posts about problems with these amps. I just bought one and am having problems aswell. Im only getting roughly 500rms@1ohm right now, i will update you if it gets better
  10. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

  11. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    so i am awaiting my oil pan to arrive, in the mean time i have been running my wire. its almost finished. Can i ground my 2nd battery directly to the floor of my trunk? and i called AQ they said i should be getting 32-33v from my speaker terminals. does this sound right?
  12. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    well i put a huge freaking hole in my oil pan so once i get that fixed i can start working on the audio again. but i only have about 8 hours of work time to finish EVERYTHING
  13. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    well i just got my 0ga wire in today so i plan on installing all of that and doing the big 3. that should help some. i think this amp is just trying to pull more current then my electrical can provide. but i also put a hole in my oil pan today so that is priority
  14. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    also is there a better way to check my SSF and high pass filter. I can guess that i set it at 30hz but sense it starts at 5hz and goes up to like 200hz i have no idea of where it should be.
  15. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    well i did a test tone, an checked the AC voltage out from my speaker terminals and am only getting 15. is that normal?
  16. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    my box is 39x20x17.25" with two 6"x15" round ports. so now that i see there was a major miss calculation in the box i am either going to have to invert the subs and run a single port or run these sealed.
  17. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    all my gains on the HU are set properly. but when i turn the gain down and the bass boost down on the amp, i get hardly any bass, and they start to clip and bottom our very easily. the subs sound like they are not getting enough power
  18. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    thats exactly what i was thinking. i did a amp swap with my friends POS Lanzar vibe 1600 and it was WAY louder but i have tripple checked my wiring, im getting a 1ohm load to the amp
  19. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    my HU has a SW output, i have tried alot of different things. But still the subs just dont that hard. my single SE 12 with 600w was WAY louder then im doing now. to get any decent output my SW has to be all the way up. gain all the way up, and bass boost half way. the amp starts clipping kind of quickly, even if the gain is turned down,it still clips quickly. i have messed with all the settings on my HU, but nothing changed from my old system. the subs just are not moving alot of air. i turned my HU to half way, turned on a test tone, bass boost all the way up and my volt meter showed 15....... not sure what that means. i cant think of anything else. either my subs are very poor or the amp is.
  20. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    Ok, I will try un hooking it and then seeing what happens.
  21. AirFramerMack

    New system sounds like crap. help

    i just did a sub/amp swap everything from RCAs to HU settings are good. I will try the bass knob idea though
  22. AirFramerMack

    Philly anyone?

    Anyone in or around philly? I am getting stationed in willow grove in a few weeks
  23. I was just wondering if you had plans for an affordable 1200x1 amp anytime soon?
  24. AirFramerMack

    Is IA ever going to make an affordable small(er) amp?

    KICK @$$. sounds like a nice match up for my 187s. when can we expect this and how will the pricing be?
  25. AirFramerMack

    Which amp kit?

    so im going to run 0ga to my battery in the trunk and then 4ga to my amps cause neither of them will accept 0ga