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Everything posted by splblazer98

  1. splblazer98

    The thanks Nick its awesome thread...

    nicks a bish and he his subs suck... LOL j/k
  2. splblazer98

    I got Mags

    the and only spl vehicle... crx
  3. splblazer98

    I got Mags

    what kinda pics do u want?
  4. autotek mm4000.1 for 2 12s lol
  5. splblazer98

    Mag's are here

    Look what i went and got t/d ... theres anotherone still in the box
  6. splblazer98

    Installed the proto in a Blazer

    wheres myne nick?
  7. splblazer98

    Fedex sucks...look inside.

    that f'n sucks