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Everything posted by splblazer98

  1. splblazer98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    just washed mine the day before, so of coarse it rained yesterday.
  2. splblazer98

    Sae-1000D at .5ohms??

    i think it would pop the onboard fusing, remember the SAE line of amps is entry level and isn't built to the same abuse specs of our beloved saz's lol
  3. splblazer98

    Finishing up my BMW 330Ci...1500D, 100.4, and a Havoc 12

    Beautiful install, love it
  4. splblazer98

    Mag proto is on its way to Chad Hicks

    Got to listen to it a bit today, thing sounded amazing sealed and like nick said blended amazingly well, after i talk to nick ill post my thoughts too, no use in telling you guys everything before the boss man gets to hear it
  5. splblazer98

    Official New BM thread

    colors eh?
  6. ill just have 80sqfoot, only doing the doors and the front floors for now. that is if i can get to it, weather been sucking it up lately
  7. i have 44lbs of damplifier pro i need to install
  8. splblazer98

    Mag proto is on its way to Chad Hicks

    Have no fear, I will be testing the driver in the coming week pretty throughly. It is spring break week woot It will first go in a 1.2 cube ported box tuned to 32 hz off a sax100.2, next it will go in HT duty in probably a 2 cube ported box, then I hopefully will have secured a 1 cube sealed box to do more in car testing. should have an array of different boxes to play with it in, and luckily for nick the most power i have is ~400 watts I may be a spl nerd at heart but I know how something should sound
  9. splblazer98

    Mag proto is on its way to Chad Hicks

    hmmm, wonder whats in this box in my floor
  10. splblazer98

    Mag proto is on its way to Chad Hicks

    Who is this chad hicks fella, ill kill him seriously tho I hope i can steal a box small enough to work with this thing. although if i had to build one it wouldnt take much lol
  11. splblazer98

    Universal Option by Fi

    larger gap = less bl if you have a smaller coil
  12. splblazer98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So you have the Clemson logo... But don't go to Clemson... hehehe
  13. splblazer98

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yay for spending a thousand bucks....
  14. splblazer98

    ssa icon 15's

    does that make me the sq guy? lol thats the first time ive ever been called that if so By the sound of your plans for the Honda, that install would be considered SQ. hehe maybe, but im still a spl nerd at heart
  15. splblazer98

    MECA Event @ Carl Casper 2008 (pics!!)

    great showing, good to hear the success of the amps extending to meca
  16. splblazer98

    ssa icon 15's

    does that make me the sq guy? lol thats the first time ive ever been called that if so
  17. I havent tried his cell, i really just need to ride down there to talk to him... and yea i have a single 12 right now, may end up with 2 10s or possibly a pair of 12s, not real sure what to run yet
  18. Hhaha, yea he's taken good care of me everytime ive talked to him. That fool needa start answering the phone tho lol
  19. splblazer98

    Thinking of coming over

    hehe, im guessing that was my setup, and it was tuned into the upper 60s and i dont even think you heard it play anything other than the tones.... Mags can get loud and sound good doing it. Pretty much all you can say, and i would probably know i have had about 10 mags pass through my hands in the last 2 years lol
  20. Im building something i can enjoy and still sound good. Not going to compete at the show, just going to show my support for ssa. Hopefully have something presentable by then. Could you tell me how much a w205 combo was? did you get it from jared, i called down there but he didnt answer. And i need to get the combo soon so i can start the install in the fit to make it to the show in time.
  21. I'll be there, just heard about this show today and asked off from work. Gives me a goal to have something in the fit by then. Probably w205, 701, some pg rsd components, pair of sax 100.2s and a icon
  22. would love to make it, but its a pretty far drive for me nearly a 3 hour drive...
  23. splblazer98

    SSA teaser pics of 8" driver

    Glad to see the release of the pics, wonder if we can get the top and bottom plate to match the basket...
  24. splblazer98

    Custom SAZ 1500d & PPi

    i wouldnt mind a cf cover for mine, since my entire install is going to revolve around it