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Everything posted by splblazer98

  1. splblazer98

    The water is 80*

    who needs 80 degrees... 90 is where its at... about 12 oclock at night withthe rock speakers playin some barry white
  2. splblazer98

    best place to buy H/O alts.....

  3. splblazer98

    Installed 2'nd bat and HO alt

    nick was so excited about this he called me wigging out... i was scared at first when he called all screaming and such
  4. Info in the sig banner.... more details to be posted at a later date
  5. splblazer98

    12' Mags sound good ported?

    fyi 69hz is nasty for daily driving, but gets above 150 pretty easy
  6. splblazer98

    Your db Numbers

    Car: 1991 Honda CRX Electrical: 220 amp alt adjustable voltage reg.@16.5 volts Amps: MM4000.1 Subs:2 Si Mag 12s Box: subs inverted up ports back Mic:TL Tone:66hz Score: 153.4 on my meter 152.3 @ Finals (major problems ) Meca Style on 60 amps of fusing
  7. splblazer98

    Official SI Demo Car Build Thread!

    i think its back home now? i could be wrong
  8. splblazer98

    best sql vehicle

    a good "SQL" vehicle is a newer toyota fourunner complete with stock jbl synthesis package and 5.1 surround sound ask jimJ about how well its sq is
  9. splblazer98

    12' Mags sound good ported?

    but for max spl i dont know where to look )
  10. splblazer98

    Official SI Demo Car Build Thread!

    i think its actually in Lake Zurich IL getting fixed, but i could be wrong
  11. splblazer98

    Official SI Demo Car Build Thread!

    it was just an offer
  12. splblazer98

    Official SI Demo Car Build Thread!

    You use what works best
  13. splblazer98

    Official SI Demo Car Build Thread!

    do you want me to bring the spl enclosure for the mags?
  14. splblazer98

    Official SI Demo Car Build Thread!

    i want nick to come up to the shelor show to test the mad dbs of the teg
  15. splblazer98

    Magnum vs SX

    ill stick wif da mags
  16. splblazer98

    Magnum vs SX

    b/c the Mag PWNS all ? LOL
  17. splblazer98

    Official SI Demo Car Build Thread!

    [22:00] ChadKevinHicks: lemmons = fired [22:00] NDMstang65v2: yep [22:00] NDMstang65v2: check minus'd
  18. splblazer98

    Magnum vs SX

    id still take the mags .... thats what was in my pure spl machine... if u need help with a box for da mags let me know
  19. splblazer98

    Magnum vs SX

    I did the drop in test and here are the results 2 SX 12s Broken in (gained .4 db after break in) - 150.0 2 SI Mag 12s ( drop in out of the box gained some after break in) - 150.8 This box was designed by Loyd Lowry for the SX's, but the Mags just PWNED them also the mags sound great and nick is DA magn... if he only made 10s w/ the mag motor
  20. splblazer98

    Cars for 2x 15" SI D2

    a civic hatch should hold 2 mags quite nicely
  21. splblazer98

    USACi show april 1st in the noke

    i wouldve got more but i left the cameara on while iw as walking around and the batt died
  22. splblazer98

    USACi show april 1st in the noke

    yo webster u need a tSX sticker? if so let me know what color u need and how big and ill make ya one