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Everything posted by splblazer98

  1. port isnt back there as i dont know how im gonna do it.... just was wondering if that was the idea you were wanting
  2. splblazer98

    Team SSAudio represent !

  3. ChadKevinHicks hows this for a prelim drawing
  4. i guess ill try to make something for ya
  5. i may work on something for it in the next few days.. kinda busy right now... if u still in need in a few days i may be able to do it lack of motivation > me money does motivate lol
  6. splblazer98

    Team SSAudio represent !

    whers my shirt? i cant access the email paypal sends stuff do so can someone pm me the info Chad Hicks/ Kim Hicks princeton wv
  7. splblazer98


    my pair of si mag 12s were .7 db louder than the pair of sx's in the same box... also the mags sounded alot better too
  8. splblazer98

    Team SSAudio represent !

    note to self flakko is one skinny mofo.... eat something fool
  9. splblazer98


    never been a kicker fan, but nice box
  10. splblazer98

    Aveo + SI mag vids!

    loyd = teh suxor
  11. splblazer98

    Never ending Alt whine

    try a diff hu my guess would be the outputs of the hu
  12. splblazer98

    Sundownz + Mags

    2kw each here and took it better than re sx's
  13. splblazer98

    building a box for a 15" MAG

    heres the box i built for a mag 15 i dunno if it will fit or not i know the hole cut out says 11" but its 14" i screwed up when making the labels
  14. splblazer98

    Team SSAudio T shirt pre order

    wow i just stumbled across this... i didnt get an invoice in my paypal? maybe i can get one of the left overs..... someone pm me
  15. splblazer98

    Jordan's enclosure Worklog

    and your boxes are sub par
  16. splblazer98


    hoping to beat the 20.1 record of only 3 blown amps?
  17. splblazer98


    make it some how audio related... put a subliminal message inthere somehwere
  18. splblazer98

    Lots of BM's inside

    first nick wont make a mag 10 now no bm 15... i quit
  19. splblazer98

    Happy Happy Nick Nick

    dont drink too much
  20. my best wishes are with you ramos... my grandmother passed last week......
  21. splblazer98

    Lots of BM's inside

    wheres my price quote?
  22. splblazer98

    Lots of BM's inside

    nick i need a price on 2 10s asap... maybe 2 12s but probably 2 10s going in the g/fs car and maybe even make it in the rex for a burp or 2 pm me
  23. splblazer98

    In for 6" Ports?

    i need a pair.. if they flare out as much as the real aeroport ones.. otherwise ill pass..