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About SRT4R6

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  1. SRT4R6

    Would Either of these amps work with RL-i?

    Sorry, i realized that was an S but accidently hit the dumb x button. I am looking to spend under $200. I had heard good things about the two Profile amps, but I wasn't really sure how the best way to wire them. I will look into those two MTX amps, though. Also, what about the "S"(thanks ACIDBURN) on the cone?
  2. I am looking to buy one RL-i 10" and was trying to figure out which amp I should buy. Would either of these work? I am hoping to put around 400-600 watts to it. http://www.millionbuy.com/prfap1000.html http://www.millionbuy.com/prfap1200.html Also, do the subs come with any logo on the cone? I really like the X logo, but it doesn't look like there is anything on them.