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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. moved my grounds around under the hood, increased car voltage by .5 with no load and with accessories/ac running doesnt drop as much.

  2. jcarter1885

    06 Pontiac GTO mild build

    Yeah I seen the Audiopipe but since im not a fan I wasnt gonna recommend it. I completely ran over the MB Quart RA amplifier.
  3. jcarter1885

    06 Pontiac GTO mild build

    Either your lenght hurts on choices or your width. I found one amp that meets the requirements and that is a Massive Audio N3. The Precision Power PPI P1000.1 is 12 15/16" x 6 3/4". The Soundstream TN1.1200D is 12 3/4" x 6 3/4". If you could move up the width to 7" then the Crescendo Audio S1500.1 would be a great buy at $300. It is 9 5/8" x 7".
  4. jcarter1885

    2006 Nissan Titan

    Take a trip to Alaska, im sure he could arrange something.
  5. jcarter1885

    viper 2500.1

    Strapping does not make it high end amp, and looking at the failure rate of people strapping amps lately I wouldnt praise it as much as you do.
  6. jcarter1885

    Sub Comparison pics

    Nice collection
  7. I tried 3 different sub setups in 2 different vehicles and I enjoyed rear firing more than forward firing. Subs were Sundown Zv.1 15", SSA Icon 15" and now IA Lethal Injection 12"s. I think it is just like anything else in car audio, it will come down to personal preference.
  8. Here is j-roadtatts build: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/35175-j-roadtatts-honda-accord-build/
  9. jcarter1885

    Swift's 2012 F250

    Sit back and take a break, it will come to you. Would 2 smaller amps work than 1 big amp?
  10. J-roads is right i just undid sealing my cabin from my trunk and turned my box around so now its firing to the rear. Even on lower power I like it better. Now I just have to worry about the trunk lid.
  11. jcarter1885

    06 Pontiac GTO mild build

    Nice step by step with the power wire install.
  12. jcarter1885

    Alton's 2010 Chevy Traverse build log

    Where did you grab those Zapcos from if you dont mind me asking?
  13. jcarter1885

    nadcicle's 97 Suburban rebuild

    I spy horns
  14. jcarter1885

    More power for mids?

    No I dont need a speaker recommendation and my comment was in regards to Sean but thanks though. Im more so trying help people get a grasp of certain methods, techniques or ways to test what they should look for when deciding if a speaker upgrade is necessary.
  15. jcarter1885

    More power for mids?

    Hopefully I didnt come off wrong, and yes I do agree with listening to each driver on its own as I've done that myself this past weekend. Maybe I should of asked if their any other methods to garner how to detect whats there and whats not there. Could downloading and using test tones work? Or do you have to listen to strictly music? Also are there methods to exactly help the individual find what there speaker is lacking when listening to said speaker? I know most times you guys say dont boost and always cut. But would boosting frequencies given in the user's equalizer to a degree help identify an area of insufficiency or breakup? Just trying to help myself and others.
  16. jcarter1885

    More power for mids?

    What you want him to look for or hear he probably cant thats why you guys keep going back and forth. I doubt most audio users will be able to tell you exaxtly what's missing in their setup. Not doubting the Op or anyone else just being honest. I know you are trying your best to help him Sean but not everybody is going to be able to tell you what they feel is lacking or those intended frequency range. We know he wants all around increase in output, as far as exactly where and what im sure you wont get from him. I was gonna type this a week ago but decided not too. I know its hard to give any suggestions on speaker choices without knowing what needs to be fixed. But I see this thread going on with more pages and frustration on the Op's part because yall arent on the same page.
  17. Most super tweeters have a high recommended frequency crossover point that makes them hard to mate up with drivers. Either causing gaps in frequency response or the risk of crossing your mids too high and running into beaming issues. Ive had plenty of them and just not my cup of tea.
  18. I wouldnt do super tweeters either, been there and done that. What is your budget on front stage? If you do decide to go active with an 8" driver and tweeter combo then you can sell the comps, both wont be needed. For now just bridge the speakers in the front doors to give them more power. My next setup will be hlcd (horn loaded compression drivers) under the dash and 8" in the doors.
  19. jcarter1885

    Shopping for new Sub many ?'s

    12 gauge will be fine for either sub, no need for 8 at all
  20. jcarter1885

    Johnathan Price Demo of DSS Ethos

    How you liking the 12's? I got a pair on order. getting anxious... Building enclosure as we speak. I'm having a hell of a time getting my tuning down to 32, so I settled at 33hz. Hope it doesn't affect the sound too much... I'd imagine these subs will still shine...I'm amazed at every video i've seen with these subs. Quentin has something good going on with this line. I'm sure it won't be too long before Ethos is a very common name... I'm also sure I just bought a set of "pure pleasure!" drivers. My Camry is going to BANG! What's nice is they seem fairly musical as well. Come on and get here... I've got 4K waiting for them! I absolutely love them! I went from a single fi bl 12 to these ( just an upgrade, loved the bl too ) and have beating them for a few months now, they surprise me all the time. I've got 5k+ songs on my iPhone and stuff that I didn't play on the Fi have become regulars on my playlist. They play EVERYTHING amazingly well. My demos start with some kind of everyday music just to show how musical they are. Then I play something to show how brutal they can be. They are on a Taramps 3k and could easily do more. To put it another way, I need to upgrade the front stage again, because I can completely drown it out. I could go on forever about them and Q himself, but ultimately the Ethos speak for themselves! Where is the build log?
  21. jcarter1885

    Zero Ethos motors left.

    Great job Q, guess ill be saving up till the next batch.
  22. Be careful with the foam as it can get messy, so protect interior panels and carpet as much as you can. I just ripped out my forward firing setup and foam, let me tell you it was a field day to clean up. Plus my car isnt no where as new as yours. I would try and use spray foam in the small places and holes around your trunk. But for the actual enclosure itself, build it as wide and tall as you can. Then cover the bigger openings with wood. Will look a thousands times better and less of a mess. Take a look at the build log section and there are some ideas in there. I believe basshead7890 or something like that has a good idea of a forward firing sealed setup: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/50199-95-honda-accord-build-crossfire-xs-v2-18/
  23. Fi looks to be having a sale, grab a woofer while you can.

  24. jcarter1885

    Looking for a new 12" sub

    Hey Q, would those numbers translate to a 15" Ethos in 3.25 enclosure? Thanks