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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    4th order bandpass enclosure (fi Q 12")

    Do your seats fold down at all or is there a ski-pass section/pull out arm rest for the back seats that leads into the trunk from the cabin? Yes a 4th order bandpass can be an option in a trunk car but i would usually only do one on high powered setups with multiple subs or box taking up the whole trunk not allowing adequate air flow. Another possible reason for a bandpass would be if your cars' gas tank was behind the seats. With you having a single q I would just recommend building a ported box to manufacturers specs and see how it treats you. If you build the box shouldn't cost more than 50 bucks. Would be the cheapest option. If really wanting to gain output from the trunk, remove rear speakers from back and leave open. You could also try firing the port and sub forward, sealing the trunk from the cabin. If a 4th order bandpass is your only solution right now then do like 95honda said and do your homework. Dont pick just random ratios, try to understand what you are doing. Just my .02 and good luck
  2. jcarter1885

    building bandpass for 15, need some advice.

    So when will this useless thread come to an end, 5 pages deep with no means of coming to a conclusion. People trying to explain things to someone who doesnt care to get it or just cant get it. This is what happens when you feed the trolls, they keep coming back for more.
  3. Im guessing somebody told there friends from other boards about SSA and bandpass 4th order enclosures. Because every recent, horrible thread is just about that. Haha, i think its hilarious.

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      4th orders are popular now as they have a stronger peak, but tend to have poorer frequency response, so in todays market where SQ is less of a focus...

    2. pmureika


      They want spl from cheaper subs. But sound good to.

    3. Jay-C76


      It's a fad....

      they want to be loud. Like Aaron said it comprises sq. They just don't understand it requires a ton of wasted space.

    4. Show next comments  201 more
  4. jcarter1885


    This, Autozone rcs's worked wonders for me in the past as well.
  5. jcarter1885

    amplifiers intermittently shutting off

    Glad to hear it was a simple fix
  6. jcarter1885

    My daughters new ride

    ^ X2I had mine tuned at 28 and they were insane with the lows.Absolutely loved it. its been a minute man, you still have those Icons?I loved my Icon when it was tuned to 30hz, thinking about getting another one. These newer models look badass.
  7. jcarter1885

    RIP Shawn Fleming

    Sorry to hear this, my condolences to his family.
  8. jcarter1885

    building bandpass for 15, need some advice.

    Stop feeding the trolls. Oh yeah, go ahead and mark this negative too
  9. jcarter1885

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

  10. jcarter1885

    Sub Comparison pics

    The Zcon looks like the big brother.
  11. jcarter1885

    Need Battery help

    This site says you have a group 65 battery http://www.allpar.com/SUVs/jeep/specifications/grand-2014.html
  12. jcarter1885

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    Ok, thanks man for the heads up.
  13. jcarter1885

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    Nice updates What did you cover them with? Since its gonna be 80 degrees today I need to go work on my grounds.
  14. jcarter1885

    Quick Question - Sub wire gauge

    I know what it says, im asking why so high though. Thanks for trying.
  15. jcarter1885

    Quick Question - Sub wire gauge

    Why set your lpf so high? I dont go past 63hz, your mids should take over from there.
  16. jcarter1885

    IB build

    There is one thing I would change. I'd install it in my house instead of yours.x2
  17. jcarter1885


    Posted on facebook as well, just seen the specs and details of both amps.
  18. jcarter1885


  19. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Thats cool Jay. I love to get the W involved when possible. Well since she always complained we dont do anything on the weekends i put her ass to work, haha.
  20. jcarter1885

    IB build

    Finding and controlling rattles should be fun.
  21. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Let my girl help me build an enclosure over the weekend, four hands were better then two.
  22. jcarter1885

    building bandpass for 15, need some advice.

    haha, somebody has sand where it doesnt belong. If you still dont understand nobody called you idiot then thats on you buddy. Once again an idiotic statement does not mean your are an idiot but if you wanna believe thay then hey i cant help that. I will say it to your face too, so chill out acting like your billy badass. Im not even gonna entertain the rest because your getting emotional and dont have time to deal with a grown man and his emotions. Plus i actually tried to get you to understand you weren't being called an idiot but obviously that went over your head like everything else.