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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    2 18s 4th order project

    Yes I must agree Selliniums, Beyma and Eminence are some very impressive mid-ranges and are ridiculous when it comes to loudness and clarity.
  2. jcarter1885

    Why is salvia not illegal?

    I honeslty havent heard of it and if I did never paid attention to it, only tried shrooms and handle-bars(xanax) once and didnt really vibe them. Ill just stick to my greenery and call it a day, but be safe with whatever you do its your life dont lose it.
  3. jcarter1885

    Need help quick!

    Check your amps settings and then check your head unit settings, you may have the subwoofer level at its lowest volume or something (just gotta check your features and it should get to moving).
  4. jcarter1885

    2 18s 4th order project

    Im so jealous considering I havent glassed before and want to so bad, I think in the future I want to glass my back doors. Good build and keep it up .
  5. jcarter1885

    should i buy this 10inch jlw7???

    x2 and for a deal like that I would buy it for the car and if it had no use there in the room or girlfriends car or something (your getting a deal man).
  6. jcarter1885

    what is everyones opinion on AQ subs?

    Honestly your subs are drowning out your rears any way, so it would be better if you took them out since you cant hear them and it will allow for more pressure to get into the cabin from your subwoofers (which you will enjoy a lot more). Next step is to get start looking at amps and speakers so you can upgrade your front stage.
  7. jcarter1885

    sundown sax 50.4

    Glad you got it working, fell in love with 1 of my Sundown amps and cant wait to get the other one installed.
  8. Hopefully you didnt do what one local shop while at college did, they shorted out my ignition wire in your harness. Now I have to run a wire from the ignition wire of the radio to the fuse box luckily its right below the center dash in my car until I find a permanent solution.
  9. jcarter1885

    enclosure for a 12" BL

    Open an account at photobucket.com or post them to your gallery under your profile section on this forum.
  10. jcarter1885

    16 Sundown sa-12s Build

    Am I tripping or is that 6 - 3500D's, 2 subs per amp huh? You ARE tripping!! That's 16 subs for one.... and that's 8 3500's........... You must have failed second grade math. Actually no I counted 6 on top and 2 on bottom but I typed the wrong thing, straight A student over here homie and Im a beast at math.
  11. jcarter1885

    16 Sundown sa-12s Build

    Am I tripping or is that 8 - 3500D's, 2 subs per amp huh?
  12. jcarter1885

    A few questions

    I know someone who had a Planet Audio and it was putting out some good power, never got it benched to see how accurate it was.
  13. He is going to have to wire each sub to its on channel and they will only see 150watts, because if you try and bridge it the sus will see a 1 ohm load and will kill that amp. So just run them on 150watts for now until he gets another amp/subs or whatever he decides.
  14. jcarter1885

    Another New Guy In FL.

    Glad you could join us.
  15. jcarter1885

    Noob Again

    Glad you could join us and you shared pictures in the beginning, nice install .
  16. jcarter1885

    How i got started

    This takes me back to my middle school days when me and my friends used to ride around with portable cd playes in our back packs and computer speakers on rigged on the handle bars.
  17. jcarter1885

    16 Sundown sa-12s Build

    Haha, porkchops your comments have been ridiculous lately keep it up man. Keep us updated with the build, Im planning on 2 of these being in my upcoming install.
  18. jcarter1885

    16 Sundown sa-12s Build

    Said forget being like everyone else and buying all the pieces to make flare ports just did the process your self, two thumbs up .
  19. jcarter1885

    Optima batteries

    Their is no difference in performance at all just a .6 lb. difference thats all. The benefit of the dual post is for people like me who already have side posts battery that were factory plus it allows for more connections if you have standard battery top post and want to use the side post for car audio.
  20. jcarter1885

    15" SSA Xcon or 15" Fi Q with B/P option

    If weight is that much of an issue then go Q, Havoc or Icon and leave it at that. If weight isnt issue which i think it is, then go for the Xcon (anybody on here will tell you yes the Xcon is worth the extra money and weight over those subs). So at the end of the day list what goals you have, if you want ta low weight sub what will you give up and vice versa if you want a heavy sub what are you willing to give up?
  21. jcarter1885

    seems like i am..

    Haha now that was a good one right there.
  22. jcarter1885

    Trying to learn

    Glad you could joing us buddy.
  23. jcarter1885

    subs in sealed

    The reason why your box sounded like shit is because you built it to Kickers SPL specs which tuned it real high, I personally like kickers at 30Hz and they sound good on up to 37hz at most. I would build another box and tune it lower than make your decison on switching subs or setup.
  24. jcarter1885

    Fi BTL 18"

    As bad as I want 15" subwoofers since I only had 10"s and 12"s, if I can fit two 12"s in there perfectly then im going for the 12"s (more cone area plus more motor force on same power should be louder, plus with the 12"s im getting big box isnt a requirement leaving more room for my amps to breathe). Its just gonna be one of those all nite decisions to see what you will give up or trade off for one or the either but both will do the job and sound good, just remember install and box are 90-95% of the install and equipment is the last 5-10%. Hope all goes well and good luck with everything.
  25. jcarter1885

    how do you curve MDF?

    Appreciate ya for the post this helped me out since recently I have been curious on how to do it and was given told how but not really explained like this with pictures and hints to go buy. I got scrap wood so now I can go trial and error, I love this website.