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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    FI BTL 12"

    Another battery and if you say you want it just for spl then tuning higher would help alot.
  2. That sucks, tell him to stop holding out (weather never stops an install). Just playing
  3. also is the 3500D underrated? Should I expect around 4kw or 3500-3800kw? All Sundown amps are underrated, your making this amp selection process harder than it has to be. Whomever your listening to about the information their giving you about the efficiency of an amp at 4ohms when you wont even use it at that ohm load should not be listened too. I think you may need to start at a lower power level amp. What equipment are you using, what electrical upgrades are you gonna do or have done?
  4. jcarter1885

    Not as loud as it used to be?

    It could be a number of reasons: your getting used to it, low voltage since you dont have the adequate batteries to back it up, certain songs arent recorded at the same level, etc. You cant ride around blasting your music at real high volumes 24/7 because eventually you will get used to it or your ears just seem not to work to well for about an hour after bumping(i noticed that happens to me sometims, seems like my ears are popped or something).
  5. Yeah regardless of how you wire your subs to that amp, they will only take up to channels of that amp. The other two channels will be open for anything, good luck.
  6. Are you just looking for a component set or are you willing to buy seperate brands of speakers and doing an active system?
  7. It looks like the only option I came up with is each sub on its own channels (two channels wont be used), wire the subs in parallel to 2 ohms.
  8. jcarter1885

    MJ-18M And IXL 18

    There is no problem with underpowering a sub, that amp will do fine on that subwoofer.
  9. jcarter1885

    noob to SSA

    Glad you could join us.
  10. A pair of horns would be out of your budget, since they run around $250 and better (image dynamics has horns). Go to madisound.com or parts-express.com and check out mid-ranges, mid-bass or tweeters and go from there since you cant get a listen on anything. I use Eminence's and there good, a friend of mine uses Seleniums and they are good. So just search around and make a list of what your interested in then come back with some questions about those products.
  11. jcarter1885

    Zx750.1 12"x2 CVR's 2009 F150 single cab

    The 750.1 can push 2-12 CVX's, it just wont push them to their maximum output. Underpowering subs is not a problem, i currently have 700 watts on 3-12 cvx's and they sound lovely and hit hard for the power thats running to them (which is only a third of power).
  12. jcarter1885

    sundown sax 50.4

    How bout you guys tell us what speakers are on what channels, and the specs of the speakers so someone can help you tune your amp to your needs or speakers needs.
  13. jcarter1885

    Power Acoustik

    I wouldnt buy one.
  14. jcarter1885

    Silicone drying time?

    I think I let mine sit overnight just to be on the safe side and its held up ever since, no air leaking out or nothing.
  15. jcarter1885

    What subs would be best?

    Remember matching the rms of you amp and subs is not the best idea, but that is what we are told when entering the car audio realm. Just cause your amp puts out 3500 watts does not mean you have to fee your subs that much, its good to have head room. I would get the bl's w/ bp power and a SAZ-3500D and set the gain around 3000rms with a dmm and you should be safe until you get better at understanding amps and how to throw more power at a sub but watching how you control the volume on the head unit.
  16. jcarter1885

    06 sebring build

    I cant wait to see what to see what those cvr's will do in that enclosure, I have a friend who has 3 CVR's D4 in a ported enclosure @ 30Hz and its sounds lovely/really beats down. Good luck
  17. jcarter1885

    150+ music with a pr. of 10's?

    I see what your saying, I kind of consider them "walled trunks", call it what I will that chit is loud, esp. for 10's! Can't wait to see some vid.s with the Stetsom going buck wild on those subs. GL this weekend Thorr in the comp. wish I could be there to witness the madness :-( ^^^^ You should copyright that, I like that name to describe a system of that nature.
  18. jcarter1885

    What subs would be best?

    Maybe two BL's with bp power with a Sundown 1500D each or Sundown 3500D (watch gains and volume) on both would do the trick. Those should be plenty loud and go from there because you will get better as you test, tune and modify your system and car for better numbers. Then after you get the most out of your current setup or get better at competing then I would suggest stepping up to a pair of BTL's, just my .02.
  19. jcarter1885

    150+ music with a pr. of 10's?

    Keep it up, I want to see what the 14kd's will do those subs and car.
  20. jcarter1885

    get well soon.... mdizzle and his sub are both sick.

    Get well soon so you can get back to building boxes. Xcon no worky, worky; naw that is some killer news (any idea on what happened)?
  21. jcarter1885

    Project Warden.....

    Warden thong britches? lol Thats a good idea, Incriminator Audio should get some models and have them wear IA logo bathing suits; ^^^design 1 is a go.
  22. jcarter1885

    Rushnrun's Dodge Ram 1500 install

    Good luck with the new install and like the last one I know it will be impressive.
  23. jcarter1885

    How bad is your hearing loss?

    That is the just the audible range of most humans and does not apply to everyone (everybody is not the same), read up on Wikipedia: "Hearing range usually describes the range of frequencies that can be heard by an animal or human, though it can also refer to the range of levels. In humans the audible range of frequencies is usually said to be 20Hz to 20,000Hz (20kHz) (Hz is the standardised term for 'cycles per second'), although there is considerable variation between individuals, especially at the high frequency end, where a gradual decline with age is considered normal. Sensitivity also varies a lot with frequency, as show by equal-loudness contours, which are normally only measured for research purposes, or detailed investigation." Its just like a car install design there are too many factors to determine the exact highest and lowest range a human can possible hear unless you test everbody (that range comes from a group of tested humans which is not the most accurate but it is relevant). Its just a standard to go by, while most humans can hear up to 20,000Hz if that; there is a real small amount who may be able to go higher and since this does not apply to everyone they wont put this in the human hearing range.
  24. jcarter1885

    Golf mk2 VR6 SPL Car.....

    Good build log so far, keep up the hard work.
  25. jcarter1885

    Need help quick!

    No actually check your knobs on you amp and make sure everything is set right, then check your settings on your head-unit that deal with low-pass or subwoofer features. I would run it like the picture that was posted from 12 volt, wire it in parallel. Run one small wire from - voice coil to the other - voice coil, then from one - voice coil to a - terminal on the amp. Run one small wire from + voice coil to the other + voice coil, then from one + voice coil to a + terminal on the amp. Should be two wires going from sub to amp.