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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    18" Fi Q in a Focus Hatchback

    Since you said they dont have a Term Lab Meter its an unkown meter than its probably off and there is no telling by how much, but in that box and on that much power I heavily doub it. There are to many factors as to how big is the box, what is it tuned to, what vehicle is it in, etc.
  2. That sig is super old dont pay attention to it. So do you think 2 batts is enough for the 4k2d? Get the biggest alternator you can, start buy buying two off the biggest batteries you can get and buy a volt meter. Once you have everything installed, check your voltage and if you have voltage drops then your gonna need more batteries (nobody knows exactly how many you need or if they will hold up or not).
  3. jcarter1885

    18" Fi Q in a Focus Hatchback

    Regardless if someone had the same setup as you, yall wont be hitting the same numbers (different cars do different things). Im not giving you shit and Im not criticizing you just answering your questions (if they are hurting your feelings or making you feel small than thats a personal problem). To set gains correctly buy a DMM (digital multi-meter) like I said earlier and go under the Amplifiers / Head Units / Processors / Electrical section and click on- How To: Set Your Amplifier Gain and follow the instructions.
  4. Your gonna need alot more than two batteries with what you have in your signature.
  5. Ok now is the xs3100 better than the kinetik hc3800? And how much is the xs3100 & the group deka batteries? You can answer these questions for yourself, use the search function. The best battery is the one with the most AH(amp hours). just do some research. The Kinetik HC3800 has more AH than any xs power battery. The xs power d3100 is $350 or better and Deka 31 are $170 or better.
  6. jcarter1885

    15" vs 18" In small cars

    My trunk is bigger than yours and an 18" will not go in there, so 15" it is.
  7. jcarter1885


    I would be a little hesitant to run that system just off of stock battery and alternator (amp or alternator wont last long), need to get a voltmeter and watch voltage. Keep gains extra low.
  8. email Rusty at [email protected] or call the shop 1-775-425-5700.
  9. pretty much, theres no right or wrong choice.
  10. jcarter1885

    SAX-50.4 and Z15 Close-Out Sales

    Thanks ya know, i've been thinking, if you made an internal fan system inside the amp casing, you could either maintain the same reliability with lesser heat sinks, and smaller cases, or just improve the design all together. I imagine the cost of plastic fans to be rather cheap, compared to the potential it has to regulate heat. what do you think of this? That ridiculous, heat sinks are better than fans thats why they are slowly replacing them. Sundowns amps do not need there design to be improved, I love the way mine looked so that is why I bought one more and will be buying the third one soon.
  11. I would go Sundown SAZ-3500D, FTW! How much is it? Check this out: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/store/products/Sundown-Audio-SAZ%252d3500D.html
  12. jcarter1885

    help me

    Try google'ing it or just wait for someone to answer the question for ya.
  13. I would go Sundown SAZ-3500D, FTW!
  14. jcarter1885

    My BTL install issue

    More info is needed than that as to find out what could of been the problem before going on with upgrades on subs and amps. I would suggest trying to find out what made the one amp blow up in flames and what made the other up pop/blow resistors.
  15. jcarter1885

    18" Fi Q in a Focus Hatchback

    Yeah you should be around 192db's and killing the game, for real dude if you want to know what your hitting do like everybody else does and go get it metered using a TL Meter (some local shops have one, but thats the ONLY way to tell). What do you mean their is no gain setting on the amp? Buy a DMM (digital multi-meter) and set your gains correctly.
  16. jcarter1885

    Actual stats on 3500D

    There is no such thing as underpowering (the only waste is trying to push amps & subs to their extreme everyday and eventually messing one up because you lack the knowledge). Just get the 2-Sundown SAZ-2000D and BTL's at Dual 2 ohm or 1-Sundown SAZ-3500D and BTL's at Dual 1 ohm and go from their, it doesnt matter which one wont really make a difference.
  17. jcarter1885

    2 SAZ-1500D vs 1 SAZ-3000D

    My vote is 1-Sundown SAZ-3000D, less wires, hassle and tweaking to get both amps on the same page with one another.
  18. jcarter1885

    My BTL install issue

    I dont think you can put all the blame on US AMPs, may be user error? What were the amps pushing, what ohm load?
  19. jcarter1885

    Saz 3000d fuse

    At 2 ohms anywhere from a 175-200A, you could possibly get by with a 150A like I said it just depends on how you push your equipment.
  20. jcarter1885


    Well in the future would you mind spelling your words correctly, we are trying to get everyone on the forum to use correct spelling and grammar.
  21. jcarter1885


    I havent used neither one but both companies are good and have good products, if trying to choose between the two I would get which ever one fits within your budget. Just my .02 but hopefully someone who has owned either one or both will chime in soon.
  22. jcarter1885


    Haha, people dont use spell check anymore.
  23. jcarter1885

    Saz 3000d fuse

    Depends on how hard your going to be pushing your equipment and what ohm load you are running at, that 300A maximum recommendation is if your at 1 ohm and going all out just to be safe. Remember music changes and your not drawing 300A's every second.
  24. jcarter1885

    Need help with a box

    What you need to do is give us the max dimensions that you have to work with so somebody can help you with a box.
  25. jcarter1885

    front stage opinons

    Well you ever thought about just looking for a new setup for your car and throwing what you have in your car in her's, just a thought.