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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    18" Fi Q Enclosure Help

    If you want it louder than get a better, more powerful amp and that will solve your problems. Yeah sound travels until it cant no more, so when you open your windows you give sound more area to cover and express itself. When its enclosed in a small area it is cancelled out by the next set of waves coming from the source of the sound.
  2. jcarter1885

    DEH-P600UB/BXi1208D/Infinity 475a/ABC600V/3-PPI PCX102's

    That was the first thing I noticed before the wire, good luck on the istall man (the big brown truck is headed my way on thursday cant wait, ).
  3. I upgraded 2 of my big three wires (engine block to cars frame with 1/0 wire and battery to cars frame with 2-1/0 wire) and my voltage starts at 15.0-15.1votls on certain mornings also, the colder it is then the higher your voltage will be. It has to do with the higher the start rate of the battery (cca is always higher than ca) but once your engine components start to heat up and then the voltage drops down to a reasonable number. Since your alternator is a little beefed up then thats where those extra .5-1.0 volts are coming from, but you should be safe ( I was wondering the same thing with my car but its been fine for more than 4 months as of now).
  4. jcarter1885

    CDT Comps

    x2, couldnt have been wrote up any better.
  5. If you dont upgrade the alternator then the wiring size from the alternator and battery may be sufficient. I would just upgrade the negative(alternator/engine block to cars frame and battery to cars frame) wires first and see how that treats you (it helped me out alot with a stock battery and alternator, with a steady voltage and less drops at full tilt).
  6. jcarter1885

    Smallest possible sealed box for Q 18?

    If your gonna to ask a question and we give you answers you dont want to hear then why post a topic, either you should of emailed Fi from jump or just did what you wanted to since people are giving you some of the best info available. If your stuck on the looks then performance, regardless of what FI says you want what you want so just go for it or change your plans.
  7. jcarter1885

    What subs would be best?

    Its simple you threw out information that could mislead others, the OP stated he wanted to fuse ground wires for his Car Audio System thats it and you went into situations where you fuse a ground wire. Keeping it simple, clean and not to confuse others; the answer should of been naw do not fuse the ground wire, only the positive wire until somebody has ran into a product that needs a fused ground wire. Im trying to help me and others with the general info without stepping to anothe aspect or confusing them with what if products that dont concern car audio, thats all (when did lights become car audio, its still car lighting and accessories). No argument just keeping it simple for the non-advanced users on this forum, so there wont be and confusion thats all (that was the reason for my post, and this one too)!
  8. jcarter1885

    What subs would be best?

    We are not talking about lights here, we were referring to car audio systems ( I never heard of fusing ground wires and if your supposed to do so then every car install I did was wrong).
  9. jcarter1885

    orderering Btl 18

    Go to db-r.com if you want to get a used Sundown Amp for cheaper than a new one. You will hardly find a Sundown Amp on ebay.com, not saying its impossible but unlikely. Sundown SAZ-2000D would take away from 2/3's of the rest of your money you have left. You seem like a budget person and i would pay top dollar for an amp since I have a top dollar sub but if you wanna go cheap on the amp then you can check out the Audioque AQ2200D.
  10. jcarter1885

    Port Area for 12" Bl

    so i talked to the installer and he said if i used 32 sq in of port there would be a lot of port noise... is this trure? Your builder sucks and theres a reason why he reduced the port in the first place because he doesnt know what he is doing, after you said he set your amp and you watched him do it shows how local shops fuck people over and just cause they are their watching, makes that person think they know what their doing. Thats why all you settings on your amp are off, he needs to stop installing ASAP! Build a better box, LPF at 80Hz or lower, SSF on 1/4 turn or a little higher, may need to play with phase after you set amp up correctly (use DMM to set your gains, look in the Amplifers, Headunits, equalizers thread and check out the Amp Gain Settings Topic). Turn Loud off on radio and Eq to your likings on head unit. Good luck.
  11. jcarter1885

    new guy here

    Glad you could join us.
  12. jcarter1885

    Not new, but its been a min

    Glad your back man.
  13. jcarter1885

    Hey Ladies!

    Glad you could join us young lady .
  14. jcarter1885

    First post

    Glad you could join us.
  15. jcarter1885

    Newbie from Texas

    Glad you could join us my fellow Texan.
  16. jcarter1885


    Glad you could join us.
  17. jcarter1885

    Newbie to the forum but not car audio

    Glad you could join us man, good luck on your new project when you start installing it.
  18. jcarter1885

    Hi to all

    Glad you could join us
  19. jcarter1885

    Noob From mass

    Glad you could join us, good luck with the new project.
  20. jcarter1885

    Box Meausurments

    Damn you beat me to it, I got tuning around 34Hz with 50in^2 but the internal volume is 4.44ft^3.
  21. jcarter1885

    CDT Comps

    Nothing is going to keep up with 2-18SSD's, I think if you want to do a 2-way with an 8" in the door, then look at some Image Dynamic Horns to do mid-range on up. Those horns will get nice and loud which you seem like you want since you want something to accentuate those 18"s.
  22. jcarter1885

    these tweets and these mids

    First of all dont buy something because everyone else has them and likes them, go to a local car audio shop and listen to their different types of tweeters or check out the websites I mentioned above and SEARCH and the ones that fit your budget and taht you like bring back to this forum. Listen to lithium he makes a good point on using a bigger sized speaker for the upper frequency range, stop trying to get this done all in one nite it wont happen (just take your time and do some research man, stop asking every few seconds what about this one and that one).
  23. jcarter1885

    Z15 v nightshade 15

    Read noob posting guidelines before posting again, and there is no such thing as SQL.
  24. jcarter1885


    what was the video suppose to add to this thread? making a selection on what equipment to buy based a youtube video is ridiculous... Haha x2, that combo might be a good choice for you.
  25. jcarter1885

    Amplifier/Sub Ohm question

    Doesnt make sense at all, if instead of doing 2x1, say dual 2ohms to help others who dont know what your talking about.