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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    Need Help Finding A Topic !!

    No problem man.
  2. jcarter1885

    IA Recommended Enclosure Sizing

    Needed this. Thanks
  3. i dont think that you can... http://www.the12volt.com/caraudio/woofer_configurations.asp Yeah actually you can.
  4. jcarter1885

    Okay 2 12" Fi SSD D1 ohm subs

    Try using the search function, sometimes you can find things out before asking questions (research is the key to your own knowledge). Please dont start another topic talking about the same thing.
  5. jcarter1885

    best spl headunit

    At the end of the day there is no "best" product in one specific category, if it was then everybody would have it and no competition would exist. Just my .02, someone should make a sticky about what words or phrases not to use on this forum like Best, SQL and so on.
  6. jcarter1885

    best spl headunit

    Your not very nice. He's right though that term is amusing, whats the best to one person is not the best to someone else. People should start asking what product is geared to their needs instead of simply whats best? The best headunit could be $2,000 but does that mean he needs it no, does it means he wants it no; so even if someone told him the best headunit and he didnt want it then this topic would be a waste.
  7. jcarter1885

    Help with Box design!

    Glad you could join us. Read the noob posting guidelines before posting again. How can someone give you measurements if they dont know what area its fitting in, everybody on this forum does not drive a jeep cherokee. Give us more info: what amp will this be powered by, what are the max dimensions to work with, etc., etc.? You could just do what exxd and porkchop said to do above.
  8. jcarter1885

    best spl headunit

    k my bad and what more info im juust looking on opinions on head units with a high volt output Any information that is needed for someone to give you the best answer (what your system is lacking, whats wrong with the current set-up, what need is there for a SPL Headunit(never heard of those)?
  9. jcarter1885

    best spl headunit

    Man you know the rules, more info and this question could of been asked in your other topics about the same thing.
  10. jcarter1885

    soundstream xxx

    SBN 2009 Virgil Williams • 1987 Rabbit (soundstream XXX-18 &soundstream XXX15K) • Ultimate 1 – 1st (169.9 dB) • 169.6, then 169.9, then 170.3, then 170.2 There's your proof or power right there. a single 18 and 15,000 watts. It took on an additional 5,000rms, can you say ridiculous. I was always interested in Soundstream Subs especially the Tarantula series but always picked Kicker CVX's over them(not saying I made the best decision since I never heard any of Soundstreams subs), just wondering how good are Soundstream subs.
  11. jcarter1885

    2009 MECA Drive By SPL 4 World Champion

    Congrats maan, keep up the great work and winning World Titles.
  12. jcarter1885

    somebody help me please

    Hey dude just get a piece of string, rope or wire laying around and measure its not that hard (that way you will know for sure, somethings you have to do on your own since we cant do everything for ya). We give you the info you need to know now its time to apply it.
  13. jcarter1885

    2008 Accord with a single 12" Fi SSD

    Nice car and clean ass install.
  14. jcarter1885

    How to determine enclosure frequency

    Give us way more information than you are now, like box size outside(height x width x length) and both port dimensions(height x width x length) not just the square area of the port.
  15. jcarter1885

    price for design enclosure

    To me its just a design, why not pay $20 for it (I personally would do them for free because thats almost to cost to make a small standard box). But it depends on how complex the design is and if you cant design it then why not scrape up 20 dollars for someone to design it for you. Just my .02
  16. jcarter1885

    Need Help Finding A Topic !!

    You mean read it and have a good laugh , the topic is "Your Local Car Audio Shops" under the thread General Audio.
  17. jcarter1885

    Electrical problem

    check grounds and did you do the big 3? Yeah he did the Big 3 already.
  18. jcarter1885

    Electrical problem

    It sounds like you have wiring problem (check grounds or get alternator and batteries checked). Those 2 Kinetiks should push that system without almost any problems, well I just checked the stats on those amps and they are some power hungry beasts (the RF T600-4 needs a 150A fuse alone and the T1000-1 also, so you have the adequate amp hours to handle these amps). Are those two Kinetik batteries the only ones you have or you have a starting battery in their as well?
  19. jcarter1885

    Home Sick

    Sorry to hear that man, get better soon and take it easy.
  20. Any videos, very nice install man ( I like the attention to detail).
  21. jcarter1885

    is it my head unit or my speakers???

    Have you looked behind your radio yet to see or you just waiting for a reply, any troubleshooting done. I would check all speaker wire and headunit wiring.
  22. jcarter1885


    What is the purpose of this bump man?
  23. jcarter1885

    any reccomendation for 18in subwoofers

    I think that you should do that instead. I would be impressed if you could name a thousand subs off the top of your head Well Im sorry Im not here to impress you so find somebody else for that, .
  24. jcarter1885

    orderering Btl 18

    I didnt ask you what options you got, I asked you what your voice coil configuration was (and you wanna use a 3000rms amp on that sub, good luck man thats all I can say).
  25. jcarter1885

    orderering Btl 18

    i have a HO 200 amp alternator. dont have any extra batteries(just havent ordered). so u got the 3000d referbished? and use it on 1 fi btl loaded right? its what im thinking of doing. and reccomend a good battery? With the questions your asking go with the Sundown SAZ-2000D or get the Sundwon SAZ-3000D and wire it at 1ohms. Dont get an amp because you see someone running it on the same sub you have (box, setting gains correctly, using the volume knob correctly - takes a knowlegeable and well experienced person to use an amp with a lot o headroom and use it right). just my .02, dont wanna ruin your brand new equipment because of your lack of knowledge or experience. What voice coil configuration did you order with your 18"BTL? Just because the company recommends 2000rms for their sub doesnt mean you need to give it all that to work and work well. Getting the Sundown SAZ-1500d will push the sub perfectly fine if you ordered the dual 2 ohm version.