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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    Sundown 50.4 installed

    Cant wait till you get the SAZ-1000 to give us more pictures, yeah these Sundown Amps are beast.
  2. jcarter1885

    XCON 12" help!!!

    x2, or if you can try to make another box but if not you will be good to go with the polyfill.
  3. jcarter1885

    Chainsaw's Camry(a work in progress)

    I agree with porkchop, you would be better of with a custom made box (if you can find someone locally to make you a box it can be done for under $50-100, dont go to a stereo shop). Just my .02 Honestly someone on here or me can help you design and give you step by step info to do it and you could build your own for under $50, just a thought.
  4. jcarter1885


    Well you still can research on this site and the internet, just type in folded horn enclosures (im sure there a lot of pictures of them and info floating over the internet).
  5. jcarter1885

    Dave69's 1 Fi BTL 12" Build Log

    x2, I may have to get you to design a box for me for a 15" or 2-12" subwoofers when I decide which setup I want.
  6. jcarter1885

    Chainsaw's Camry(a work in progress)

    Man it sounds like you are going about this right, good luck and cant wait for this build to get off the ground .
  7. jcarter1885


    I think your referring to a folded horn enclosure, check out Topic: Taste My 8 under the Build Log Thread (a dude has one on their that he has pictures of to give you a generel idea).
  8. jcarter1885

    Fi T-shirt ascendant subs

    Yeah that is awesome .
  9. jcarter1885

    2004 Isuzu Rodeo Install

    x2, best advice in the world at least upgrrade your Big 3 wire and install a voltmeter.
  10. jcarter1885

    Need wiring help

    Its real simple, if you wire each sub to four ohms and then together at 2ohms before they go to the amplifier (then you have 2 wires, one positive and one negative that go to one positive terminial and one negative terminal on the amp). If you wire each sub to four ohms and let the amp do the dropping down of the ohm load then their will be four wires (two positive and two negative, each wire goes in its on terminal). Hope this helps.
  11. jcarter1885

    2008 Toyota Hilux Build Log

    Fiberglass crazy (Ive never did fiberglassed before, but you and others make all that hard work turn into a piece of art) . Good job on the install man, cant wait till its done. I was wondering what you were gonna put behind that amp but as I kept scrolling down, the plexiglass answered my question. Nice equipment and excellent install, keep us posted.
  12. jcarter1885

    Need wiring help

    x2, check out www.the12volt.com for both of the wiring diagrams he mentioned if still confused.
  13. Appreciate ya man, will check these out tomorrow.
  14. jcarter1885

    Trupan Light

    Next time I build a box I will wear a mask and goggles for protection but dont really need it (better safe than sorry).
  15. jcarter1885


    Im sorry I wouldnt have paid that, I stop buying boxes after being charged $280 for a ported enclosure for 2-12"s (great box, just not worth that much to me when you can build your own for under $50-$100 depending on size and materials).
  16. jcarter1885

    parts express

    Ive seen an enclosure covered in leather before (its gonna be more expensive then carpet and not as durable) but it can be done.
  17. jcarter1885

    Trupan Light

    What do you mean by MDF being hard on equipment? Please explain more, I havent coughed up blood (none of my friends have either and they build boxes all day long). Instead of writing small statements, please give better explanantions so I can further understand. If this was the case then why do everybody and there mother use MDF (95% of the time if not more). If you build your box correctly you dont need screws or nails, so that is not to relevant (plus I used nails in my box).
  18. jcarter1885

    2004 Isuzu Rodeo Install

    I say go for it, if you already have it (are there gonna be any front stage upgrades or factory for now)?
  19. jcarter1885

    True rms power for a BTL?

    You dont need it to be playing at full tilt to do some tuning, be respectful to those around you (stop degrading the Car Audio Industry).
  20. jcarter1885

    Trupan Light

    What MDF horror stories have you heard, please share with us.
  21. jcarter1885

    orderering Btl 18

    x2, any size up to 1/0awg use KnuKonceptz if you need 2/0awg or bigger then go get some welding wire at weldingsupply.com or weldingdepot.com
  22. jcarter1885

    audiobahn aw120q

    okay check my math out here........... outside dimensions for the enclosure are ; 19"d X 17.5" W X 14" H (the mdf is 3/4")........so that is 2.02 cubic feet. the port measures 12.5" H X 10.875" D X .875"W so if i subtract this and the inner port wall displacement from the enclosures, it puts me at a volume of 1.89 f^3 ......... if i did the math right the port is tunned at 32hz. i am not sure of the displacement of the sub, but it looks like this box might be choking these subs some if i have done the math right... thanks for the help. chop That box is 1.82 ft^3 @ 28.58Hz before sub displacement (10.94in^2 of port area, the port area range is 22-29in^2).
  23. jcarter1885


    I would of slapped some fucking reality in is ass to wake him up while laughing at him, if he was hitting 229dbs then everyone would know about it by now (do TL meters even go that high, I would of said what did he use to measure it if they dont).
  24. jcarter1885

    FI BL 18'' recone

    A little more than 100 duckies depending on the options the BL has, thats before shipping.