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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    New and Looking to Learn

    From my limited research, it appears to go from maze to addiction! Yeah I feel you on that, Im love the addiction (this time I want to try and control it, no need for more car audio sitting around the house than installed in the car).
  2. jcarter1885

    New and Looking to Learn

    Glad you could join us, and good luck with getting out the maze.
  3. jcarter1885

    New here!

    Glad you could join us and sorry to hear about your misfortune on other car audio forums.
  4. jcarter1885

    hello everyone

    Glad you could join us.
  5. jcarter1885

    MBarber25's Build Log

    you can see some of it in that video when i play white girl the windshield was flexing a bit too but the camera sucks so bad that you can't see. my windshield wiper moves a bit too. damn camera Yeah I seen the wipers jumping up and down on the windshield.
  6. jcarter1885

    MBarber25's Build Log

    I wanna see the roof flex .
  7. jcarter1885

    Most musical with lots of output

    ...Wanna Bet? That's Your Opinion, I've Seen Many Sealed 10"s With Less/Around 1000 Watts With "Enough" Output. (It's The OP's Preference, He May Have A Different View On Output And Musicality.) You Could Also Make Your Posts More Constructive And Perhaps Be More Elaborate. I'd Probably Go With An IA Lethal Injection Here. The SSD And Arsenal Are Also A Very Good Choice, Can't Comment On The Treo's. x2, RE XXXv3 please give better advice and help the OP. FI or LI will be good subs to go with, I have heard good things about Treo subs but havent heard one personally.
  8. If it has a problem where it never goes off then I damn sure wouldnt want it in my car (drawing power continously to eventually drain your battery). You should look into something else cheap and new but I wouldnt get that because it will be cheap now but may cause you all kind of problems in the future which probably wont be cheap to fix. Just my .02
  9. jcarter1885

    Thanks 2 SSA

    Good luck man .
  10. jcarter1885

    Wiring for my amps..

    He only has three amps but they are all mono, he was just saying 550x2 (how much power per channel). What all equipment will you be running to these amps?
  11. jcarter1885

    AudioQue Build

    You really despies Audioque, why is that if you dont mind me asking (just curious)?
  12. jcarter1885

    New Member here

    Glad you could join us.
  13. jcarter1885

    What's the best way to build a box?

    Everything to build a box can be bought form Lowes, Home Depot, Menards or your local hardware store. Some will say dont use Liquid Nails but I have no problem with it, my box is sturdy and strong (over a year and 2 months old, does well with 3-12" Kicker CVX's banging in it), but if you go with Liquid Nails then make sure its the kind that can be used on wood. Good luck man.
  14. jcarter1885

    AudioQue Build

    Cut Sheets: Front/Back = 26'' x 14.5'' Sides = 14.5'' x 14.5'' Top/Bottom = 26'' x 16''
  15. jcarter1885

    What's the best way to build a box?

    You could use different materials to build your box. Glue is the most important item to use in putting a box together (screws or nails are used to keep wood in place while glue dries, you can use clamps instead of screws or nails). I used Liquid Nails for my glue and my sealant. Most will tell you to use Tite Bond or some other type of wood glue. Sealent can be glue or silicone its up to you.
  16. jcarter1885

    SAX-50.4 and Z15 Close-Out Sales

    The displacement is about .125 and the cutout is 14 1/8. Mounting depth about 8 but dont know the outer frame diameter. I got one through the trade in and it will be replacing 2 15 polkmomos. Almost ready for it. I definantly appreciate your help, now I know Jacob will have the outer frame diameter by the time I wake up since I know he is usually on in the morning.
  17. jcarter1885

    AudioQue Build

    Whoever calculated that box didnt subtract the subs displacement, it is 2.08 ft^3 @ 37.47Hz. How bout this: 16"H x 26"W x 16"D 14.5"H x 2.3"W x 15.5"L 2.26 ft^3 @ 38.04 Hz (port area= 33.5in^2, port area range= 27-36in^2)
  18. jcarter1885

    Box size difference

    Well with the way you like lows I would stay Xcon route if you upgrade but Im know expert. Since there is no such thing as underpowering, you have enough power for an Xcon (you dont have to give it its full 1750 for it to perform and perfom well, your amp will suit that subwoofer nicely). Just some food for thought.
  19. jcarter1885

    Box size difference

    I dont think your lows could get any better (they are probably at there optimal level now). It just might be time for another 18" Q only if you could fit it (I think it may be time to sell the Q and get 18" XCON).
  20. I will be using one of these subs as a temporary sub setup till I get my electrical right, money right and subwoofer choices down to run my Sundown SAZ-2000D @ 1ohm. I have a 2003 Saturn Ion, stock alternator and stock battery so far and just took out my 3-12" Kicker CVX's in 5.9ft^3 @ 25.94Hz. As you can tell I love the lows (my priority in any system I have), I listen to: a lot of chopped and screwed music plus r&b, rap and old school. I will be building a new enclosure anywhere from 3-3.75ft^3 for the Kicker CVX 15" and 3.25ft^3 for the Sundown Z15. The price difference is $50 (Sundown more pricey), Im not worried about customer service (dont plan on blowing neither one and if so that will be upgrade time. I know there are other subs out there that you would recommend, or that you would deal with but thats not what this topic is about; its about these two exact subs I have listed already. I will get both subs in D4ohms and wire it to the Sundown SAZ-2000d at 2ohms, the box will be tuned to 28Hz (Sundown Z15 recommends a tuning of 30--35Hz only so that is already a downer but nothing to throw it out). The Fs of the Kicker CVX is 21.5Hz and the Sundown Z15 is 28.59, which sub will yield me better lows (only concern right now) tuned to 28Hz? Thanks for the input and time put into this topic (Im already leaning towards the Kicker CVX 15" but curious to what the SSA members have to say). Im biased towards Kicker CVX subwoofers (I've had 3 different 12" setups from 1-12" CVX t0 2-12" CVX's on up to 3-12"CVX's and love the lows they put out).
  21. jcarter1885

    trunked car subwoofer enclosure question

    thanks! and speaking of testing i went and got my alt tested, the one from motor city reman and it only does 30 amps at idle..... its going back as soon as i get time to take it off the car. (its snowing here other wise i would do it in the parking lot of my apartment complex) Appreciate the info, you see I already took it from my signature. Guess Ill have to find one locally, but Ill wait till the time comes.
  22. jcarter1885

    Box size difference

    I would personally leave it how it is, sounds like a lot of work and monet your not willing to spend to find out (the lows would probably be slightly better but propably not to be noticeable if any.
  23. jcarter1885

    trunked car subwoofer enclosure question

    Box design number 2 is sexy, good luck with the testing.