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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    Want a new Setup

    Need more information than what your giving, if you want the best possible answers. What electrical upgrades have you done to the car? What other equipment will be in the car? First step make sure you do the Big 3 (if you dont know what is, do some research about it online plenty of pictures and info on it). Enclosure Recommendations: •Sealed: 1.00 cu.ft. •Sealed: 1.35 cu.ft. optimal •Ported: 1.90 cu.ft. @ 27-33 hz •Ported: 2.50 cu.ft. @ 27-33hz opt.
  2. jcarter1885

    my btl broke

    x2, lets get some more info because that doesnt sound right to me (and if your box is tuned to 32-33Hz, then why is your subsonic set higher than box tuning even though that shouldnt be the problem), some else is wrong in the equation.
  3. jcarter1885

    Box size difference

    you may hear a lil difference, but a majority of the difference that you'll hear is from the enclosure as it's 80% of an install. i'd go with what memphis mzd said on port area. maybe a slightly smaller box tho, and maybe even a tad less port area per foot. tune 32-35 hz. i know you said you're jobless, but if you could get ahold of some aeros that'd be more efficient than a slot/square port and save some volume so you may be able to keep your back seats still, depending on how big the box needs to be He wants some incredible lows, so tuning at 32-35Hz just isnt what he wants.
  4. jcarter1885

    2004 Isuzu Rodeo Install

    Your answering your own question here, If you do the Big Three and your still getting dimming then yes you need to get another battery or upgrade your alternator(that simple). Look at alternator and their is a wire bolted on to a terminal, unscrew the bolt put the upgraded wire on (screw the bolt back down) and run the wire to the battery's positive terminal. Look at the pictures and there are lots of pictures online showing exactly how its down (look at a lot of them so you know what your doing and wont fuck up nothing).
  5. jcarter1885

    Want a new Setup

    ok, you already got 2 12 subs. and You need more !! Listen to nmssd12 : you can find great combos there. Icon-saz1000 or Xcon-saz1500 : it's up to you. Don't forget you may need another size of power and ground cable (0 ga). Forget about the solo x : I think it's a spl competition sub, not so good for playing music, and it needs a 5000 watts amp!!!!!!! Keep on reading on the different forums here. Bad advice on Solo X (wont really take that much power daily) and they can be used for daily, but I wouldnt get one either. OP that combo deal sounds nice, look into making your own box (people on here will help you), get wires, upgrade Big 3.
  6. jcarter1885

    My design pictures

    Im digging the Team IAK banner .
  7. jcarter1885

    nightshade 15s or fi bl 15s

    People have been doing that lately and I dont understand why, they will ask a question and when we give them the answer they werent looking for they still do what they want to do (minus well not even made this topic).
  8. jcarter1885

    nightshade 15s or fi bl 15s

    If that is 8ft^3 before displacements (subs, bracing and port area) then you wasted your money because your box is going to be horrible small for 2-15" BLs (should of waited or tried to design box first before buying subwoofers). The only way I think they will get the box they deserve is with inverted mounting and aero ports. Just my .02
  9. jcarter1885

    Wiring for my amps..

    More info will be needed besides Im running 2000 watts, what battery will be needed. Read noob posting guidelines so you have an understanding on how to get accurate answers and the most positive feedback.
  10. jcarter1885

    Dave69's 1 Fi BTL 12" Build Log

    what about if he has some sort of support in the box. im building a new box and i didnt want to double baffle it. im going to make a counter sink so i didnt want three layers on top of my box. could i just put dowels inside of it to keep it strong? Any material can be used for support (metal rods, dowels, 2x4's, etc.).
  11. Yeah they are underrated, if you got questions (look up there amplifiers) and contact jacob at [email protected] for more info but yeah they are great amps.
  12. Well than your wrong again, go ahead an increase that percentage. Awesome quality and puts out enourmous power.
  13. Yeah they should be ok, just use your ears to notice when your pushing or stressing the drivers to much.
  14. jcarter1885

    US Amps AX3200DE

    What are you saying, that the amp didnt put out full power when testing it? Give us some more info about the testing process and results.
  15. It depends on how you want them ran, the impedence of the speakers and impedence of the amp. For example if your running a set of 4 ohm speakers to each channel for a 4 ohm load, then you would run the one speaker to terminal 1(channel 1, positive wire goes to positive terminal and negative wire goes to negative terminal) and so on for speaker #2.
  16. jcarter1885

    lithium's build part III

    Well at least you have a plan and plenty of time to make decisions final. Glad you got the amp rack together and wires are looking much better tied down.
  17. jcarter1885

    A Short Intro

    Glad you could join us, cant wait to install my SAZ-2000D.
  18. jcarter1885

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Nope, I was researching some amps, and this was the only place with any info on it. x2, I was on youtube and ran into some videos that had Sundown Amps and I knew I wanted one for my next subwoofer amp and now Im using it for subs and highs/mids. When I searched around for the amps I keep getting pulled to your store site and eventually ventured from the store over a year and half ago to forum.
  19. jcarter1885

    Wiring for my amps..

    I know its to each its own, but why those and in your car? If your just looking for loud all around there are other things out there to get the job done.
  20. jcarter1885

    Lanzar OPTI1233D Optidrive?

    x2, yeah to me it looks like they will suck on the lows (well from 50Hz on down they cant play). This is I guess what you will call a SPL sub with no musical bone in its body.
  21. jcarter1885

    18" BL Just arrived!!!

    enjoy your purchase and play nice, just playing bang away.
  22. jcarter1885

    radar detector

    You get what you pay for, thats what is wrong with the $50 detectors (I personally think they are a waste of money, I use my eyes to notice cops and if its to late than thats what I get for speeding and getting caught).
  23. jcarter1885

    Taste my 8

    Do some research about the enclosure and the type first to see if its what you need.