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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    new box for an Xcon 15"

    Its just the dimensions that you changed altered it somehow therefor you needed a shorter port lenght thats all. I cant want to see the pictures of this new box and your new box (the old box) and some videos. Good job on using that box to help you out.
  2. jcarter1885

    (some new vids) 2 18's and rd audio d9

    Hey thanks man, thats a badass song just drove around playing it for about 20 minutes straigh (really do appreciate it, I noticed more headliner flex with ).
  3. jcarter1885

    Hell-Razor's Build Log

    Alright. Somebody just posted earlier on that power wire or the wake up wire running next to rca cables may cause the "buzzing" noise whenever you turn the car on or push on the gas peddle. Somebody else also said that this is a rumor. I had this buzzing in my other car as well whenever pushed on the gas... So I figure it was run too close together but it looks like it may be another problem. I had Buzzing two for years and it has nothing to do with wear you run your wires, their are power and ground wires throughout your car under the carpet so no matter where the remote and rca wire is ran it will be by one of those wires. The buzzing comes from poor grounding of amps/cars electrical or bad rca's and thats it (I did all the other methods of temporary grounding my rca's, ground loops and etc. but nothing helped in over three years-some of those things just toned the noise down). My buzz was eliminated after I sanded the paint under my factory ground wires for battery and engine block which they didnt do (along with other car companies also).
  4. jcarter1885

    Electrical help

    x2, You need to get your electrical checked out or something becuase your alts shouldnt be frying like that.
  5. jcarter1885

    Masterofallbass's Build w/ XXV Maxxmus

    Wire the amps up to the batteries and stop bull shiting, naw Im just playing (coming along nicely).
  6. jcarter1885

    sundown 1500d's strapped

    Actually add one more 1/0 awg wire to that batteries ground terminal to cars frame and it will help out even more (trust me I did it and it keeps my voltage steady and I have a higher voltage when car is cut on and or while off).
  7. jcarter1885

    sundown 1500d's strapped

    I live in Louisiana, I know all about hot weather. And my amps never get to hot to touch. Yeah, I'm in Mississippi, my amps will go on playing for several hours in direct sunlight and not get hot. Now thats some BS unless your talking about a cool day with the sun out. I live in Texas and when I get in the car on hot days my amp is already hot just due to the temperature in the trunk alone and there not in direct sunlight. Be realistic when posting please!
  8. jcarter1885

    sundown 1500d's strapped

    You need to take care of the Big 3 ASAP, or at least do the two ground wires and do the positive wire later (believe me those will help in voltage and amps temperature). Just my .02
  9. jcarter1885

    sundown 1500d's strapped

    You either need a better air flow or fans since outside weather is more of a problem, since no issues your cool now.
  10. jcarter1885

    sundown 1500d's strapped

    You need to make some upgrades to your electrical if your amp is getting hot (check your grounds out man or get a better air flow around your amp).
  11. jcarter1885

    sundown 1500d's strapped

    To simply put it for everyone, yes you can run a Sundown amp at .5 ohms but you lose your warranty on amp. The amp will work fine if you have the proper electrical to keep up with it and know what your doing (if you want to take a chance on it then run it at .5 ohms and call it a day, if it works for you then it does and if it doesnt then good job on damaging your equipment). Can we sticky a thread where we dont have to keep asking about running an amp at .5 ohms since it is asked weekly.
  12. jcarter1885

    Zx750.1 12"x2 CVR's 2009 F150 single cab

    Actually thats the 15" CVX's mounting depth, 12" CVX's mounting depth is 6 5/8" and the 12" CVR's mounting depth is 6 5/16" so mounting depth shouldnt be an issue just depends on how much room is left behind CVR's but you should be good. Good luck and let us know how things go.
  13. jcarter1885

    Another new guy

    Glad you could join us.
  14. I have a Profile California AP 1200, 2 channel amp (300 x 2 @ 2ohms and 200 x 2 @ 4ohms) on sale for 45 + shipping.
  15. jcarter1885

    HAPPY BITHDAY *yeabuddy*

    Happy B-Day.
  16. jcarter1885

    DC Lvl 5 10 Testing for Limits

    x2, you and me both.
  17. jcarter1885

    Masterofallbass's Build w/ XXV Maxxmus

    Im tuned in just making some and drinking a , more pictures.
  18. jcarter1885

    (some new vids) 2 18's and rd audio d9

    badass flex . Pm me the songs [email protected], thankx.
  19. jcarter1885

    chop's build log

    That sounds like a plan just got to get it in motion, cant wait to see the finish project. Have you decided how your're gonna run your sub yet?
  20. jcarter1885

    audio school????

    Ok I like the sound of that, everybody is paying for people to get training now days.
  21. jcarter1885

    audio school????

    Im going to check into this unless I find one in the DFW Area first, good info.
  22. jcarter1885

    Zx750.1 12"x2 CVR's 2009 F150 single cab

    Yeah thats how they can be wired, so wiring shouldnt be a problem.
  23. jcarter1885

    i like sounds that pound too!

    Cool im west of Pontiac down in Whitelake. I just ordered http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000YPNC0Q/ref=ox_ya_oh_product two of these. I Figured they where a good price for the VCX's I have seen them for around 200+ on most sites. i got the new ones for 139.00 each. I hope i can make them sound good in my truck Well glad you could join us, you should of got at me I had some CVX's for ya. Cant wait to see your build log in the truck.
  24. jcarter1885

    Need help on subs

    Not if he has two subs, then he will want dual 1 ohm subwoofers.