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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. Haha naw just some duct tape. I actually seen a radio that I had to redo, wires were taped together just like that with duct tape (horrible, the duct tape ruins the wire-copper or aluminum whatever is inside the jacket).
  2. jcarter1885

    3 questions for bass upgrade

    so wait, I need 3-5 cubes AFTER PORT AND SUB DISPLACEMENT? yeah you need 3-5ft^3 after displacements (sub, port,bracing or whatever is inside the box that is taking up space and volume).
  3. jcarter1885

    Highs Amp Help

    I have actually seen one of those amps (not that exact one but a different model number) when I was doing an install at school and was amazed at when it was made and still around(that was before puberty hit me when they dropped). I didnt know what it was till I did my research on one, but the one the dude had was all beat it (well just typical wear and tear since its no telling where he got it from). It performed though and well at that I might add , I was very impressed .
  4. They may have or probably not, the bes t way to see is get a DMM and test each coil to see what they are reading. Yeah dont use duct tape, thats why they came out with electrical tape (the same reason you dont use regular glud on wood, they came out with wood glue).
  5. Naw everyone who is on here and participates reguarly know that db-r.com lately said he was just doing repair on Sundown amps at the time so thats common sense what he works on (unless hes back to repairing different amp companies again. This can go on and on so Ill let you continue.
  6. jcarter1885

    Smokie's Focus Build

    I hope you dont have that 18 Fi Q in 4 cubes of space, what a waste?
  7. jcarter1885

    Highs Amp Help

    Fighting over the internet is not taking it like a man, I dont care who you are (plus im not fighting just having a healthy debate). Well I guess old man it is time for you to get those eyes checked because I made a post here .
  8. jcarter1885

    Our sticker / Print shop!

    Ruckus just sitting there chilling and observing FTW!
  9. jcarter1885

    Highs Amp Help

    I dont care how old you were since I didnt disrespect you, and I respect everyone regardless of age until they come out of pocket. I could care less about age, well stop arguing with folks like your a "Young One". People on the internet are hilarious, I know you werent talking to me but I was talking to you (that simple) just a simple statement to take like a man and move on. But I will let it go since thats the only advice you can give is what quality an amp is. Your cool in my book old guy .
  10. jcarter1885

    SAZ-4500D Pre-Sale

    Im pretty sure there arent any since he hasnt made a post yet about it, Jacob will keep you guys informed so please just be patient.
  11. jcarter1885


    Naw it just shows you he was trying to sell you what he had and most people dont mess with what they dont know or they dont want competition taking there money (a real business person would help you in making the right decision for you and not for them at the end of the day which is just sales and revenue).
  12. Glad to hear that, I was going to either say reset your radio or your usb could of had a virus on it and killed the usb drivers (seen that happen before).
  13. jcarter1885

    Sundown Amp Endcaps?

    x2, plus it may interfere with the heatsinks and it would increase price a little bit (Im more worried about performance than bs for looks, even though Sundowns are the sexiest amps out there its just something about that all black with the silver look). Im pretty sure Jacob thought about what could have gone on his amps and went with what worked best, just my .02.
  14. jcarter1885

    Highs Amp Help

    ummmm NO, OP please don't even look at this amp, it is OK, but wal-mart compared to arc and sundown, steg... now it seems you need to think about the future....the arc or the 100.4d would be plenty for those speakers even unbridged. and either could run them actively which actually can be safer for your tweeter since passives are generally only 12db/slope, and both those amps have 24 db/slope which will help keep tweeters from playing too low. most ppl blow tweets on passive setups, not the woofer. if you don't plan on running any more mids/highs in future then go with the 125.2 no questions asked. if you plan on running others in the future then get the arc or the sundown, both are amazing amplifiers, arc is and has been quite proven in SQ competition. and any arc or sundown amp will push more than rated power even after normal voltage drop. and whats wrong with Mb Quart By corrie3232 at 2009-11-04 looks just like some other amps on here to me Now I do think MB Quarts are good amps and the best quality from Maxxsonics but why dont you actually try to help the posters on this forum instead of just addind you opinions on amps and argue it will make things go smoother. State what you have to say and move on, if you want to take it personal then pm somebody instead of making a debate about an amp, everyone has their opinion man.
  15. jcarter1885

    What fi sub is good with 1000 watts

    How about you read new member guidelines and give us more information than that the next time you post, so we can better help you. What space is available, what are your goals, there is no best anything (what fits you is what your looking for), what type of enclosure do you want and so on? This type of information.
  16. Weather affects voltage, the colder it is the higher your vehicle voltage will be until engine parts start running and warming up the vehicle (thats why batteries have higher CA- Cranking Amps than CCA- ColdCranking Amps).
  17. Are you really trying to argue something simple buddy (I did my research on Hifonics a good year before buying them and was in love with them), then you go on places like sonicelectronix.com and onlinecarstereo.com and everyone has problems with their amps). I even talked to buddy at db-r.com about Sundown amps he just said the reason why he gets alot of Sundown Amps is because of their hard use in the spl lanes and some user error (just like any other amps) but most are from SPL test runs where people run these amps to the max in which most hifonics amps are in daily rides and not even used on max level most of the time. There are even reviews on the site about hifonics such as: "first amp came, didnt work so I got another one and it worked" or "first amp came and then quit, then got another amp and it didnt work or work as well" and these are customer reviews (others who dealth with this problem, not opinions facts buddy and what are you stating your opinions). I praised hifonics and said they are good budget amp company with just to many failure rates regardless how many units you see. I wouldnt buy a product because they put out over a 1000 amps a year buy a certain amount of them come back from amp failure, that is not good business practices (they couldnt sell their amps without a warranty in my eyes, I would buy a Sundown Amp without a warranty for the work put into them by Jacob). He shows how tests them, puts abuse to them, their underrated power supply at low votes (hifonics amps are overrated and they cant even handle the power they put out most of the time and fail). You can argue quality vs quantiy all day but quality wins all day (I rather pay more and get an amp that I fuck up, then save 200 and get multiple amps until I get the right one that works). Yes some mainstream companies use cheap parts for better advertising to dish out 1000s of amps over the world to look good but yeah some are defected (more of that money should go into research and development instead of sales and advertising to make revenue), I was business student in college and know all about bad business ethics just to make revenue (what about you). Thats all I have to say, keep acting like Im bashing Hifonics and we can argue all day but Im done becuase Im stating facts and I even acknowldged they are good budget amps (most just call them crap and bash them all day, I wont do that). Kick Rocks with the chart shit cause I dont have one and if I did, Hifonics wouldnt let it be all over the internet now would it (damn sure would be bad for business DUH!!!) Get some valid points and we can continue but until then find something else to talk about, we already discovered this was user error.
  18. jcarter1885

    Smokie's Focus Build

    I would go the cheaper route first which is to build a better box and then if still wanting more add on. What are the max dimensions you have that you want to dedicate to an enclosure (height x width x depth) and what do you want the port tuned to? Me or some other members may have box design for you in no time. I would also remove that ford speaker in the trunk also.
  19. jcarter1885

    2008 Accord with a single 12" Fi SSD

    Appreciate it man .
  20. jcarter1885

    2008 Accord with a single 12" Fi SSD

    x2, very hilarious. OP can you send me that song, email address: [email protected]. Thankx
  21. jcarter1885


    Well Im know genius on wire but Kicker is aluminum to and Knu has almost 400 or more strands than Kicker so I guess that is where they make up for it. But I went from doing some research and thats what I discovered (KnuKonceptz stated that on their website and if it isnt as big as 2/0 it is close enough so that if you use any other wire(if you ran out of Knu) for ground then you will have the right size then using Kicker Hyperflex 1/0 and having problems. Just my .02 and take on it.
  22. jcarter1885

    Hello from NorCal

    Glad you could join us and thanks for sharing some info on yourself. What does you actual equipment consist of?
  23. jcarter1885

    Sundown Amplifier Bench Tests

    I personally do think it is a good idea but very time consuming especially if you have the track record to prove it, but to me thats where that extra 400 dollars goes to when buying those amps over Sundown (paying for them just to bench test my amp, bs in my book). But as far as advertising and marketing gimicks for the public who dont really know to much about car audio would love it. The things that put me on to Sundown at the end of the day is the underrated power it puts out at 12 volts, if people understand how car audio, voltage and the electrical system goes then they will appreciate Sundown how me, you and others do.
  24. jcarter1885


    No the Kollossus Cable 1/0 AWG is the same size as 2/0 AWG wire, most 1/0 AWG wire is 4,*** something odd strands and 2/0 AWG is 5,*** or better something odd strands (give or take some).
  25. jcarter1885

    new subs??
