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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    Component Set

    He means another one and offered the used one to you since you say you dont want to pay for another amp.
  2. jcarter1885

    Component Set

    But that is what car audio is all about, MONEY!
  3. jcarter1885

    BL 15 box build

    Ok, well show a picture of the creativity with the moon.
  4. jcarter1885

    Component Set

    Yeah you would need another 2 channel amp.
  5. jcarter1885

    Tang Band 5 1/4" and 6 1/2"

    Yeah they were excited about it like it was clever. Dont get me wrong it was clever just used for a stupid ass pupose, I would love to have that while walking around or in the mall shopping and wanting to jam. Yeah I have seen dumber but you know that is still in a class of its own.
  6. jcarter1885

    Fi BL 12" Amp issue

    Im not going to say that only Sundown Audio amps work but for the price, reliability, customer service, shop dedicated to fixing if something goes wrong, rated power and then some at 12 volts; you just cant beat it. I love my Sundown amp and it is giving me what I want and more so Im passed pleased; I wont buy another amp period. Just my .02
  7. jcarter1885

    BL 15 box build

    I got a question what is that in the middle of the front baffle of the box. I actually stole your idea today and it saved me a few bucks, went to put my jack back in my bag were I keep it with my jumper cables. I noticed that they were bent since they were a cheap pair so I just cut the ends off and Im gonna use it for my subwoofers cable, the funny thing about it is that the wire is 9ft. long which is exactly I much I was gonna order.
  8. jcarter1885

    pick up some old school audio art cheap!

    When you get a chance can we get a couple of close up pictures of the equipment. Thanks
  9. jcarter1885

    bigrank916 geo big 3 upgrade

    Good job man on the Big 2, about time someone joined my club of only have the Big 2 done so far.
  10. jcarter1885

    94 Acura Legend Build

    now its time to throw it in the Acura.
  11. jcarter1885

    BL 15 box build

    Nice subwoofer and dog
  12. jcarter1885

    pick up some old school audio art cheap!

    I never dealt with them so I cant tell you from experience how you did, but for products vs money ratio you spent it looks like you got a great deal. I say start a build log, hook it up and give us a review on the products. Just my .02
  13. jcarter1885

    2 12inch kicker l7s box design

    What about height, what can it not exceed? What car is it going in? How do you want subs and port facing? What amp will you be using?
  14. jcarter1885

    new guy here...

    Glad you could join us
  15. jcarter1885

    Whats up ssa

    Glad you could join us
  16. jcarter1885

    hertz mlk 165's, help w/ install

    Buy what you need, if you need only a two channel amp then get it; if you need a 4 channel amp then buy it. What are you trying to decide upon? Just make sure it fits your budget, crossover needs and power needs at the ohm load you need for your install then call it a day.
  17. jcarter1885

    My first youtube vid

    Nice little informative video, the members who sold me a broke sub would had to see me about that (one thing I truely despise is bad business ethics and practices). But im glad to see you got everything working, that is another reason why there are certain things I buy used since people arent honest and respectful to let you know whats wrong with it and the abuse it endured.
  18. jcarter1885

    Mid-day slowdown

    Naw buddy trust me its your questions and not the time of the day, there are a lot of people on here and post that get made during the day especially during the time frame you stated.
  19. jcarter1885

    Tang Band 5 1/4" and 6 1/2"

    No there really arent any 6.5"s that will play that low, you need to up your speaker size to 8" or 10"s and you will be fine.
  20. jcarter1885

    Final Decision For Income Tax Build

    What was the purpose of sharing the email between you guys. If the failure rate he claims is true who would say oh yeah we have great products with a high failure rate, just saying this doesnt prove anything. If you want to get the amp then get it and give us a review on it and hopefully you will be on here a year or two later after the install to show us that it is still working properly and we can move on past this issue. If your confident about the amp and it fits your budget then dont let anybody tell you how to spend your money. To some of us we would rather spend money on a product where we can deal with the owner if something goes wrong (regardless if it is user, builder or shippers fault) and it wont take forever for them to fix it and get it back to ya.
  21. jcarter1885

    Tang Band 5 1/4" and 6 1/2"

    Wow now I dont see what the prank was but that was about one of the dumbest ideas I seen with some creativity behind it. I would of had it turned down some while actually doing some real shopping instead of walking around thinking I was cool.
  22. jcarter1885

    Is that a good setup?

    I doubt he even heard a BTL to tell the difference, both are musical subs since that what they are designed for unless you get the BTL with the SPL option.
  23. jcarter1885

    Doubling amp power

    How would you kill the alt listening to the stereo with the car off? That doesnt make sense. The alt isnt even on. I would do the big three but do not replace any wires. Only add them and leave the stock ones in place. I would try and run the wire straight from the alt to the batt. I wouldnt be worried about decibles or hitting harder until you fix your problem. x2 best advice given, get your priorities straight which is your car working properly before you wont have a car to drive to listen to your system. Its not about having a car with a system but a car that can get you from A to B without any problems.
  24. jcarter1885

    10 icon compared to 12w6v2

    Basically you need to decide on a goal and size sub you want to stick with because this is a useless topic. It sounds like you want loud and if so then build your box bigger like said above and tune to 35hz since you are concerned about lows. Since you have a 2000D on its way then, just start looking for subs that will compliment that amp instead of taking steps backwards to buy more stuff in the future.
  25. jcarter1885

    Hell has frozen over?

    I will officially say that Hell has frozen over when it finally snows in Miami if it ever does. But that is cool that it finally start snowing in new places this year and last year, just shows you never doubt mother nature.