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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    Rockford t40001bd

    Haha ridiculous
  2. jcarter1885

    D1 or D2 ohm?

    It is simple get d1 if your amp is 2 ohm stable and get d2 if your amp is 1 ohm stable.
  3. jcarter1885

    Which One?

    What is your budget, what amps are you getting ifyou dont have any? What electrical upgrades will you do if any? The sound of the sub will come from the box and has nothing to do with the sub itself, it does what you tell it to in the environment you have it in.
  4. jcarter1885

    Back to Fi products and VERY pleased

    Glad your happy and back to where you want to be, I thought about purchasing some AQ subs and amps and glad I didnt (not saying there that bad, but not my cup of tea).
  5. jcarter1885

    Whats taking Fi so long for a shipping update?

    Just be patient dude, your arent the only one who made an order that weekend let alone how many orders they have ahead of you. Your subs will come just stop thinking about and go on with your life, the more you think about it the longer it takes.
  6. jcarter1885

    Component Set

    I would turn the highpass up some, just because some speakers say there midbass doesnt mean they can handle that frequencies that low with the power they are getting. I had tweeters that did that popping noise before and eventually it messed the tweeters up, I was playing them on frequencies lower than what they were designed for (yeah the popping did go in and out depending on the song and listening level).
  7. jcarter1885

    What size speake wire for 2 BLs and 2600w Amp

    It doesnt matter, anything 14AWG and bigger will do. You can use 8, 10, 12 or 14 it is all up to you; if you have some laying around then use it but if not then buy what you can afford or like. Just my .02 but I would go with 10 or 12 AWG
  8. jcarter1885

    Now Playing!

    Lil Wayne ft. Young Money - Bed Rock
  9. jcarter1885

    IlimonaTOR by Tyan *sLOVEnia*

    Were those pictures photoshopped or altered some way, if not that is one helluva of a scenery. Makes me wonder why I like fall sometimes
  10. jcarter1885

    bigrank916 geo big 3 upgrade

    See the problem with my grounds is that Saturn decided they didnt want to scratch any paint off before they made grounds, so I had engine noise from start no matter what radio I used. But once I redid my grounds it helped out a whole lot, when my car starts now when it's cold it starts at 5.4volts on a cold morning and 15volts on a warm morning so Im pleased. Glad everything is up and up on the Metro, now the build log can proceed
  11. I bought from everywhere that was posted above with no problems at all, good luck. www.millionbuy.com
  12. jcarter1885

    Common Sense

    x2, I just watched that and want to start posting it on all these topics that will show up in the future
  13. jcarter1885

    Common Sense

    This is a common sense topic on things that you want to be discussed or you feel should be brought up because you see a lot of people doing it and it gets on your nerves. I have one to start off with, me and a member were debating whether a radar detector will make you a better driver (here's the link to check out the words exchanged - ) I actually took this to facebook and shared this with some of my other colleagues and peers and have gotten two responses so far on this issue: Response #1 - ''That sounds stupid cuz usually you speed until it goes off then u slow down.....but if you was already driving like you was supposed to you wouldn't need the radar detector." Response #2 - "Tell him to drink a tall glass of sit yo ass down.. logically, it makes no sense" If anybody has any input or other common sense topics they would like to discuss then this is the place (and please keep these logical cause I already know people are gonna come in here with the bull shit stories or statements because there common sense level is already low). Thankx, just for fun so if someone says something you dont like dont get emotional at all (they are just words, you will live at the end of the day). If you cant handle critcism or others responses back then walk away cause this is for grown people with thick skin and not little kids who cry cause you cant control your feelings.
  14. jcarter1885

    Component Set

    But your still typing to me and name calling, it shows young lady that your emotions got touched in some way (ahh poor baby it's gonna be ok). Good luck on finding a loud component set with a cheap budget.
  15. jcarter1885

    Component Set

    Your still going on about it, glad I got under your skin enough for you to keep responding to me (haha). Now you got some recommendations and your still on this pissing contest we had which I won , get over yourself. Just like Denim said let it go but you are still running your mouths like , not going to say it since the Mod said let it go but yall get the picture. Dude let it go so your topic can stay open and you can get more recommendations.
  16. jcarter1885

    Component Set

    The only components that I do like are Focals (Pioneer was ok, MB Quart was ok, Kicker was ok) but as far as getting loud and clear while being smooth goes I would choose the Focal Polyglass set but that's what I like and prefer but I dont want any components in my car. Just my .02
  17. jcarter1885

    Component Set

    Im not arguing with this dude, I wouldnt even call that a debate (just friendly fire). I love having fun with people on the internet since they get emotional quick and cant control there words after like its serious. I do know what you mean by the going active thing which can be a pain but the easiest thing to accomplish. Has he heard your components yets? If so what are his thoughts on them?
  18. jcarter1885

    1987 mustang gt

    Nice looking 5.0 convertible you have there man, any plans of doing something major with or just small things?
  19. jcarter1885

    Common Sense

    Why do people make a topic and not search first, thinking they are the only genious with that topic idea or just too lazy to work on their own. Then get emotional or upset when you try to help them, I think people in America are hilarious and will continue to amuse me.
  20. jcarter1885

    Component Set

    Well Im glad you two school girls are sticking together its cute, real cute (Im glad you have a boo on here to help his baby out). But for real if you want some real help, the best way is to help yourself and check out other pages that have plenty of recommendations out there. You can tell if a topic will get a lot of responses from a good title (not duplicated and seen often) with good info to start. Oh yeah these are my grown man duties when I have free time which is all day long ( I got it like that). Have fun searching.
  21. jcarter1885

    Component Set

    Your not getting it regardless if someone offers you a suggestion, it may not be for your needs. If you can read then you will notice I gave you a suggestion, go read all the same similar topics that are made just like yours and read what people typed. If you are looking for a good front stage that can get loud the way you want it may or may not be able to be had for the budget you have available. Bro im a grown ass man I will respond where I choose and how I choose, just like the rules say if you dont like an answer you get tough love it is part of asking a question. Stop getting emotional and be grateful people are trying to help you.
  22. jcarter1885

    Component Set

    Well you could also go use the search feature, see how many component set topics are created and see what we tell them. The exact same we are telling you know so all this could of been avoided with a little extra work on your own, check out the thread you posted this topic in and see the other topics made just like this one.
  23. jcarter1885

    Component Set

    You know we go through this with everybody who ask a question, we pull out all the stops and now that we now he doesnt want to go active for the money we moved on (nobody is forcing him neither). Just like we tell everybody else who comes on here asking about what component set to get, go out to shops and listen to see what you like. Somebody might come on here and say they like these speakers because there loud and you might not agree or vice versa. So this topic is up in the air until you find some speakers that fit your listening level output wise and sound preference wise.
  24. jcarter1885

    Component Set

    Personally no set of speakers is going to keep up with your substage, especially if you upgrade to your future setup that is in your signature.
  25. jcarter1885

    BL 15 box build

    No problem man, take your time just messing with you. Did you put the box in the car today and listen to it or do you just have everything finished ready to be installed?