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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    they cant handle more than that?Or is it not recommended? Yeah they can as long as you send clean unclipped power to them, the enclosure built will determine it, if your gains are set right, if you can control the volume knob wisely and if you can sense signs of stress. The question is for how long and how much power you want to throw at them?
  2. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    slow TOP
  3. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nobody is here
  4. jcarter1885

    Going Active

    This page that you posted helps out drastically as I also went through old Sundown posts and read all the ones I posted and others did about using the amps crossover flexibility. I spent the whole day to get this background info and technical aspect done and Im slowly understanding this. After I finish reading this link again I may have some more questions for you, Thanks
  5. jcarter1885

    Going Active

    Just to clarify, you can go active with amps such as Sundown Amps or any other brands that have mutiple crossover settings on it? I know it isnt the best active setups or wont be in a SQ competition but you can do the basics with amps right? So others wont get confused that you gotta have headunit to at least try it. For example in my system I run my front, rear and sub filters Through and let the amps do the work.
  6. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I learned how to do some of this house work last year and the beginning of this year before I moved back home from college. Since his dad owned all the condos there, my roommate was head maintenance man and his older brother was manager there. I learned lot from: laying pipe; installing washer and dryer in units that never had them; replacing carpet with stone, tile or wood; adding new appliances; redoing walls like your doing above. I feel as though it helped in the long run to do small fixes or add ons in the house in the future.
  7. jcarter1885

    Jacob's Wall Build Log

    Did you totally scrap this idea man or just been real busy, was curious thats all?
  8. jcarter1885

    New Setup, Starting from Zero. Tips Welcomed!

    alright, gotta little lesson for ya. component means "piece by piece" so the tweeter, crossover, and mid-bass or mid-range are all mounted or wired independently. Each has speaker wire running to it, via the crossover or directly through an amplifier using a passive crossover, which I won't get into passive as you are not in that stage of understanding yet. so for now, take component as a piece by piece and coaxial as everything being mounted together as one unit. and the 2-way, 3-way, 4-way, just means how many drivers to make up the set, so a tweeter and mid-bass is a 2-way, tweeter, midrange, mid-bass, 3-way, etc... components are much better quality not because of being "round", but because they are piece by piece so each component, the mid-bass, tweeter, are only playing the octaves (frequency ranges) that they are designed for. 6,12,18,24,36,48 db slopes just mean how steep or how sharply the crossover filters out the frequencies at the crossover point. for example: if you set a low pass crossover on a subwoofer (low pass meaning the frequencies above the setting will be filtered out) at 80hz. with a 6 db slow, the frequencies above 80 hz are filtered with 6 db less signal. 12 db, 12 db less signal, and 18 db, 18 db less signal. this is kinda relative as most crossovers are more gradual at the crossover point, and not exactly at that frequency. this is why when say crossing over a mid-bass at 100 hz high-pass so that frequencies below 100hz are filtered, those lower frequencies can still be heard at a 6 db slope just not as loud, and 12 db even less noticeable, and 18db almost gone, and 24 db nearly eliminates them. only real high-end digital xovers or custom built passives will have slopes steeper than 24 as it is for the most part unnecessary. now that the lesson for the day is out of the way, the reason most high-end companies do not make speakers that would normally fit in the rear is because they know that people that purchase their speakers are looking for true SQ. In sound quality think of creating a sound stage in your vehicle. if you are at a concert, the sound comes form the stage in front of you, not behind you. therefore eliminating the purpose or need for speakers in the rear deck as there is essentially no such thing as "rear fill". so concentrate funds on a nice set of components for the front powered by a good amp. Dont mean to thread jack OP, but couldnt you just run the midbass speakers on low pass up to lets say 500Hz or so an have a high pass filter(sub sonic filter on sax-125.2) cut them off at 100Hz. Thanks
  9. jcarter1885

    Going Active

    Honestly Impious if those graphs were helping me I wouldnt be asking these questions but I can go with High pass filter 1 and high pass filter 2. My high pass filter 1 is my amps filter since I have the filter on the headunit as through so the amp controls it till I get a better headunit. After reading posts #85My link Im getting a better understanding of the slope thing.
  10. jcarter1885

    DEH-P600UB/BXi1208D/Infinity 475a/ABC600V/3-PPI PCX102's

    Did you finally get everything back working again?
  11. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well guys what do you think of HAARP machinery that is being showed on Conspiracy Theory with Governor Jessie Ventura on tru tv? While we are out fighting countries for there weapons of mass destruction we have one (maybe more there not showing us) in our own backyard.
  12. jcarter1885

    Going Active

    Its soo hard for me to abundantly learn without some visual aides. I need to see it, to understand it. Dont worry dude. It will come to you eventually. I thought I was going to shit myself on Impious' last post! Haha yeah I feel you and we are on the same tip, when I go out there and mess with the filters I can hear the difference but I kinda want to know why that difference is happening or how it is happening? Then I didnt know it was gonna be that technical but hey time is my friend so it will come to me with the help of these knowledgeable individuals on this forum.
  13. jcarter1885

    SAE 1200-SAZ 1500?

    Glad you came over to the dark side now it just comes down deciding what model is for you. Good luck and no problem man.
  14. jcarter1885

    SAE 1200-SAZ 1500?

    Im pretty sure it is true just by looking at the model number I can tell there is a 200-300 watt difference. They are made in two different build houses with different parts. The SAE is the entry, more affordable line and the SAZ is the beast mode line; both will get the job done. You wont hear or notice the difference between the two (get whichever one is in your budget), both will perform fine on what you listed.
  15. jcarter1885

    Going Active

    I guess once I get an understanding of the technical side then I can go out and apply it to the real world, it seems simple but trying to apply it may be difficult. Its like I want to learn it on paper (or words form) then take it outside and test it system wise to see if there is a sound difference associated with it. Question #1: I understand how if you drop the sub sonic filter below the high pass filter it will attenuate the frequencies lower than the subsonic filter faster than the ones above it till it reaches the high pass filter point. So if the sub sonic filter and high pass filter are the same then it will attenuate the frequencies below both filters. So does it affect the frequencies above the filters? Question #2: Can you set the sub sonic filter above the high pass filter (I know manually you can just by turning the knob but is it common). For example if you set the high pass filter at 500Hz and sub sonic filter at 750Hz or higher, how would it affect the frequencies? Thanks Guys
  16. jcarter1885

    chop's build log

    When will the new build log go up Chop, take your time with this but Im luving this new design
  17. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I personally dont give a fuck about any celebrity, sports figure, music figure because they are regular people just like us. Why glorify somebody's life like it is better than yours, they are doing the same things we are while enduring the same problems some just on a bigger level.
  18. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You are not the only one, Im tired of hearing about Tiger Woods just like I was about Brett Farve everytime he retires. They rather report someone's personal life to the public rather than the real news they cover up because they dont want the people to know what is really going on under their noses.
  19. jcarter1885

    Ported vs. Sealed?

    Yes the loudness will be different since the subs are intended for two different purposes, one sub is known for great SQ while getting loud (the Q). While the other is known for sq/spl and just loud (the BL). You have to decide what you want and make a compromise either an sq sub or a spl sub. If you want to go sealed then stick with the Q and if you want to go ported stick with the BL since it seems like you are mostly concerned with output over anything else.
  20. jcarter1885

    Going Active

    I dont think I will ever understand the background info to this stuff but I do appreciate your help and info you provided.
  21. jcarter1885

    Going Active

    So what about this example, if I set my highpass filter at 300Hz on my midrange and the Sub Sonic Filter at 500Hz will that cancel out the high pass filter or raise the octave slope?
  22. jcarter1885

    Going Active

    Car audio wise it makes sense but to an average joe like me it is not muddy but murky water im in. I guess I just need to get a better understanding of crossover's, slopes and so on to get a better grasp of this thats all. Yeah I know my question wasnt clear but you answered it correctly.
  23. jcarter1885

    Sundown SAE-1200D v.2 Pre-Sale OPEN

    Or just take it to someone who will fix it for real and not just do a hack job to keep getting money from you. How about you contact db-r.com and have him look at it (that way you can get your amp fix and still have money for new clothes). Then you can buy you a new amp down the road if need still be, that would be the smart thing.
  24. jcarter1885

    Hey, new here

    Glad you could join us , cant wait to see the build log when you get it started.
  25. jcarter1885

    Component Set

    Nope not close, the name of the game is installing them in the right environment which is the advise the best on here have given you. The next step would be to see if they got better or you still want more. If you still want more then you may have to up your budget and look at some better equipment.