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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. I didnt get the 3rd amp from him I got that from another guy it was recently repaired before he sold it to me. Oh ok, are you gonna get the other two fixed.
  2. jcarter1885

    Big 3

    I don't understand what you are saying... please repost. Are you saying you would use a larger fuse and get an inline fuse holder so that I would not have to use the 12 gauge wire that is part of the fuse holder I have currently? Yeah that is what im saying, my bad I fixed my first post.
  3. jcarter1885


    Well considering how high you got the gain you could be sending clipped signals to it, do you have the bass boost on?
  4. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah a big bottle of something to drown myself in.
  5. jcarter1885


    Why are your subs blowing, have you figured that out instead of shelling out more and more money on subs to have them do the same thing.
  6. jcarter1885

    Need help finding some 10s

    What subs do you have, whats wrong with your current setup? Check out the SSA Icons, Dcons or Xcons. What amp will you be using for these subs?
  7. jcarter1885


    Why two different subs?
  8. jcarter1885

    Big 3

    I would do it correctly and up the fuse rating, what is your alternator rating? I would also change that wire from 1/0 Awg that is 12 gauge or I would simply make both wires either 4 gauge or 1/0AWG.
  9. Hell yeah that messed them up, with him having it like that then you would be surprised to see how much longer that the third amp will last.
  10. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Now here comes the snow but this wont last that long at all, doesnt look like it will be falling for more than an hour or two.
  11. jcarter1885

    Ordered my first Q12

    Congrats, good luck with the install and dont forget to provide a build log with pictures.
  12. jcarter1885

    System won't work.

    To me the amp sounds bad if you had to turn the bass boost up to 100% or you have some jacked up settings on amp and/or headunit. Do you have any extra rcas to test out besides the ones you are using.
  13. If you want to get them fixed db-r.com does an excellent job on repairing amps. Sounds like they have been pushed to hard in the past or under their ohm load, but something inside is damaged causing them not to live up to their capabilities. Just my .02
  14. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Now that is bad, Im gonna have to use that analogy in the future.
  15. jcarter1885

    Which Amp?

    But if the numbers aren't real why bother? If you were to just go and buy the "right" test equipment for this it would easily surpass $100k. Sure there are brew your own ways, but in general anything outside of real Test & Measurement gear will net you less than realistic results. You and Impious helped me out by saving some money since I dont have to purchase any pricey equipment that wont give me accurate information. I will just stick with my DMM until I buy a O-scope when i get older and more into this field and have a need for it.
  16. jcarter1885

    Xcon and Audiopipe AP1800D?

    Cleaner signal would probably be the Audiopipe since it has more rms and wont have you trying to send more power to the sub than you have like you would probably do with MB Quart since you know it doesnt do the rms of the sub. Most people tend to do that not thinking they are clipping the amp, 1500 rms is good for the Xcon. You should be worried about a great box, good install and the electrical to back everything up; equipment should be the least to worry about. It is hard to go off other peoples reviews because that is there sound preference, they might think it doesnt get low and it sounds hollow but you probably wont. Finding a sub that fits your goals will treat you better than trying to go with whats cheap and what you dont want. So take your time to understand what you want from a subwoofer and go from there. You dont have to give a sub its full rms or more, there is no such thing as underpowering a subwoofer.
  17. jcarter1885

    12in subwoofers

    x2 x3, plus give us a way better description of what you want so we can help you better. When describing something you want to be detailed so when can help find what fits the bill.
  18. jcarter1885

    L7 vs Fi Q vsFI BL

    You had it in the wrong box, the same thing ///M5 was saying. You can even compare the two since one was in the recommended box and the other wasnt. I love Kicker subs and those are the only subs I mess with that are mainstream, I always put mine in the right enclosure and they sound lovely. I wouldnt be afraid to go back to Kicker, I like L7's but CVX's better just my preference but I dont have a problem with Kicker subs at all (square or round).
  19. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Whats the average temperature in Dallas at this point of the year? Normally it hovers around 40-60F, although the weather in Texas usually does whatever the hell it wants to x2, you can say that again (whatever it wants, our springs are ruthless with up to 30-40 mph wind gusts on regular sunny days.
  20. jcarter1885

    Best Loud SQ Sub

    Are your numbers 14 and 43 a typo or what are you talking about? 43 hz is where his box peaks at.
  21. jcarter1885

    Xcon and Audiopipe AP1800D?

    You need to make a compromise and determine what you want because you cant have both (car audio is full of compromises). I dont think you want lows because you wouldnt be worried about making a 36Hz tuned enclosure. The one that will be better is the one that fits your goals and sound preference, until you make those up in your mind you will be at a stand still all day long. Before looking for equipment, worry about your goals and budget then you can make some easy decisions.
  22. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Whats the average temperature in Dallas at this point of the year? Honestly it depends, it varies a lot. We had 60 degree days the day before it snowed on Christmas Eve. Lately it have been average 40's for highs and low 30's for lows. Today it is 30's for highs and 20's for lows. Every year it does something different with the temperature, it is never really constantly cold till like end of February and March. I did not think it got that cold down there.. Yeah it does get cold here, not close to what most of you guys get throughout the year but every now and then we take a dip. Usually we will dip low with no snow, it is very rare we get snow but at least/most a few times a year.
  23. jcarter1885

    what should i do?

    What are you about to sell, what about them arent you looking for?
  24. jcarter1885

    why is "SQL" looked down upon, so much?

    Very well put ///M5
  25. jcarter1885

    what should i do?

    How can you say this but in your topic you made recently you say they dont dig the lows well, your contradicting yourself now.