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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Approximately how much alcohol does it take to cause death? Using regular bear that is. no idea....but i do know that you can go on an all beer diet for a full 6 weeks with out any other supply of food/water before death 16 Beers to get alcohol poisoning severe enough to cause death You piss it out faster than you can get alcohol poisoning. If that isnt the truth, I hate drinking beer or water for that matter (seems like you piss more than you actually drunk).
  2. jcarter1885

    Second Skinning With Mac N Cheese

    Nice car, I just grabbed my for this dampening install.
  3. jcarter1885

    bigrank916 MLI-65 project

    keep up the good work, looks good. I need some of your motivation, been wanting to do some fiberglass for a minute but still a little weary on doing it.
  4. jcarter1885

    Sundown Amp Choice

    Well it appears that there is no place on earth that has the Sundown Audio SAZ-1000D in stock! So I might pull the trigger on the Sundown Audio SAE-1200D. I think I will be fine with this amp though! Yeah either amp will do the job so you cant go wrong with either purchase.
  5. jcarter1885

    Closed Friday !

    Happy New Year, I look forward to getting another amp and sub from in 2010
  6. jcarter1885

    Rear View Mirror

    I wouldnt even use it, just keep put it on when you need to get an inspection. Mine just slides all the way done until you cant see out of it and I get tired of positioning it back up so I just let mine sit there.
  7. jcarter1885

    Now Playing!

    Jagged Edge - Walked Out Of Heaven (chopped and screwed by Swisha House)
  8. jcarter1885

    xcon: aq 2200D OR saz 1500D

    x2, Sundowns are lovely amps might I add but you dont have to break your back to get one. Now if you want to do it just to join the dark side then please be my guest cause you will be happy with one as we all are.
  9. jcarter1885

    Rear View Mirror

    That is actually gonna cause you problems in the future because once the vibrations or pressure from you setup break that bond on the super glue it will crack your windshield, seen it done before a couple of times. Just a heads up.
  10. jcarter1885

    L7 vs Fi Q vsFI BL

    Now this dude is hilarious, a bad enclosure but a good driver is a plus
  11. I doubt it since music is dynamic it wont be pulling the same amps all the time, the best way to tell is hook it up and see while using a device to show you the amps being pulled (but it shouldnt be that many).
  12. jcarter1885

    fi ssd vs fi Q

    One is a dedicated SQ subwoofer (Q), the other is a nice entry level subwoofer that gets down and dirty. If you want SQ then go Q but if not then the SSD is for you. Did you read the difference in the subs or goals they were made for in the description FI gives on the speakers page.
  13. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Lowes is closer to me than HD, so I tend to go there more often now. I need to go there to pickup some cheap'ish MDF for a couple boxes: 3/4X49X97" MDF I need that sheet also, how much does it cost at Lowe's for that. I get mine at Home Depot for $25
  14. jcarter1885

    New guy from far away!

    Welcome and glad you could join us
  15. jcarter1885

    Looking for some Punch

    That is exactly what I was thinking, getting a pair of 8" midbass drivers, I will wait until the install is complete, and keep you updated to see if my car still lacks. As for what exactly is punch..., I still can't describe it and was hoping someone could help me define it. All I can say is its that deference between the bass you hear in a 15" sub in comparison to a 10" or 12" sub. The reason why you think it is a difference in sound between your 15" and 10" or 12" is because of your settings more than likely, when your done installing get at us and we will be able to help you if you still need it. Good luck with install and dont forget to take pictures and post a build log for us. Pictures on SSA =
  16. jcarter1885


    Glad you could join us and cant wait for the build log.
  17. This is why youtube videos arent good, because people will see it and you already know what that means that they will believe what they see (speaking in general so OP dont think it is directed at you). Under the right conditions, box, amplifier settings, head unit settings and volume knob control, etc. all play a roll in how much you can throw at a subwoofer. You also have to understand how long you can play it for, under what conditions and be able to see/hear/smell signs of stress on the woofer. But you dont have to run rated power or double the rated power to make the sub do what it is intended to do and perform the way it was intended to perform.
  18. jcarter1885

    Which Amp for 2 15"s BTL

    Since it is a 4000 watt amplifier Im past sure it has 1/0AWG power/ground terminals on it, problem two different sets of them.
  19. jcarter1885

    Julians build log

    I have never glassed before but they look good to me.
  20. jcarter1885

    Looking for some Punch

    Cars currently in pieces right now, with the receiver and paneling taken out so that I can run the new wires is all, plus to access my new amp i need the current subwoofer box taken out. I can hear the subs fine, its simply a different sound between a 15" and a 12" or 10", it has more punch, my guess would be those frequencies around 120hz maybe? I guess its somewhat hard to describe, and your right I need to first reconfigure my current settings before I can say anything else. Well yeah thats a little high for your subwoofer to be playing, I would lower it to about 100Hz for now and look at where you can install some components or midbass drivers to compensate for 100Hz on up.
  21. jcarter1885

    Looking for some Punch

    First we need to determine what punch you are talking about, what frequencies do you feel you are missing? It is hard to determine or answer that question accurately if you dont have the right settings on your subs to determine if it is them or not? Why cant you hear your subs, if your installing an amp and comps that dont have anything to do with the subs or subs amp?
  22. jcarter1885

    Now Playing!

    Jagged Edge - Healing
  23. jcarter1885

    Looking for some Punch

    Well you might be losing the punch you need with your filter so high, since it is canceling all the frequencies below 50Hz from my experience. Go out there and change the settings and let us know, if that doesnt work then there is another bad setting or problem with your setup. But it should do the job.
  24. jcarter1885

    Need help finding some 10s

    Yes an exterior port is sticking out of the box but can be hidden if clever, yes you will need two ports since your chambers are divided.
  25. jcarter1885

    Looking for some Punch

    33hz, and i set the subsonic to about 50hz and the LPF to about 250HZ, they're amateruish settings I just did what sounded right. Your subsonic should be set to around 30 hz or so, just a few hertz below the boxes tuning. Your LPF should be no higher then 80/100 hertz, depending on your preference.