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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    Prototype SA-15 Excursion Video

    what price range will the sa-15 be around? any t/s specs? SA-10 and SA-15 Factory Pictures - SSA Car Audio Forum Specs will be a bit different on the production 15" but pretty close to that... I changed the cone to a bit thicker version. They will be price just a bit more than the 12s what is the eta on the sa-15? how much can it safely handle? The recommended RMS, that is why manufactures give you this number to know what to play it at safely.
  2. jcarter1885

    MBarber25's Build Log

    Well thanks for the responses, yeah I made my mind up about what deck to get. Appreciate it
  3. jcarter1885

    Swapping JL Audio 12W4 for 12 inch Kicker CVX

    Number one your amp wont be putting out all its watts all the time, since music is dynamic. Put the subwoofer in the right box and any subwoofer will sound good, I love CVX's. Set your gains right and you will be ok.
  4. jcarter1885

    MBarber25's Build Log

    Yeah I use and Ipod or usb flash drive it depends but most of the time the usb flash drive.
  5. jcarter1885

    Why do pros do crappy installs?

    They charge to much to skimp on an install, regardless if you loose the love you should still run a good business. Taking a job to a "So-called Professional" then they should do professional work or at least tell you they cant do something. That is what I tell people who want me to install things or setups I have no experience with, I cant do it since I have not before (doesnt mean I cant just dont want to until I have done it before and feel comfortable doing it again).
  6. jcarter1885

    L7 vs Fi Q vsFI BL

    Isnt that the truth.
  7. jcarter1885

    Big Truck Big Bass

    Good job and keep the pictures flowing.
  8. jcarter1885

    IA 187 10" opinions?

    Good luck and keep us posted on what you decide to get, also dont forget to make a build log with pictures when you start on the install.
  9. jcarter1885

    Why do pros do crappy installs?

    Everybody has that is why most of us here do it ourselves and we made a couple of threads about it already: YOUR LOCAL CAR AUDIO SHOPS - SSA Car Audio Forum - Page 5
  10. That is why they call it a tower, towers dont lay down. They are mad for people with space issues of want an amp to fit standing up instead of sitting down. Next time go to there website for more information, then post a question (your answers are on there site).
  11. jcarter1885

    Newbie from Virigina

    Glad you could join us
  12. jcarter1885


  13. jcarter1885

    MBarber25's Build Log

    How do you like your Alpine headunit, Im thinking about upgrading to that real soon?
  14. jcarter1885

    Q's versus BL's

    What size box and tuning? Im pretty sure it would be a difference since they were made with two different goals in mind, with the Q being an SQ woofer and you want more then go buy the BL's and give us a nice review.
  15. jcarter1885

    IA Lethal Injection 12" Vid

    Looking and sounding good
  16. jcarter1885

    Sundown SAE-1200D v.2 Pre-Sale OPEN

    Cant wait to see your build log once you get the install going Nice equipment
  17. jcarter1885

    Collecting Ideas!

    Cause he probably doesnt have a room for a box to throw 4 - 12"s subwoofers in the car without it being a wall ..
  18. jcarter1885

    mb quart amps

    Any particular one your looking at for a certain install or just asking about the brand in general?
  19. jcarter1885

    Subwoofers in Doors

    Im guessing he is going to say that since yall dont compete then yall dont know what yall are talking about?
  20. jcarter1885

    Collecting Ideas!

    Since you already have two of the subs just buy two more and start the wall.
  21. jcarter1885

    need some info

    hehe. x2 x3 FTW!
  22. jcarter1885

    FI BL 18 Subwoofer Cut Out???

    Answers are usually right in front of you, you just gotta look.
  23. jcarter1885

    jay-cee's Build Log

    I will be buying the wood sometime this week or next week, I will get it cut to save me some time and trouble (it will also be easier to fit in my trunk). I need to go buy some screws and clamps, I also plan on attaching the board that the battery will sit on to the piece that will seperate the two batteries from touching one another. I gotta have my sub in by the end of January (a B-day present to me myself).
  24. jcarter1885

    ho alternator for 07 magnum

    their is alot more than just powermaster some of the best would be mech man or DC power engineering... a good ho alt will run you about 400 bucks for a 250 amp unit i talked to a few lesser known alt guys and they said mechman and dc..i think just atake a factory alt and beef it. nation said they build theyre own then beef it. From my understanding when most local alt places beef them up, they dont make all the necessary upgrades and adjustments it needs so make sure they do everything to beef it up. Yeah HO Alternators will be a hefty penny to pay but most say they are worth it if you need one.
  25. jcarter1885

    dynomat xtreme or second skin

    thats the answer i was lookin for...not a cocky answer about what i can afford I dont know what you were reading but it definitely wasnt a cocky answer about what you can afford. It is funny how people take your words and put a meaning or their interpretation on what or how you said it. If you would of did your research on the two product then you could of answered your own question before posting it on here. Considering I thought you did (but I was wrong), it seemed like you were worried about price not like you couldnt afford Second Skin at all (but if that is how you took it then that is on you).