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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah your not the only one, the same has been happening to me for almost two weeks now.
  2. jcarter1885

    Probably a dumb question

    Either you had bass boost on (either on your head unit or amp or both which is a no-no), you had the loudness feature on your radio on, your gains are set to high on your amp, you probably turned the volume knob to high which in turn made the amp stop clipping among other things.
  3. Well keep me posted, im about to buy a new radio soon anyways. Good luck with getting it all worked out.
  4. jcarter1885


    and , now im tuned in.
  5. jcarter1885

    Baton Rouge checking in...

    Welcome to SSA and glad you could join us
  6. jcarter1885

    GO TEXAS GO!!!!

    My Longhorns had a lot of fight in them and couldnt pull it off, there is always next year fellas.
  7. jcarter1885

    bigrank916 MLI-65 project

    Ive been thinking about doing the BTL the most too. Getting a router and rounding all the top edges. Really doing it nice with an interesting coating of some sort also. The geo door pods really should be second to agree with you. Its dying for some midbass/midrange/tweeter upgrades. Might have to email Mark at Mach5 for another set or two of MLI65s! I just emailed Mark two seconds ago asking him is the price still the same to get them shipped to my zip code, and how do I go about paying (I need 3 more to complete my install). In a recent email with Mark myself, he stated they are $39.60 each, including shipping. I dont know if that was to my zip though because he didnt say. By the way he worded it, it was a general price, I think. It is still $39.60 each which includes shipping. That is the price in Canadian Dollars I believe because I got mine from SSA for $36 with shipping.
  8. jcarter1885

    bigrank916 MLI-65 project

    Ive been thinking about doing the BTL the most too. Getting a router and rounding all the top edges. Really doing it nice with an interesting coating of some sort also. The geo door pods really should be second to agree with you. Its dying for some midbass/midrange/tweeter upgrades. Might have to email Mark at Mach5 for another set or two of MLI65s! I just emailed Mark two seconds ago asking him is the price still the same to get them shipped to my zip code, and how do I go about paying (I need 3 more to complete my install).
  9. jcarter1885

    GO TEXAS GO!!!!

    Game Over Man, Game Over. My boys couldnt pull it off, there is always next year.
  10. jcarter1885

    bigrank916 MLI-65 project

    Im really loving the sound of that BTL in that 10ft^3 after displacements to be honest with you, that is what I would do next and flex that Silverado to pieces. You have a few projects ahead of you but for the second one I would decide what speakers you want to do with the geo and do that one second.
  11. jcarter1885

    GO TEXAS GO!!!!

    Lets Go Horns, Texas all he way.
  12. jcarter1885

    SSA driver photo contest vote

    Let me get a second vote denim
  13. jcarter1885

    Sundown SA-12

    What happened to your setup that is in your signature?
  14. jcarter1885

    bigrank916 geo big 3 upgrade

    Yeah I hammer mine but bigrank you gave me an idea on how old them in place or keep the wire still while crimping, just clamp it to something FTW!
  15. Im suprised the new headunit didnt take care of the noise. I have the same problem as you Lucky, my noise is only when the car is on but I do have some small interference noise when it is in the ACC position but when i hook my MP3 up directly to my amp it goes away. So I know it is my headunit, it happened one day with my old system when a subwoofer wiring came loose from the termianl and hit the power terminal all while I was driving and bumping.
  16. jcarter1885

    Z15 video

    I cant wait to install my Z15, hopefully I can buy some wood this weekend.
  17. jcarter1885

    Expected Time From DB-R

    Testing and making sure the amp is like new before he sends them out, he does a fair amount of testing before shipping them out.
  18. jcarter1885

    btl enclosure

    the box style is called CRX style, i am not sure if it sounds louder to the ear. my new box is on its way and when i get everything setup ill let you know how it sounds CRX style compared to the regular way. maybe someone else will chime in also. if you are going to be getting a box made for ur magnum i would do the CRX style or something diffrent then the sub and port faceing rear just for looks and having something diffrent to most people I did an install in a Magnum with 4 Pioneer 12"s with a CRX style box and it sounded good, it slammed also.
  19. jcarter1885

    american bass mids and tweets

    You cant compare the two speakers at all, the Mach 5 Audio is a midbass speaker and thats it. The O2 Audio speaker is a midrange speaker and that is it, they are made for two different goals in mind. Oxygen Audio USA Power Neodymium Mid-Ranges: OM-605ND-4, OM-605ND PRO, OM-6906ND, OM-509ND, OM-609ND-4, OM-809ND-4 I have the first one on the picture at top. They do make a midbass speaker though, it doesnt get as low as the Mach 5 Audio. Ok I see well that makes sense I guess. Is this a dumb question what do people usually use to have a 2-way active system? midrange + tweeter or midbass + tweeter. Hopefully this is a good question for the thread. Those midranges o2s look so sexy. I want! Well if you want one I have one and know where you can get them from.
  20. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I still have faith in my team, that was just my fist half rant. Lets Go Horns
  21. jcarter1885

    bigrank916 MLI-65 project

    Good thread to learn from, he did an excellent job Thats what I was aiming for jay-cee! Glad to know Im helping out dude. Thanks. Btw, its a lot EASIER than I thought it would be. Just do it in the summertime when its warm! I appreciate the compliment Denim. I put a lot of hours into those babies! Yeah so far the back doors and all pillars (A, B, C) will be glassed to fix some speaker holes and screw holes from previous installs, so glassing is my next step in this game. Good luck on the build, whats next?
  22. jcarter1885

    Amp Price ????

    Happy Early B-day OldSkool_08
  23. jcarter1885

    Amp Price ????

    Hurry up and buy (the lady from Menace II Society), the sale ends tomorrow.
  24. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah I just got back from the beer store and upset, they just got a fumble and returned it for a touchdown. FTL . Colt McCoy injured in the first drive of the game in the first quarter . This conservative play calling like it is a regular season game when they should be trying to push it up the field regardless if we have a Freshman Quarterback in . Put Tony Childs in at Quarterback, he has been our back up quarterback for the last two years before they transitioned him to a Wide Out
  25. jcarter1885

    Has anyone ever heard of VIBE?

    That is what I was thinking when I first came into this topic but then I realized there is actually a company out there name Vibe. Hopefully sooner or later someone can come on here and praise or contest there products.