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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. Haha your right, they received an email from me last night so Im done debating on which company to go with.
  2. jcarter1885

    Now Playing!

    Robin Thicke ft. Ti - Magic (Remix)
  3. jcarter1885

    Ascendant Audio Chevy Astro

    That isn't the part thats coming next.. The van isn't done just yet.. prepare for something you didnt! It is too late for that considering I wasnt prepared for how the van is now, im all eyes right now.
  4. jcarter1885

    I found this funny..

    So actually the Sony was receiving the least amount of watts then, that is even better.
  5. jcarter1885


    So your just wanting to buy an amp now and then pick your system from there?
  6. jcarter1885


    For what? Information is your friend to get accurate answers, who can give you an amp recommendation if we dont even know what it will be powering?
  7. jcarter1885

    WOW !!!!!

    That is a great suggestion but as you know people still are gonna want there own answer like there order is more special than anybody else and those rules or guidelines wont apply to them.
  8. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that is what I like to hear, installing products in the cold. Sounds like fun to me.
  9. jcarter1885

    I found this funny..

    I didnt think about it like that , unless he was running the Powerbass subwoofer at 2 ohms instead of 8 ohms.
  10. jcarter1885

    Death Penalty TL scores

    It is fine where it is at, you just have to wait for some of the users to get on here and reply. Did you check out the IA thread to see if anybody made any reviews or comments on the sub?
  11. jcarter1885

    New Setup, Starting from Zero. Tips Welcomed!

    Yes KnuKonceptz.com is an excellent company to deal with, with the amp kit I would go ahead and get the 200A fuse for that application. I personally would still get some more 1/0 gauge wire and do the other parts of the Big 3 as they will help out with the voltage. Remote wire is cheap, that should be the last thing to steer you away ( I usually just go to the store and get some 18-22 gauge wire for that). Oh yeah and depending on what rca's(knukoncpets klarity rca's) you have they come with a remote wire between the rca's. it is built into it. Your gonna need to fuse holders dont know if you have one already, one after the battery and one right before the amplifier itself.
  12. jcarter1885

    I found this funny..

    You would be amazed how some subs sound when you think they were garbage, thats how I felt about Sony Xplods till I got my hands on some about 5 years back, thought they were ok but damn sure not good or the best. Thats what helped me to learn that almost any sub in a good well built enclosure will sound good.
  13. jcarter1885

    FI Q on AQ2200D

    So what your saying is its ok to wire the sub to 1 ohm as long as i used the formula given in the link above and take it easy on the volume? Lets say with the BP power the sub could do up to 1500 watts rms. To be on the safe side i could set the gain to 37.4 volts with a DMM and run the sub at 1400 watts rms? Yes you can run it at 1 ohms and be fine, you just have to be weary of how you control the volume knob. There is no problem in having some headroom, you just gotta be able to be able to notice signs of stress in your woofer and turn it down if you notice any thats all.
  14. jcarter1885


    Nice way to express yourself that you had to race in there not that it matters, real mature. Read the rules if you post something and dont like the answer deal with it, some people find it funny and some dont oh well who cares. Why do you get touchy because somebody doesnt laugh at your joke, did it have to be the funniest one in the world and everyone laughed no. I came in to give my .02: funny or not, agree or not. That is what this forum is about regardless if you like the responses or not. Chill and move on, who cares about a helpful list. Some of you guys on here get real touched or let your emotions flow over nothing, but Im glad I got under your skin if that is the case, get some thicker skin. We should have and emotional label on this site like dont respond to this guys topic feeling opposite from him or he will just get upset and go off on you. To each its own, its not a cocky Im better answer than you but if that is how you took it then sorry for offending you.You read it that way so that is the way it comes out, I cant control that only you can I know how I meant it and definantly not to put anybody down but no matter what you cant please them all.
  15. jcarter1885


    , get to work man. Keep up the hard work, all these good build logs by you and others is helping me make final decisions for mine.
  16. jcarter1885

    1200d v.2 not putting out like i think it should

    In car audio it is always a small troubleshooting problem thats an obstacle, glad you got it to the performance you were looking for.
  17. jcarter1885

    Now Playing!

    Johnta Austin - I want you to be my girl
  18. jcarter1885

    Now Playing!

    Ne-Yo - I dont care
  19. jcarter1885

    ssa dcon question

    x2, Search is your best friend on this forum.
  20. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Were back up to the 60's where we belong.
  21. jcarter1885

    Diamond Audio D3 vs Ascendant Audio Havocs

    Nice review and congrats on your purchase of some good equipment, now where are the pictures? But yeah they are just gonna keep getting louder til the suspension softens up some more
  22. jcarter1885

    New Kerfed Enclosure

    x2, I though you shouldnt have your subwoofer in the opposite direction from your port.
  23. jcarter1885

    Noise help

    Glad to see you got it working, yeah those cheap amps and headunits will be the cause most of the time.
  24. To me that would be a lot of work every morning or whatever you have to go out there and try this to use your battery and give yourself an amount of time for it to get to the temperature or state you need it in. I would just replace the battery. Well this is a good read I was gonna go Kinetik for all my battery purposes but not know.
  25. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I had those on Wednesday. Good stuff Tacos for dinner tonite