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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    Two 15 fi Qs w/ BP

    They could but why not get the BL's if you wanna throw that much power at them?
  2. jcarter1885

    Manufacturer section icons

    Nice work on the Icons, looks great.
  3. jcarter1885

    New member from Missouri

    Welcome and glad you could join us, its good that you share this passion with your son. Any pictures of your current installs?
  4. jcarter1885

    When you can look forward to... (KH501 Series)

    , I hate secrets but keep up the great work.
  5. jcarter1885

    KH501 Series Enclosure Sizes...

    Any tuning frequencies that are recommended or optimal.
  6. jcarter1885

    Welcome Argent Audio!

    Welcome and glad you could join us. Excited to see upcoming equipment
  7. jcarter1885

    When you can look forward to... (KH501 Series)

    Looks nice, any other drivers in the works.
  8. jcarter1885

    Help Me End My Search!

    I honestly cant tell you but wish I knew, I do know that it will suit me though so I am very pleased with the purchase. I had to flip a coin and just know I got a great subwoofer that will do what it needs to.Yes any of those setups could if you have a crappy install but setup right they should be able to keep up with your music and more. It all depends in the install, the time and effort, the power you have and so on.
  9. jcarter1885

    Help Me End My Search!

    I doubt anybody has dealt with all them to tell you if they have unique sound, yeah all of them can handle 1500+watts but dont need it to perform and sound good. Everyone of those subs are good so its gonna come to down to budget, goals and compromise at the end of the day.
  10. jcarter1885

    saz1500D vs fosgate 1500.1

    i like the sundown i had the rf 1500 and it seemed like it centered its output around like 40hz. i had it powering 3 10w3s it didnt sound to good. i switched to a jl 1000/1 and it was like i had a whole different setup in there. now i use sundown and im done changin amps Sounds like a box, tuning issue or you were using bass boost if it centered in that frequency (it wasnt the amp).
  11. jcarter1885


    What size speaker hole is that.
  12. jcarter1885

    Is Kinetik going out of business?

    Because their batteries tend to explode? Powermaster 4 lyfe Kinetik batteries have an exploding problem, damn sure didnt know that if it is true.
  13. jcarter1885

    Is Kinetik going out of business?

    Cant say if that is true or what that is what I heard so just really adding to the hear say but who knows maybe Shuriken is taking over. But on a serious note I dont know what there deal is and have noticed a lot of sites have them on back order as of now especially the popular models.
  14. jcarter1885

    Is Kinetik going out of business?

    Check this topic out and read post number 5: 2 way system question - SSA Car Audio Forum
  15. jcarter1885

    How much power do I dare put in an FI 15BTL?

    If they are reaching their mechanical limit, thermal limit in the box. What your listening levels are that you listen to them and for how long. If your sending only unclipped, clean power to them and so on.
  16. jcarter1885

    How much power do I dare put in an FI 15BTL?

    Yeah I got the pictures, I repied to the email that you sent me. Well since you arent giving them all of what those Hifonics have in them I would suggest waiting till after you installed your electrical to give them a better voltage to power those subwoofers with. I dont have experience with those subs but I wouldnt go over 3000watts just to be on the safe side, if you want to go more then fine but all that depends on a lot of things.
  17. jcarter1885

    How much power do I dare put in an FI 15BTL?

    How do they handle the power they are receiving now, it depends on your listening habits but I wouldnt go no more than 3000watts (just me but it depends on how well you know subwoofers when they are in times of stress).
  18. jcarter1885


    Thanks for the insight.
  19. jcarter1885

    Russian Customer SA-12 on Music / DB Meter

    Looking good, looks like if he had more power and less voltage drops that he may be able to hit 145 db's.
  20. jcarter1885

    Fi SSD 12" vs. AA Chaos 12"

    There is no way to tell since I dont know what size your alternator is and every car's electrical is different (the most you may have to add is a small battery). The only way to tell is do the Big 3, install your system and voltmeter then go from there.
  21. jcarter1885

    Fi SSD 12" vs. AA Chaos 12"

    Flip a coin, that is what it is going to come down to with all this comparison threads.
  22. jcarter1885

    6.5" component systems

    Im gonna be honest with you after these last two months of going out and listening to components your best bet is to go out and listen to some. I found out that each set will perform differently and one may fit your listening needs or sound preferences better than the other ones. Personally I didnt fall in love with any of the Morels (even the high end line) but the only components that I did like where the Hertz Hi-Energy HSK 165XL.4 or Focal 165V1(VB). They fit my listening taste quite well over others that I heard such as Diamond Audio, Morel, CDT, Pioneer or etc. I have not heard them all just thought I would give my .02
  23. jcarter1885

    2 way system question

    Yeah I heard they are replacement from a shop owner who swiched out to them from the Kinetiks, but the only way is to test rather then speculate like most will.
  24. jcarter1885

    MBarber25's Build Log

    Yeah the sun rays in the first picture does help set it off, notice any difference with switching the box around.
  25. jcarter1885

    2 way system question

    Not a problem at all, your gonna have to give me a review on that battery when you get it in and installed since Im curious on how the Shuriken batteries hold up.