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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    Should I get an RF T1 12" for this price?

    You go by the overall ohm load, not what each speakers voice coil rating is. So go by 1 ohm
  2. jcarter1885

    Starting to plan my Sound Stage.

    Not a problem man.
  3. jcarter1885

    carbon mids

    Plenty of reviews on them on the internet and on this forum along, you gotta search to find things.
  4. jcarter1885

    Should I get an RF T1 12" for this price?

    No there really is no happy medium where you can set it without a volt meter unless you got a magic ear, use your ear or keep it all the way down till you can set it right.
  5. jcarter1885

    Starting to plan my Sound Stage.

    check out zaphaudio.com for some reviews and what not on a wide array of speakers if you havent been to the site already.
  6. jcarter1885

    How much are 12" Fi SSDs

    Yeah price may change due to it being redesigned, that is why you cant order them so it just isnt you.
  7. That will usually be determined by how low you have your midbass speakers crossed at or what you like, if you dont have any midbass or they only go down to like 100Hz or so then I will set my low pass filter for my sub at 80Hz. If your midbass go lower or you dont like the sound then go lower but I would never go over 80hz.
  8. Dont touch the bass boost and if you have to or are one of those people who dont see nothing wrong with it then make sure you set your gains with the bass boost taken into account. The subsonic filter should be around 5hz or less then tuning of port if you have a ported enclosure.
  9. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I wanna see, I wanna see
  10. jcarter1885

    XS Power Batteries for my application

    I have a 2003 Saturn Ion with 105 Amp alternator, I want to replace starting battery and add a secondary battery for my setup. I will use a Sundown SAZ-2000D @ 2ohms (1000watts) and 2 Sundown SAX-125.2 (about 500 watts used between the two), my system wont use no more than 1600-1700rms at the most (over estimating it). What two batteries will suit my needs? Thanks, Jay
  11. jcarter1885

    100.4 2ohm stable??

    If you went to Sundown Audio's website then you could see which one has the most flexibility, did you look up any reviews on either amp. Also buy looking at each amps specs it will tell you which one does what power at what ohm load per channel. SAX-100.4 is way more flexible than the SAX-125.2.
  12. Somebody needs to learn about batteries in this thread I see so here's a link to do some reading: XS Power Batteries for my application - SSA Car Audio Forum
  13. They been sold out at Remybattery.com for a few months now.
  14. jcarter1885

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Snow expected some time this week here bummer.
  15. jcarter1885

    Speaker Wire Gauge

    same wire I use and it works well
  16. jcarter1885

    How do you guys crimp larger ring terminals?

    ^^^^^ looking good, I just got finish pulling my 1/0 wire out so I can crimp it and trying to figure out how I want to crimp it. Where did you get the hydraulic crimper from and around how much was it?
  17. jcarter1885

    Sundown customer service 2nd to none!

    x2, I got one of those away from the office messages also yesterday.
  18. jcarter1885

    new from tx

    x2, and welcome
  19. Also not to steer you away from Kinetik talk to Nick at Xs Power Batteries, he will probably have you walking out the door with 2 batteries at the least that will start your car and power your system. Just a FYI and second option. Check out the chart: I Have a XXXXXXX watt sytem. What battery do I need? - SSA Car Audio Forum
  20. If your gonna run 2 HC2000 batteries then place one up front and one in the rear and call it a day, or upgrade your starting battery to the size that fits in the stock location with the HC2000's in the rear if you want to be safe and have overkill on batteries which isnt a bad thing.
  21. I was gonna post that IIRC you had two on the same amps he is using without a HO Alternator but didnt want to put you out there or say some false info.
  22. I dont think you will need 4 of them, that AH is kinda like a myth. I would start off with one to two of them and go from there, it is hard to say at first it depends on your listening habits and such. The best bet is to buy two and see how your voltage holds up and if your dropping and another battery, make sure you get a voltmeter. Just my .02
  23. jcarter1885

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    Is Lowe's that much better than Home Depot? Mac N Cheese if you wan to do my pillars then Ill send them to you.
  24. jcarter1885

    Second Battery Questions

    I wouldnt even buy the solenoid/relay but if you already did then you can use it, I would install everything and put the Shuriken in the front and see how it holds up. If it holds up then your fine until you can get another battery if need be. If the battery doesnt hold up to well then I would keep the gains down or close to off and volume down till you can get a second Shuriken if your so worried about mixing batteries.
  25. jcarter1885

    buy in australia

    I would get in contact with Nick or Scott @ Fi about the shipping to Australia and how much it would be.