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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    Happy Birthday Duran

    Happy B-day, enjoy man and have a good one
  2. jcarter1885

    Fi Q, Fi SSD, FI Bl

    Well 2-12"s or 1-15" ported in its recommended enclosure will be louder than 2-15"s in a smaller than recommended box. First measure your trunk and remember to leave room for amps, batteries and air flow around your box unless your firing subs and port forward (sealing the trunk off from the cabin).
  3. jcarter1885

    Worstenemy Is Here

  4. jcarter1885

    New build log 2 18"s inside

  5. jcarter1885

    Porting a Sealed box (Aero Ports)

    Tell him to port it himself, why cant he port it? They will sound terrible in that box ported and then he probably wont want them, I would just try and talk some sense in to him first and tell him you cant always get what you want. But if you insist on porting there are few sites that will help you and have calculators to help with porting an enclosure, search around this forum and online.
  6. jcarter1885

    Team Decent "Punisher" Build

    Testing is not complete. These things are barely broken in, not to mention run well below rms as it is. I know just messing with you, just know that Im already designing my trunk right now for a pair of 12"s for my SAZ-2000D. Will box size be affected any with speaker change, if not Ill just stick to to 1.9-2.5ft^3. Thanks.
  7. jcarter1885

    Sealed or ported?

    More experience in building boxes and understanding the difference/hearing the difference in sound between a ported and sealed box also.
  8. jcarter1885

    Help choosing sub(s) and amp??

    Since there is no such thing as underpowering a subwoofer then I dont see why it would not be enough power for 2 Icons, plus the amp is heavily underrated. If it comes down to it then flip a coin between the two sub choices but both will work well and sound lovely off that amp.
  9. jcarter1885

    Sealed or ported?

    I'm trying to decide between the SQ sealed and the SQ ported. They list 1.25 cubes for SPL ported, but I don't want to go that big. If your just worried about output then go SQ ported but if not and you like how sealed sounds then stay sealed. The best way to tell is build a box for both, build a ported SQ box for one sub now and compare it to the sealed box you already have made then make a decision. Just my .02
  10. jcarter1885

    Window Tint Picture Thread

    You guys are lucky, cant have that dark tint in Texas (I used to have 5% all around and loved it). Right now I have 25% on the side windows and 5% in the back, I may go and change the sides to 15% sometime this summer.
  11. jcarter1885

    Fully Loaded 15 BL connected to SAZ-1500D

    If you set your gain right and control the voklume knob wisely you will be alright, did you get the sub with bp power?
  12. jcarter1885

    Team Decent "Punisher" Build

    Mark and Aaron, When I can I get pair of twelves, seems like testing is complete with these numbers? on numbers being put up with that setup and power so far.
  13. This makes me not even want to ever build boxes again and just pay you guys to do it
  14. jcarter1885

    Team Decent "Punisher" Build

    Wow, that is some good amount of air being moved . How do you like the performance of them? I hope they go through with this design, would definitely like to try a pair of 12's on the SAZ-2000D.
  15. jcarter1885

    First taste of Sundown Goodness

    Congratz , now lets get the build log going.
  16. jcarter1885

    Couple of questions on wiring.

    Next time use the search feature my friend, plenty of topics on this already. You can use the same size in box and outside of box, 10 gauge or smaller will be fine.
  17. jcarter1885

    I Need A Box For a 15" IA Lethal Injection

    x2, just cause the measuring tape says it will fit does not mean it will fit (luckily I did a mock up or otherwise would of built a box that didnt fit in my trunk).
  18. jcarter1885

    Help choosing sub(s) and amp??

    Already beat you to it .
  19. jcarter1885

    Some help on choosing what enclosure

    x2 or you can use this method also.
  20. jcarter1885

    New From Los Angeles!!!

  21. jcarter1885

    FI BTL 15" On SAZ3000D Final Instal

    x2, especially if your going to have a plexi glass to show off the inside you want it to look nice.
  22. jcarter1885

    Some help on choosing what enclosure

    I dont see why 2200rms isnt enough for BTL's since there recommended 2000rms depending on options chose and box that they are going in (there is no such thing as underpowering a sub if that is another thing your worried about, just build your box where it will use those 2200 watts efficiently). The filters you can do by eye, the gain should be done by a DMM or Max-link.
  23. jcarter1885

    Team Sundown Expedition

    A roll cage bar in an expedition, gotta be a ridiculous build
  24. jcarter1885

    SA-12 Stock Low!

    Yes get to work Jacob, I want a pair of these or some other 12''s (need more to choose from). Congrats on the high sales, keep up the good work and running a excellent business with good business ethics.