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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. What is wrong with running 8 ohm midrange speakers?
  2. jcarter1885

    Enclosure Build for PhishHead (12 Inch IA Lethal Injection)

    Great looking enclosure
  3. jcarter1885

    Lots of 18s

  4. Im pretty sure it wont matter which set of terminals you use since both sets should read the same voltage.
  5. jcarter1885

    New System Electrical upgrade Question

    Thanks for the adivce guys I'll do what you guys said. decided to go with the bl 18" still going with the sae 1200 possibly upgrading to 1500 in future. The SAE-1200 will be enough power for your BL since it is a very underrated amplifier, going from 1200 to 1500 watts is not an upgrade and just a waste of cash but if you have it (those 300 or so watts wont be noticeable to the ear at all).
  6. jcarter1885

    amp trouble with my sae 1200 :-(

    It really sounds like either a wiring issue or an amp issue but Im leaning more towards the amp.
  7. jcarter1885

    Ear vs Oscilloscope

    Read this: Setting amp gains. - SSA Car Audio Forum If you can get it set by an O-Scope and they have one then go for it since that is the best way to set it besides ear and if you arent comfortable setting it by ear then use a DMM.
  8. jcarter1885

    Dan208's "build" log.

    Nice temporary system , as long as your pleased that is all that matters.
  9. jcarter1885

    amp trouble with my sae 1200 :-(

    it's a v1 Supposedly these v1 were having issues, so I would check all my wires and send Jacob and email also ([email protected]).
  10. jcarter1885

    amp trouble with my sae 1200 :-(

    You should do the Big 3 regardless if amp is working or not, need it now and will need it in the future. Sounds like a power problem, grounding problem, ohm load problem or amp problem. Since you said it is wired at 1 ohm it is not a ohm load problem, your battery may be shot if you need to keep recharging it (get your battery checked and alternator as well).
  11. jcarter1885

    Comp. Set Install

    Crossover locations are usually determined after you install them, usually if you pick some now it will change once installed. Nobody can give you a time limit, since it can vary on a number of things: experience, ease or difficulty of what you are doing, if all the tools are there in front of you, how easy or hard it is to navigate through your car. I would say no more than 1-2 hours at the most but it depends if your run into problems and what not.
  12. jcarter1885

    amp trouble with my sae 1200 :-(

    is the amp a v1 or v2 model, did you contact Jacob yet (that would of been my first step)?
  13. ALSO make sure it is on A/C volts not D/C lol i have done that a few times! if it is on D/C and yet set it to say 30volts d/c you are actually seting it lower then when you pop it into a/c you will read like 25volt ac those numbers are just for reference sake! but A/C no D/C Yes make sure you do that, I had somebody trying to set there gains the other day doing the same thing since his DMM didnt label which was which.
  14. jcarter1885

    sa 12s came in

    nice looking equipment buddy
  15. funny storey though every time i set my gains via ear i am always off by a good -5-10volts! kind a odd and it happens like that ALL the time nominally 5-10volts lol! 5-10 volts to low or high?
  16. jcarter1885

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    If he says he wont get them all shipped out by Friday then yes he will start shipping this week (thats a given), if they get there.
  17. jcarter1885

    I still havnt got it...

    Instead of making topics like these that wont help out anything, just email the company and leave it at that. Dont go around making it seem like they are doing you wrong or something along those lines. People are busy and it could be a mistake, so handle it professionally and not on a forum where this wont get anywhere since the people on here most of the time dont work for Fi Car Audio.
  18. If you cant tell signs of stress or distortion in your sub by ear then use a DMM, but if you feel your confident enough to set it by ear then go by ear. Just my .02
  19. jcarter1885

    raising my db's

    Stop yelling, and only tenths. Turn your caps look off when you type a post, type like your writing a real sentence (part of the rules you agreed to when you joined the forum).
  20. jcarter1885

    amp advice

    x2 and please stop making continous topics about the same thing, keep it all in one topic.
  21. jcarter1885

    sa 12s came in

  22. Whichever deck has the features you need and fits your aesthetic preferences, both are good brands for headunits.
  23. jcarter1885

    Comp. Set Install

    I forgot what you can use to waterproof mdf but it is floating on this forum somewhere if you want to use mdf (just make sure you treat it before putting it in your doors).
  24. jcarter1885

    Amp for 18"s

    Make a compromise that is what car audio is all about, do you want 500 extra watts that are going to be audibly noticeable for more money and more wiring/rcas/remote start wire and take up more space. This is really a personal decision to be honest with, I dont see why a 2500 watt amplifier cant push 1000 watt subwoofers (you dont have to send a sub its rms or more than its rms to perform to its capabilities).
  25. jcarter1885

    Comp. Set Install

    If mounting them in the door than I suggest you use the plastic that kitchen cutting boards are made of, using mdf in the doors may be bad if moisture gets in there causing mdf to weaken and expand. I use plastic on my mdf rings, hope this helps.