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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    2 15" IA Lethal Injections

    Thanks and really do appreciate your insight on the topic, may start using nails since in the future. I noticed the time difference when making my last box with screws and one two years ago with nails.
  2. Glad I could help, what did you decide to go with?
  3. jcarter1885

    2 15" IA Lethal Injections

    Do you usually go with screws when you install enclosures or do you usually use nails and why? Which do you prefer and why? Thanks.
  4. jcarter1885

    camaro charging system

    Well as far as HO Alternators try these companies: Mechman, Iraggi, DC Power (there are some more just cant think of any off the top of my head). * Look for topics and search here for Alternator company names: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/Amplifiers-Head-Units-f6.html As far as batteries goes look at these companies: XS Power, Kinetik, Stinger, Deka, Odessey, etc. *For starters I would go with these batteries and here is a chart to help you out some: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/I-Have-XXXXXXX-watt-sytem-t35690.html
  5. ^^^^Exactly what I said, what is important to you will determine what amp is better for you.
  6. Your first step would be to install both batteries and get a voltmeter asap to watch your voltage, this will be the only way to tell if more power is needed in you setup to keep the voltage where it needs to be. I dont see why what you have is not enough, I think you should be fine especially with the way you say your listening habits are. If you are that much concerned about your factory alt having a charging probelm, invest in a battery charger and charge your battery from time to time (this will be way cheaper then a HO Alternator if you dont need it). Hope this helps.
  7. To me it will come down to personal preference, if you feel that is important to you then go for it and if not then go with the MB Quart. I could of choose a Audioque AQ2200D, Hifonics BXI2610, Rockford Fosgate BD2000.1 but I choose the Sundown SAZ-2000D for those reasons and have not looked back. One thing I always go buy is cheaper is not always better, I even heard that from an Image Dynamics Tech when I was asking about the MB Quart DSC4125 vs. Sundown SAX-100.4 today. I understand that you want to save money if you can, both will put out 2000 rms and play a sub quite well. If your interested in saving money then go for the MB Quart and if you interested in getting the best with your given budget then go with Sundown.
  8. What did the Kinetik Calculator on there site say you would need for your audio setup? I dont see why those two batteries wouldnt suffice in your application, the best thing to do is install them with your system and a volt meter. Then watch your voltage, if you have voltage drop then it isnt enough and if you dont have voltage drop your good. Will there be any more amps in the system?
  9. jcarter1885

    What amp???

    x2...and id go with sundown bc from what i've heard over on smd, the fosgate amps are very inefficent. x3, I definitely agree with you on that one.
  10. jcarter1885

    camaro charging system

    Are you going for a new starting battery, a new stock alternator or do you want to upgrade to an HO Alternator? We need way more information buddy so please provide that and somebody will be able to help you out.
  11. jcarter1885

    Bromos Build Log

    Now that is what I call changing the trend, when did companies start doing this or is Zed Audio one of the first?
  12. jcarter1885

    SSD or Q 10's

    Yeah the SSD's will work in that enclosure: SSD Enclosure Recommendations - SSA Car Audio Forum Im in the Arlington area by the stadiums.
  13. jcarter1885

    Q and SSD questions, for mustang

    I would let someone else answer that question, usually more cone area wins but ported usually has more output than sealed. What type of music do you listen to?
  14. jcarter1885

    Bromos Build Log

    x2, I damn sure want one for my next front stage install.
  15. jcarter1885

    OldSkool_08's Incriminator and Sundown build.

    What will it consist of?
  16. jcarter1885

    Problem, need help

    What do the instructions say, usually when it comes to glue or any adhesive I usually wait 24 hours just to be safe.
  17. jcarter1885

    Q and SSD questions, for mustang

    If your going to compare the 12" ported to a 12" sealed to a 10" ported I would go with the 12" ported.
  18. jcarter1885

    SSD or Q 10's

    and I see your from my area, if you need any assistance or help when a shop seems like they are BS'ing you just get in touch with me.
  19. jcarter1885

    Q and SSD questions, for mustang

    A sub sounding good will come down to enclosure and install, if both of those suck then so will how it sounds. The enclosure will determine the low end as well, but yes the SSD will do both well in its recommended enclosures.
  20. jcarter1885

    Q and SSD questions, for mustang

    The SSD will work fine with BP Power and that amplifier, if your not after an SQ install then dont go the Q route.
  21. jcarter1885

    Is This Normal?

    Never ran into a problem like this, maybe you need to start praising the car audio gods. Good luck with getting things handled and future car audio purchases.
  22. The same reason as to why there is damaged equipment all around the around, the end consumer is stupid.
  23. jcarter1885

    Ported Enclosure for 2 Sundown SA-12's

    Thanks man! how much power u feeding them? A little over 1500 watts since he has his SAZ-1500D wired to .66 ohms
  24. jcarter1885

    Cablguy184's 97 Chevy Silverado

    Im tuned in