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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    Running .67

    Im guessing your gonna wanna run the SAZ-2000D @ 0.67 ohms when you get it, since it is discontinued just get the SAZ-2500D and run it to 1 ohm (thats what I mean by getting an amp with more power so you can run it where it can run comfortably).
  2. jcarter1885


    Sounds like the resistance of the coils, I bet you have d2 ohm voice coils. For subwoofer wiring diagram: Subwoofer Wiring Diagrams thanks for ur input. can u wire speakers up and down ohms if there 2ohm speakers? like can u wire 2 ohm speakers to 1ohm with out hurting the speakers? Go to the website I gave you earlier and play with the subwoofer wiring diagram.
  3. jcarter1885

    Hi there!

    nice system, what size enclosure and tuning frequency if ported?
  4. jcarter1885

    12" Loaded BTL amp question.

    Not a problem, any other questions feel free to ask. Also what does your electrical look like? You should invest in if you havent already : a second battery, do the Big 3, a voltmeter to watch your voltage.
  5. jcarter1885

    12" Loaded BTL amp question.

    Yeah get a D2 ohm sub and wire how the picture shows you above, get an amp with a 1 ohm load. Go out and measure your trunk and give us the max dimensions (height x width x depth) for an enclosure, making sure to leave room for: amps, extra battery and air flow around box. This will determine what size box you can go with.
  6. jcarter1885

    12" Loaded BTL amp question.

    Get a D2 ohm subwoofer so you can wire it a 1 ohm final load: That amp will be fine, just set the gains right and no clipping. What size box you plan on doing with this subwoofer, this will also determine the power you can use with it. If you want to consider another amp, what is your budget?
  7. jcarter1885

    Enough power supply?

    Really bad idea to give advice like that. What happens if you have to drive the amplifier into a square wave to get that voltage out of it?...then it isn't 600 watts at that point... Ohms law will get you in trouble if you use it like that, you completely disregard what kind of voltage you are getting out of your head unit which is what the entire point of matching the gain with. Not a "wattage" setting out of the amplifier into a DVOM that is not an oscilloscope...so you don't know if you are square waving it or not..if you clip it..it will burn. So if that is wrong, then this should not be stickied on this forum and everybody following it is messing up there equipment? If so then can you enlighten me on how to set your gain on your amplifier if you have an amp with headroom. Thanks for the clarification: How To: Set your Amplifier Gain - SSA Car Audio Forum I believe using an O-scope or your ear(well trained ear) are still the best methods of setting your gain but you cant expect everyone to buy an O-scope just for that matter. Plus some people cant tell by ear if there gains are set wrong so that could be either a win/lose situation or lose/lose situation.
  8. Your absolutely right but no sense in cluttering up a thread when you could easily put 1 and 2 together and search to find out, I got enough information to find out the answers so all in all it just took a little extra effort.
  9. jcarter1885

    amp trouble with my sae 1200 :-(

    Yeah $90 is not that bad for an amp to get fixed considering db-r.com fixes all the parts that are messed up and the ones that arent so they all come from the same batch and have the same amount of wear and tear on them. Good luck with amp
  10. if thats the rms rating then ya thats fine but he didnt specify on the original watts. he was just saying 1400 and 1600.. I actually stated the rms of each amp in my second post of this thread, none of you guys wanted to read or you could of just easily searched for the amps and there wattage like I did. OP next time take the time to find all the information so you can get a better answer, but the numbers I gave you were the rms of each amp.
  11. jcarter1885

    4k rms for 18 btl daily

    If you want to use a boat load of power, then your enclosure should be on the small side of the recommendation.
  12. jcarter1885

    SSD or Q 10's

    Not a problem, switch the initials around (JC).
  13. jcarter1885

    2 15" IA Lethal Injections

    Great looking enclosure, keep up the good work.
  14. The Infinity amp is 800rms x 1 @ 2 ohms, the Almani amp is 750rms x 1 @ 1 ohms and the Kendwood amp is 800rms.
  15. Check your grounds and made sure it is a good ground with paint shaved off under the terminal. Make sure your setting your gains right, no bass boost on amp or head unit. Correct way to set your gains without O-Scope and not confident using your ears: How To: Set your Amplifier Gain - SSA Car Audio Forum
  16. One D3400 would be enough for you ride and save you some money in the long, used a starting battery it has enough power for up to 2500 watts (your best bet is to talk to Nathan @ XS Power). What size is your stock battery location?
  17. jcarter1885

    Worst Movie You've Ever Seen

    That's because the title of the movie is Worst Movie You've Ever Seen. You're the only fairy here who has seen the movie. Since I have a penis, when my wife and daughter watch it I go do something else....
  18. jcarter1885

    0 gauge wire

    How much do you need and what is your budget, check out some of the sale adds in the for sale section (some people have been selling it lately).
  19. jcarter1885

    Cablguy184's 97 Chevy Silverado

    x2, I definitely learned enough today to want to have some fun with my front stage.
  20. what are the specs on the kenwood cause those kickers are only 400 rms maxx Look at my previous post, I already answered what it could do.
  21. jcarter1885

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    What other things do you plan on doing, have you listened to the sub yet?
  22. jcarter1885

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    :fing34:, everytime I see your build it encourages me to go out and do something on my car. I like the before and after pictures, rather impressive upgrade.
  23. jcarter1885


    Sounds like the resistance of the coils, I bet you have d2 ohm voice coils. For subwoofer wiring diagram: Subwoofer Wiring Diagrams
  24. jcarter1885

    SSD or Q 10's

    Go to www.the12volt.com and click on the subwoofer wiring diagram if you want to play with ohm loads of different voice coil Yes you can:
  25. jcarter1885

    Fi Q (Size?) vs Type R for = output

    If your worried about ouptut in a SQ setup then your not going for a SQ setup, you should be worried about your front stage first and then a sub.