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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    sundown z15v1

    Sweet looking box man
  2. jcarter1885

    mounting amp on enclosure

    I understand and agree with you to a certain extent, like I said it comes down to: personal preference, space available, compromise, amp quality and the installation itself. He wasnt convincing him, rather just giving his .02 like you did and everyone else. OP, dont forget pictures with a build log once you start installing and good luck
  3. jcarter1885

    Enclosure design Help please.

    Hey JR, pm this guy he can help you out on a solid design: BKOLFO4 - Viewing Profile
  4. jcarter1885

    DC XL or IA DP

    I didnt notice that, wonder why?
  5. jcarter1885

    Jersey Fresh!

  6. I would try an add another ground wire, when I had more runs of ground wire (bigger ground wire then my power wires) it helped avoid idle droppage in my vehicle and if it did drop maybe .1volt. Hows everything coming along?
  7. jcarter1885

    mounting amp on enclosure

    I've had my amps mounted to my enclosure for YEARS. There is NOTHING wrong with doing this. Please dont give advice that could potentially ruins someone's equipment. Just because for some miracle you never had a problem doesnt mean that someone else will. It all depends on the amp build quality. There is no problem mounting an amp to an enclosure especially if you have a well built enclosure that doesnt flex, its not wrong information he posted just how he posted it. Ive never had a problem and others have not as well, it comes down to whether or not it is a good installation. If your wanting to be cautious then that is another story but dont turn this into another one of car audio's myths'. In the past I have ran plenty of amps on plenty of enclosures with no problems, to me its a personal preference. If you have to room to mount it to something else then I would do that but if room is lacking then mount it to enclosure (if you weary about it then take steps to protect the amplifier).
  8. jcarter1885

    First Bit of Testing... 32x SA-12s

    Beast Mode with the SA-12's, seems like yall had fun at SBN.
  9. jcarter1885

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    Well get out there and start installing now and do your tuning tomorrow. Usually I install at night and tune during the day depending on how much work must be down. Good luck and cant wait for the pictures.
  10. jcarter1885

    Mac N Cheese's build log

  11. Way to go for your first post buddy
  12. jcarter1885

    Fi Bl 15"

    I would try fixing the current box problem before buying an all new setup.
  13. Sorry to hear that man.
  14. jcarter1885

    Bromos Build Log

    Well thanks for the information, considering I will probably mounting it to the seat I will use the tabs unless I make an amp rack (ideas, ideas, ideas). I will either get this amp or there 4 channel amp coming out later on this year.
  15. jcarter1885

    Cablguy184's 97 Chevy Silverado

    The reason why the db reading is so high, he said they put the sensor in the box.
  16. jcarter1885

    Bromos Build Log

    I am looking at the Zed Audio Leviathan and curious on how do you mount this puppy, any insight would be great since I dont see mounting holes in any picture? Thanks again
  17. jcarter1885

    New Hyundai Demo SUV Enclosure by PTS

    ^^^ sounds like a good plan and the same reason why I got rid of my 3-12"s (weight being the only issue).
  18. jcarter1885

    Ryan J's build log

    I want to do my whole car since it is loud as balls with exterior noise, I was only going to do my floors but I may need more. Thanks for the heads up and tuned in for the comparison.
  19. jcarter1885

    Battery Wiring

    It depends on the wire;s amperage capacity, depends on what that Autotek will pull but I would do 2 positive runs of 1/0 power wire if you can.
  20. jcarter1885

    New from Nor*Cal

  21. jcarter1885

    Ryan J's build log

    Damn you did the whole vehicle in ccf and mlv, I know that it is going to sound awesome in there (no road noise what so ever, giving me some ideas). I like the pond as well, looks nice.
  22. jcarter1885

    2 15" IA Lethal Injections

    lol, I tried to show it but his whole rear bumper and everything moves. The trunk latch is attached to the area where is tail lights are and they flex in and out too - definitely going to take something more than a layer or two of deadener. He's using the AP 1500d, which honestly didn't impress me near as much as the subs did. Just running with the volume very low (we were talking) it became hot. Once it heated up it just stayed at that temperature- I guess it wasn't cook-an-egg hot, but it was much warmer than I'd expect an amp with no issues to be. It worked fine, but I hope he gets a bigger amp soon because these subs would eat it up imo. Yeah I always been weary of AudioPipe amps myself, looking good so far
  23. jcarter1885

    Electrical Help!!!

    Honestly Im not keen on this area but if someone would let s know it will clear things in the air, lately I have been getting harassed by the competition bug so I would like to know as well. Sorry for getting your topic out of hand OP.
  24. jcarter1885

    Hondakilla98's build log

  25. jcarter1885

    Electrical Help!!!

    Well more batteries would always be better, not just cause of AH but for the simple fact now you have more power to make power. Im not a battery expert just passing along what was told to me thats all, maybe someone with better battery knowledge could chime in.