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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    Power Question.

    With 600 watts you should be fine and really nothing to worry about, just dont jam at idle and if you notice some dimming then turn it down some. Installing a volt meter will always be your best friend when it comes to monitoring your voltage and the only way to know if your truly safe or not.
  2. They are amps that will provide your subs with some bass, if they fit your budget and power needs then yes they would be good for your application.
  3. jcarter1885

    Any idea what the problem could be?

    I had that problem before with a knob and therefor just didnt use it at all, and dont use them nowadays since I dont really need them.
  4. jcarter1885

    spl15 box size???

    Here is the only box size recommendation I seen him make in his topics: SPL-15s, recommend enclosure? - SSA Car Audio Forum
  5. jcarter1885

    New From Florida

  6. jcarter1885

    Wire Help

    Yeah a 150A fuse will be find, music is dynamic so you wont see 1600 watts anyway.
  7. jcarter1885

    Wire Help

    1/0 AWG is 0 gauge
  8. jcarter1885

    woohoo xcon on its way!!

    , never tired of seeing pictures.
  9. jcarter1885

    BIG BASS BLAZER build log

    sounds nice
  10. jcarter1885

    BIG BASS BLAZER build log

  11. jcarter1885

    Ryan J's build log

    Im liking the progress
  12. jcarter1885

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    Yeah usually a fuse is for a wires protection and to protect anything on its path if something were to happen.
  13. jcarter1885

    XS Power Battery Group Buy

  14. jcarter1885

    Getting Antsy.

    x2, Pictures =
  15. jcarter1885


  16. jcarter1885

    Fi Bl 15"

    More than likely one of those CVR's in a ported enclosure will be louder than those two in a sealed enclosure or right around the same ouput. If you can post both of those CVR's but if not then yeah the BL would do the job too.
  17. jcarter1885

    Break In Period On FI BTL 12?

    Really is no such thing as break in, the subs suspension is stiff and will loosen it up the more you play it. The harder you play it the quicker the suspension loosens up, a lot of people play them how they would if they were a year old when they first get them.
  18. The phase is relative to your system and how it interacts with the other speakes and environment, so play around with it but most do leave it at Zero.
  19. Im have not use the couplers and would rather buy some new wire when it comes to power or ground wire that is the actually size I need to avoid any mishaps. Will they work, yes since they are selling but I wouldnt use them (just a personal preference). Now if it was speaker wire then I wouldnt mind, I just dont take chances when it comes to ground and power wire.
  20. jcarter1885

    Hey From Miami Fla

  21. jcarter1885

    Hello from Ohio

  22. jcarter1885

    Custom door panels for my GMC Sonoma!

    They have shallow components nowadays, check those out if you feel 4 sets are necessary. If you really want a wow factor and want to be loud then go for horns, I used to be wowed by a lot of speakers but when you can shut down a car with 8-15 interior speakers and you only have four (feels damn good and is an even better wow factor).
  23. jcarter1885

    My Order? Ordered on March 4 & Havent heard nothing since?

    Good luck and dont forget to take some pictures during and after the install
  24. jcarter1885

    Custom door panels for my GMC Sonoma!

    Why do you want to do 4 sets of components just in your doors?
  25. jcarter1885

    For 400 bucks what would you do?

    That is a hard one right there but it seems like your worried about output so I would lean towards the 2-12" SA-12's. The Xcon isnt a driver to pass up on neither, why not look at a 15" Xcon instead of a 12"?