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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    4 Sundown Nightshade V.2's on 8000 watts

    He was asked at what frequency was the score... That's right, burp at 47hz, box is tuned to about 37hz......or was when I had the Zv.1's in there. I haven't done any box mods since I got the NSv.2's, besides building some motor structure supports for them....need to re-sweep and see if my frequency has changed, I'm sure it has. My new problem is keeping the detachable face on the headunit attached....damn thing keeps disconnecting itself on certain notes!
  2. jcarter1885

    Think these will smoke?

    Yeah they will and no they wont. If it is for more output when daily driving then I wouldnt do it, I hate having to be overly cautious with my system if I dont have to thats why I keep the power levels respectable. But if your worried about output when your competing then go for it in my eyes. Hope that helps.
  3. jcarter1885

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    Are there any 2 channel amps that will be sold as well or are all 4 channel amps? Thanks
  4. jcarter1885

    How Do You Listen To Your Music?

    Yeah there is a big difference in sound between burnt cds and store bought original cds (thats why I keep a couple of store bought ones in the car). Im usually a cd and flash drive kinda guy, I use my mp3 only for working out or leisure activities. Clarion CZ100 at the moment
  5. jcarter1885

    Warranty for SSD?

  6. jcarter1885

    SPL vs SQ

    It is true if the car is dedicated to be a strictly SPL setup, as most are tuned rather high to be around the car's peak frequency repsonse. The higher the tuning the louder the db's the car should produce and be more of a burp car than a musical car. Some people do have SPL vehicles that can do well on music but they are not tuned that high, they usually have more cone area and power to help achieve those same high db numbers but usually these are more musical. Honestly it depends on the goals and if you have a car built truly for SPL or you just want an Ultimate Ground Pounder. Hope that helps P.S. SQ systems are designed strictly for music usually, to have the best reproduction of the recorded material as if you were at a concert or in the recording studio itself. These cars are never worried about how loud they get but rather how good they sound, output in terms of db's is not a concern as it is in SPL. SQ can be subjective because what sounds good to some doesnt to others and so-on.
  7. jcarter1885

    Sub woofer cone area chart

    Yeah. But Motor Force is another factor Along with others.... x2, usually if the subs are in the same line-up then yes it will move more air and be louder. Such as if you were comparing a 15" Fi Q to 2-12" Fi Q's then yes more cone area wins.
  8. jcarter1885

    BanginGMC's Build Log | The Rebuild

    Doing anything different with the new components or using what you made for the Alpines? Good luck man
  9. Just set your gains correctly and dont turn your head unit volume past 75% and you will be fine, music is dynamic so your amp wont be putting out 1200 watts all the time. If it doesnt sound right or sub smells stinky then turn volume down or gain down or sub sonic filter up depending on the reason.
  10. Yeah leave the bass boost at 0/all the way off, the phase wont hurt your subwoofer at all so you can mess with it to see where it blends in with your front stage. If not then you can leave it at 0 as few people do not mess with it either.
  11. jcarter1885

    Nightshade v.2 SOLD OUT

    Getting big business again, keep up the good work man.
  12. jcarter1885

    curved when i was trying to cut....

    Type a perfect sentence and use grammar please so it is easy to understand what your saying, this is not a text message. Depending on how much of a curve you did will depend on if the wood can be used or not, you may still be able to use it just put extra glue and silicone in that area. But it really depends where the curve is, how bad the curve is and if you can still attach the box together without loosing support in that area. When you get a picture of the baffle that you cut, then post it so we can help you better.
  13. jcarter1885

    jay-cee's Build Log

    I will definitely give you a mini-review J-Road as soon as the Selenium's get here. I will keep this build log going with the updates till I get the Lincoln up and running ready for install. On Friday I will be ordering a 15" D2 2010 SSA Icon with the Copper Coil, its time to give a SSA subwoofer a try. Once I get the SSA Icon installed I will be selling the Sundown Z-v.1 15"(dual 4 ohm) so anybody interested keep your eyes open for a for sale thread or pm me if interested.
  14. jcarter1885

    2010 ICONs now available! Free Shipping!

    Ordering a 15" D2 Copper Coil on Friday, cant wait.
  15. jcarter1885

    Bringing back my Pontiac G6 build log.

    Nice looking subwoofer, anyother information on it besides rms rating? Is it a line you guys are running or just a dustcap you put on? Keep up the work.
  16. jcarter1885

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    I dig the seat covers bro
  17. jcarter1885

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    Im jealous bro, looks sick and loud. Hopefully one day I can hear this bish, I spy a Crunch Ground Pounder 3000
  18. jcarter1885

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    Time to change sig man, that car is fresh.
  19. jcarter1885

    Warranty for SSD?

    Get a DMM and measure the coils, are you sure its the sub and not the amp/wiring/fuses?
  20. jcarter1885

    Warranty for SSD?

    Besides just getting it fixed you need to see what caused the sub to fail in the first place before it happens all over again after getting a recone.
  21. jcarter1885

    jay-cee's Build Log

    Getting a 1982 Lincoln Towncar to start my new build in so say good bye to this build log. More room for more options I cant wait to go measure the trunk and take pictures of the car for you guys as well, its has candy paint on it already. Im buying it from my brother's wife, im too excited. Im thinking 2-15''s right about now, cant wait. The only update I do have to my current equipment is the Boss Audio REV-665 amp that is on its way and I just bought some Selenium ST200 Super Tweeters which are gonna replace the Crescendo XST2 Super Tweeters.
  22. jcarter1885

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    No problem at all as long as there shipped Im cool
  23. I personally would not use either but that is up to you, mostly a personal preference if you ask me. If you dont see the need for it then I would get rid of the one in the way of your rca's on the way to the amp and use the one on the amp if you want to use at least one of them. If there bass boost knobs then i wouldnt use either but that is just me, I would only use them or one of them if they remote gain knobs only.