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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    Blues Production Sub's. . . . . . . Remember

    I'm all for trying out and judging the sound but if parameters / measurements show the product can't work in my install, why bother spending money and time on it ? Because there Blues Car Audio Drivers, they are winning all the competitions just ask the people running them on this site. I would get some just to have some trophies in my room, fa sho
  2. jcarter1885

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    After all these impatient days, man show us some pictures.
  3. jcarter1885

    Totaled my 2008 Grand Marquis LS

    No some of us dont as you can see in this thread
  4. jcarter1885

    Component Set Opinions

    Dude go pull your doors off and measure your speakers with a tape measure.
  5. jcarter1885

    Totaled my 2008 Grand Marquis LS

    Nobody said you were doing crazy things, just dont play the blame game. Even if you cant blame yourself for something directly, you gotta look at the situation indirectly thats all. Its life, its fair just a lot of speed bumps on the way (some we can control and others that we have no control over).
  6. jcarter1885

    Audioque AQ 1200D Amp

    Nobody said you were but nice guilty conscience. If you do decide to run another amp like you have then you will need to get 2 D2 subwoofers so you can end up with a 2 ohm load. I dont think you will have a problem with those amps but if you want to upgrade for personal preference then that is not a problem as well. If you do go one amp then you will need to get 2 D1 subwoofers so you can end up with a 1 ohm load. With an upgraded battery, alternator and 2 awg wire for your big 3 you may be fine with an amplifier upgrade but that will be hard to say without any specific information on the upgrades. Get a voltmeter so you can watch your voltage and install the equipment when it gets there, if you have bad voltage drop then your current electrical upgrades are sufficient. As far as amps go then I would stick within the 1500-2000 range depending on your experience with headroom and amp settings. If you dont feel comfortable with a amp that has some headroom power then an amp around 1500 rms or more will be fine for those subwoofers.
  7. jcarter1885

    Totaled my 2008 Grand Marquis LS

    Well said
  8. jcarter1885

    Audioque AQ 1200D Amp

    Instead of just throwing Sundown amps out there, what is your budget? Do you want to do any electrical upgrades, if so what is your budget for that as well? This will determine what amp you really should get for your application.
  9. jcarter1885

    Totaled my 2008 Grand Marquis LS

    Bro I live in DFW area, we see ice all the time especially when the weather drops (forget what state your in, if there is water on the ground and it sits with temperautes below 40 degress then it will freeze more than likely). That is pure common sense, in Texas we have to worry about Black Ice more than the Ice you can see so yeah it can be hard to see but if you know its cold out that night thats a given. I dont expect to see a sign or warning to let me know it is cold outside and the streets may possibly be frozen over with ice. If this were to be a real case then a number of people could file for the same thing, apartment complexes arent gonna change there timers for one night of freezing weather when there wasnt a freeze advisory put in warning. If you do take this to court just like another incident that happens on apartment property they will tell you to move in to a single family dwelling (house) to avoid things like this. Staying in an apartment you forfeit a lot of rights you think you have or what is ethical or not ethical, so remember that. Arguing with a apartment complex will leave you with a headache and wasted time, trust me been there. I understand your upset and without a car (im in the same boat and feel your pain) but sometimes its nobody's fault.
  10. jcarter1885

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    Well until you take measurements for someone to provide a design for you, we cant help you with an enclosure.
  11. jcarter1885

    15 btl help please

    :suicide-santa: We are trying to help you go back and read my last post before posting again or this thread will get closed down and you will loose your posting privileges until rules are followed. Im trying to help you get your topic situated before a moderator see's it.
  12. jcarter1885

    Totaled my 2008 Grand Marquis LS

    The thing is, according to SAWS (our local water company) it is illegal for you to drain water into the streets. Especially at the amount they were draining. The reason I know this for a 100% fact is that my dad was fined several months ago for letting water run into the street. Weather predicted no rain, and freezing conditions. Yet, their sprinkler system was still engaged causing a sheet of ice to form. I understand it is on a timer and my point is it was negligent for them to not check weather and disable the system. That is their responsibility, not mine. There are also NO posted signs indicated that water and ice may be on the road. Had their sprinkler system not been engaged during freezing conditions, none of this would have happened. 9 times out of 10 that applies to houses and not apartments. No offense but I personally dont see you having a case and I dont think that will matter about the sprinklers being on. Hopefully they can work with you for something and you can get this situated. Water and Ice on the Road signs usually are only put on bridges or overpasses, you rarely see them in the street unless it is in an area prone to freezing. They cant go out and put a sign up before it freezes in/on every street. You gotta take caution and know any wet ground at a certain temperature will cause the water to freeze over and cause ice.
  13. jcarter1885

    15 btl help please

    Use punctuation to make it easier to read, run on sentences dont make sense just to let you know. If you truely want some help then help us help you, please read these rules before posting again:
  14. jcarter1885

    15 btl help please

    No post with some sense and type correctly since it is part of the rules. If you would of said loud, very loud from go even thought that is not a good description then you wouldnt of received the response you did. Your system is for your enjoyment only and not everyone else's, so being heard from blocks away is not a good thing and we dont condone that here. Why do people try to buy systems louder than there friends, buy what you want and what works for you. If we suggest you something and his is louder then what? Do you know what he is putting up on a term-lab or anything? Do more research on car audio period before just dumping out some money on a pointless goal.
  15. jcarter1885

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    Get a D2 subwoofer since you said your current amplifier is a 2 channel amp. Wire the sub to 4 ohms like the picture below: Most 2 channel amplifiers are only bridgeable down to 4 ohms.
  16. jcarter1885

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    I wouldnt put SSD's in an enclosure tuned to 41hz thats not a good recommendation for music, but to each its own. Unless your trying to set your enclosure a few hertz lower than your car's peak frequency for competitions. Get a box built for the sub or make one yourself, that will be your best option to get your sub to perform well and they way you like it.
  17. jcarter1885

    15 btl help please

    It will be hard to tell since the BTL n2 is not out yet, subs cant be compared since there are made for different goals and applications. If you want to compare subs then buy both of them and then come back to give us a review on which you like better.
  18. jcarter1885

    DC Level 5 15"

    Ok just making sure, now that we now your wired to 1 ohm and your sub is reading right we need to see why you think it is being underpowered.
  19. jcarter1885

    DC Level 5 15"

    You have had this sub for awhile now, hopefully you didnt mess something up. When you measured the voice coils did you still have the speaker wire in the terminals. If it is D2 ohm take the sub out of the box and make sure it is wired to one ohm like so: . Step1: Make sure you probes are reading accurate and touch the positive to the negative and see what it reads on the screen. Step2: Then place the positive probe on the positive terminal on the sub and do the same for the negative probe on the negative terminal on the sub. Step3: Read what your voltmeter says on the screen and subtract what you got from step 1 with this number and that is what your voice coils are reading. You should be reading below 2 ohms per set of voice coils if you have a D2 subwoofer. If the sub sounds half powered it could be a combination of a lot of things. First your car and whoever else car you heard are different, sub setups are different, enclosure sizes are different,tuning frequency are different, electrical setups are different and more than likely amps are different. So saying you heard another sub and it sounds underpowered doesnt give us good information to help you out. Why do you think it is underpowered? You sure your electrical is up to par when playing at full tilt? Are your settings on your amplifier set correctly?
  20. jcarter1885

    Head Unit Recs

    x2, I love Kenwood's but the one thing I disliked about my last one was something small but it got to me. No button on the remote to turn the unit on/off, nothing major.
  21. jcarter1885

    My Audio Journey haha **Pics**

    x2, nice build but I would turn it around if your gonna seal the trunk from the cabin.
  22. jcarter1885

    Us amps 2000x?

    Haha full of fail, dont come on here asking for advice or help, then when people give you some you want to argue with them. The amp didnt blow the subs, the user did especially if they are so called rated at 4000+ watts in the right box.
  23. jcarter1885

    Mounting amp on box

    I never had a problem with mounting my amps to my enclosures, I use a piece of wood and padding between the amp and box as well like stated above.
  24. jcarter1885

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Back at you man, enjoy it.
  25. jcarter1885

    Daily System Power

    Psychoacoustics is all it is, do you have a tl or something that measures the difference besides your ears? If not than that statement you made is an opinion , nothing can beat what the law of physics states especially not human ears. i do not agree with you. So you can tell the difference in a 1000 watt amp (Cadence TXA1000D) vs a 1200 watt amp(Sundown SAE-1200D) like he stated above, now that is very hard to believe.