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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    New ride!

    Usually when people say tweeters are bright then they are harsh to the ear. I didnt have an issue when I auditioned some, just depends on personal preference. Some people like louder high end frequency then others while some like them to blend in seamlessly. I would go find audio shops that carry the Focal and Morel sets to see what you prefer. I been hearing good things about the B2 set as well. My current SB Acoustic tweeter may be harsh or too bright to some with their higher sensitivity compared to my mids. But since Im running active I can tame them down if need be.
  2. jcarter1885

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    Looks like Ill be busy this weekend
  3. jcarter1885

    In search of this retaining clip - w/ picture

    The junkyard from another Ford if possible.
  4. jcarter1885


    glad to have you here man
  5. jcarter1885

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    Thanks Aaron
  6. jcarter1885

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    I used my mom's place to do the install instead of mine, here's a couple before pictures that she took for me. That DSP and SSA Amp is one of my favorite pictures, they looks so good together.
  7. jcarter1885

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    Amp mounted to the box using neoprene vibration pads between amp and amp board. Also have some washer style vibration feet between the amp board and sub enclosure.
  8. jcarter1885

    Hello everyone

  9. jcarter1885

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    Thanks Aaron, some of the pictures makes it look more cluttered than in person. Thats one of the main reasons why I choose the SSA IC amp, because it allowed me to fully use my 60 fold seat in case I want to upgrade and add another amp to my 40 fold seat in the future. Its been a long time coming but this year has been dedicated to getting the car together, maintenance and system wise.
  10. jcarter1885

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    Volt meter installed from Amazon, way better cosmetically and performance wise than the Down4Sound one I had before. I will get some night shots of it later, I know its not centered but it will do.
  11. jcarter1885

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    I didnt like how tough it was to plug in the older Kicker RCAs coming from the Pioneer Radio to the Dayton DSP so I bought some matching NVX one's..
  12. jcarter1885

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    I had some old Kicker RCAs that I paid a chunk of change for almost 10 years ago, that came with braided a outer cover. Coudnt find matching Kicker RCAs but found some very similar NVX RCAs that were shorter than the Stinger RCAs going from the Dayton DSP to SSA amp. Removed the wire tie downs that I had holding the Stingers and then put the NVX RCAs in there place. Looks much cleaner. And go figure the NVX 6ft. RCA for my sub duty are sold out everywhere so that's why that random Knukonceptz RCA is in the picture for now. But it still looks better in my opinion than before with the Stinger RCAs.
  13. jcarter1885

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    Got a brand new DSP in from Dayton, didnt have any noise issues before but had some with the new unit. Removed all my grounds from my metra radio wiring harness and it stopped all my interference. Reinstalled everything and decided I wanted to upgrade my RCAs to avoid any issues in the future and also didnt like the look of the Stinger RCAs by the Dayton going into the SSA amp as you can see below.
  14. jcarter1885

    US Acoustics Sale?

    You'll love the Mike amp man, I just sold mine in February to upgrade to more power.
  15. jcarter1885

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    Need a secondary battery to get the full setup playing but currently having issues with my Dayton DSP. Waiting to hear back from them, in the mean time Im looking into new processors at the moment.
  16. jcarter1885

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    Crossfire mids are installed
  17. jcarter1885

    sup .....

  18. jcarter1885

    Pipo Sanchez 162db windshield shattering demo

    Thats dope bro, its been a minute man
  19. jcarter1885

    2013 Chrysler 300 4 18s Walled

    tuned in bro
  20. jcarter1885

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    Mounting pads for my sub amplifier. Board will be attached to the enclosure, with dampening pads between amp and board, also rubber washers between board and enclosure. In the picture below you see two washers stacked on board, I actually used a single stack and spaced them out evenly.
  21. jcarter1885

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    Just need a secondary battery and this SP4 will finally be playing. Its been a while since I had some bass.
  22. jcarter1885

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    My new baby.
  23. jcarter1885

    Noob help for Corvette owner

    and this is what we are here for. I cant tell where your gain is set from here. Never used a JL amp before, should the crossover settings be either on 12 or 24db setting?
  24. jcarter1885

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    I was wondering why I couldnt get my SSA Evil 6.5"s to sound good no matter how much I tuned them with my Dayton DSP. Turns out they were damaged from me stressing them with the factory amp, considering it was crossovered low and I couldn't change. Swapped them out for Silverfutes and love the output and midbass from these guys, just needed something to hold me over till I got my sub up and running. As well as do some tuning and learning, I wont be mad if the Flutes get damaged in the process over more expensive speakers. When my sub amp gets here these little puppies will hold me over till I fiberglass my doors with some 8s in the future. Alarm, ho alt and other stuff is more important than my doors right now.
  25. jcarter1885

    Multiple coaxial's in doors?

    There are people who do it but there are also better ways to achieve better sound. I think in general coaxials arent as popular anymore due to more common knowledge, more offerings of stand alone mids or tweets and the emergence of pro audio. Just my .02